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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Hey!!! Don't listen to him Minireef, he is just trying to pull my leg (coz I dislike him) But both Jacobus and Colinsoon have some important pointers there... dun waste too much money at this stage and avoid those very expensive fishes. However, there are reasons for fishes to stay cheap too. It's all about supply and demand. For example: Moorish Idol is one of the hardest and most beautiful fishes to keep. However, due to low demand (coz too many reefers avoid it) you can get one for as low as $8.00. So do not take price as an indication of it's care level. Check out this website: www.Liveaquaria.com
  2. Thanks bro for your input ... I like the word "more stable feedback to the controller"... that's very important
  3. I know... if this continue... I need to start digging really huge holes on the ground... firstly try to look for gold (or dinasour fossils)... if fail can jump in and hide inside already (creditors chasing me left right center)
  4. According to the graph (for yesterday) the highest pH is between 10pm to 12am... the lowest pH is between 10.30am to 12.30pm. So I have the following plan: Calcium Reactor Duration: 10pm to 12am Pros: Adds calcium (and Magnesium), increase KH Cons: Lower pH by at least 0.2 Kalkwasser Dispenser Duration: 10.30am to 12.30pm Pros: Adds calcium, increase pH Cons: Lower KH So by combining the 2 (activated at the stated timing), I can get the following benefit: 1) Constant high calcium 2) More stable KH (The Deltec CR & Rowalith C+ is known to maintain high KH significantly over time) 3) More stable pH... close the fluctuation gap between day and night... at least by 0.2 4) Maintain high Magnesium level Sounds like a solid plan huh? Bro... if you think I can improve the system further, feel free to drop me a line The Black line (in the pix) is showing Redox reading... wonder why it is directly opposite of pH... will do more research on Redox next
  5. Bro thanks for the Hailea review... I will follow it closely... if I am to get a Hailea 1/2hp instead of a Arctica... I can save $1500 for my Deltec CR!!!
  6. Hehe sidetrack a bit... the Control Unit can also be PASSWORD protected... particularly useful when you have kids at home Beware: The Aquatronica Control Unit looks a bit like an old-fashion PSP
  7. This is a unique Interface with 2 connectors: 1 Temperature + 1 Level or 2 Temperature or 2 Level I bought this extra interface because I foresee adding more probes Note: Both Temperature and Water Level Sensor do not require an interface. You can connect direct to the Power Unit. However, if you need more probes... you can get another Power Unit (aka Socket Bar) or get the Interface shown below.
  8. Well if Hailea is in fact better than Resun... then Hailea is in a very good position already... don't think too many of us will compare it head-to-head to Arctica though, coz each brand captures a different market IMO. Sump --> Return Pump -- > Chiller -- > Main tank is a very efficient way of running the system... not forgetting that more pumps/powerheads = more heat generation... always wanted to achieve that! And with your skills in DIY/piping... surely nice nice one lar
  9. Level Sensor... need a bit of "putting the pieces together" but it's easy... there's a diagram included to help The construction/design is pretty simple and standard for this sensor. But I like the fact that the float sensor is protected by a transparent inverted cup. This IMO can reduce the chances of it being affected by other objects in the sump and also curious snails. Already connected to my Control Unit via Power Unit. Pretty straight forward application actually... the Water Level Sensor will provide 2 readings only. 1) LIV 1 - Lowest 2) LIV 2 - Highest So in LIV 1, the Control Unit will activate the dosing pump. LIV 2 will deactivate the dosing pump. There are more controls/settings available which I will explore a bit more later. Can also set the max top-up time to avoid adding a huge amount of freshwater (in some cases). So will update you guys more on this tonight
  10. Wah!!! Got meter somemore... appreciate if you can inform us if the power consumption is higher than claimed... a very crucial piece of information as not all of us can have access to such meter. Thanks bro Fishtalk1517!!!
  11. Bro can show a ppix how u connect it and where is it positioned? I am planning for a chiller upgrade and will follow ur review closely
  12. Ok remaining toys... sorry for the delay guys... I am learning this along the way... slowly and meticulously... so I can't really rush into it and finish everything within 3 days. Knowing the exact parameters is one thing... making good use of the readings is another... Aquatronica provided me the info... it is now my job to make the best out of the new knowledge and possibilities... don't you agree what this product is all about?
  13. I think most of us cannot "tahan" 1 fish/1 coral a week... how to resist!?! Furthermore, some fishes you need to buy as a school, or some symbiotic creatures come in pairs... so the rule doesn't have to be as clear cut as that. IMO before you add anything, you need to be confident with your water conditions (all major water parameters checked)... make sure you have proper cycling (Nitrifying bacteria)... once all checked, I don't see why you can't introduce 2 to 3 fishes a week. You can always start with some hardy species first Have fun!
  14. Haiz... sent some pix to Aquatronica... and hear nothing from them yet... probably they are too busy with the World Cup or my tank is simply not good enough
  15. Bro Nakazoru, I think your alternating current is for a long period of time right? Not switch every 5 mins. According to the manual of my Tunze 6100 (uncontrollable unit), they discourage switching on/off the Stream for more than 24 times a day... so I believe the same applied to a lot of other pumps/powerheads.
  16. Thanks for sharing bro... emm... perhaps I should do a review on this
  17. Yes Arctica... my next upgrade! Seems that Thailand's energy bill is much higher than here... oh dear... you must choose wisely bro... do look for an energy efficient unit.
  18. I have 2 BIG questions: 1) Can I use my Aquatronica pH probe? I hope I don't have to do any DIY or source for some connector (or something like that) 2) What about Magnesium? I've been told that the Deltec Rowalith C+ also releases Magnesium into the water... can any kind bro confirm this? If not, can I add other medium such as Magnesium Pro into the same chamber? in advance!
  19. Extracted from Deltec's UK Website: Features of Mark 4 Fluidised Reactors 1. - Water inlet with Micro Filter to remove debris. 2. - Water flow control tap on inlet supply. 3. - Outlet pipe. 4. - Port for optional pH probe. 5. - Top and bottom sponges to retain media (bottom sponge not shown for clarity) 6. - CO2 bubble counter with non return valve. 7. - Recirculation pump. 8. - New lid section is completely removable for easy filling and cleaning. 9. - Acrylic body showing central down pipe. 10. - Perforated diffuser plate below sponge. 11. - Cone base for even water flow through plate. Selling at $800+ Do you guys think this is a good choice? I hope the CR can help maintain my KH (to at least 9 to 10 dkH) and Calcium (450). But of course, it will also lower my pH by 0.2 (at least)... so I will only activate it during the peak of my pH reading (that is between 8 to 11pm). I do not intend to run the CR (dosing water into main tank) for 24/7. Bro Happy is only running it 4 hours a day. Since the PF 501 is way oversized for my tank... I hope I can just run it for 2 hours daily (maybe 8.30pm to 10.30pm) to further reduce the gap between the highest-lowest pH of the day. Appreciate your inputs on this... coz this is my first CR and this is definitely not a plug-and-play TOY
  20. No on second thoughts... I should at least discuss with you guys so that I don't have another WTS at Pasar Malam 1 month down the road Ok here's my plan... a CR (finally) Deltec - PF 501 New 4th generation Calcium Reactors
  21. Guys I have a new piece of equipment to introduce tonight (hopefully)... not a TOY coz I really really needs it to stabilize my parameters Let's hope all goes well today
  22. Lobster!!! Your Hermit looks kinda nasty
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