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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Lovely... they provided 3 pairs of hose fittings with 3 different diameters... appreciate the flexibility Since I'm using back my old rubber hose, I chose the middle size pair
  2. Here's what you'll see once you open the box!!! Ok lah... pretty standard... nothing fancy... not like opening a new Apple computer box Always give me shivers of excitement... sorry Local/UK socket lah... sorry guys... no German plug hor
  3. Since they are on the outside (not suppose to get wet... I hope it will not)... I believe the metal will not rust... the metal clip feels much more secure than the cable tie (my opinion)
  4. Bought an Arctica yesterday!!! LOVE IT!!! You wil never regret owning one You can go visit my Product Review of this product. And 32ÂșC is bad... especially for corals
  5. NOTE: This chiller is made in KOREA (not China) As expected... Warranty Card and all... comes with a 2-year warranty (very good especially for my future buyer ) Oh dear... must fill up and return within 14 days... must remember!!! Caution: Any modification to the chiller will void the warranty.
  6. Guys... before you rush out now and get yourself an Arctica (hahaha) please please plan properly... as you all know... chiller is one of the hardest equipments to sell in the Pasar Malam and the depreciation can be extremely high... so think before you act, ok? (fyi: I sold my Teco RA240 4 months old with a 70% depreciation!!!) If you are seriously looking at Arctica, go to their website: http://www.jbjlighting.com/prod_chiller_size.asp Here's the calculation provided by Arctica. List of heat generating powerheads/pumps in my tank: Return: Aquabee UP 1000 - 10W Chiller: Aquabee UP 3000 - 45W Skimmer: AquaMedic PH 2500 - 37W Wavemaker: Stream 6060 - 11W / Stream 6000 - 15W Others: Aquabee UP 500 - 5W / AquaMedic Dosing Pump SP3000 (external) - 4.5W Based on the calculation, my tank scores 0.11, just 0.01 exceeding the use of 1/10hp. The larger model 1/4hp is for 0.20. Since my score is 0.11, I went with the 1/5hp model. Now... there's always this saying of "better to get a larger chiller for future upgrading"... well... that is if money is not in the picture lah... for Arctica, the next larger model is $400 more... so it can be very significant as a startup cost. However, if you are willing to pay $400 more... please do go ahead as there are benefits of running a larger capacity chiller. For me, this is only applicable to energy-efficient chiller like Arctica. For example: This 1/4Hp only consumes 150W!!! A competitor product can easily double that. Now, if you are to buy some huge China chiller... that can easily consume 700W of electricity!!! So be cautious of that... it's very hard to sell a high consumption chiller in the Pasar Malam section later.
  7. Haha... as expected... another long-winded product review by me Now... you guys might say... a chiller is a chiller lor... it's not even new in the market... see what this Jervismun guy can write about it Well... plenty really... I started this review based on a few requests and I hope this will give new reefers more understanding of what a chiller is all about... and hopefully can help them make the right choice... as you all know... any wrong decision can cost us and our wallet dearly Ok let the ball rolling... the box!!! Suprisingly, it is not too bulky, I collected from the LFS yesterday (coz I can't wait, they do offer to deliver btw)... put it into my back seat... carry it back to my place without much problem... (note: I am not physically well built btw). The box should be able to fit into any saloon car boot.
  8. Here's my pH reading for 12pm yesterday to 12pm today... a bit worrying leh: 1) Highest pH: 8.3 (10pm) 2) Lowest pH: 7.7 (8.30am for about 3 to 4 hours) 3) pH fluctuation in a single day: 0.6 Is this acceptable? Or I need to do something about it That's the problem with information... the more you know... the more things you gotto fix
  9. Hahaha... you are way too generous with your kind words bro Nim75sg... as you can see... we are still discovering new things about the product... where got the confident to conduct classes... 1 year later maybe lah If you discovered anything not mentioned by the 2 of us... please share hor...
  10. ... and for the first time... my tank is experiencing the cold cold 26ÂșC ... restarted/reprogrammed Aquatronica yesterday, so the graph only shows after the restarting... emm... here's the result: 1) The tank water (after midnight only so far) rises from 26ÂșC to 27.5ÂșC within 2 hr 30 min 2) The Arctica will kick-in at 27.5ÂșC and bring the temperature down to 26ÂșC within 1 hr Actually not too bad lah... curious how long will it take during day time... will update you guys again tonight Later need to buy a small fan to be placed behind the Arctica (connected together to the Aquatronica). This will help disperse off the hot air... it's really really hot... shocked by it
  11. Those going for Anthias... AM's specimens are pretty healthy looking
  12. Wah... another dream tank in the making...
  13. Another sign... haiz... the 3 languages... so hard to do layout leh especiallly those with a lot of information For the first time... Night Safari is getting internally lit lightboxes for their directional signs... previously they rely on external spot lights... damn ugly and old fashion. The lightbox is ultra thin, decorated with lots of stuff to make it look as natural as possible For this... the fabricator really scratched their heads lor... haha it's so easy to draw on paper lor
  14. Let me share with you guys a little bit of my life outside reefing (inspired by bro Colinsoon)... this is a recent project completed by my company... we did a major revamping to the signage and wayfinding to the Night Safari Singapore... our scope of work is the design conceptualization and overseeing the implementation of the project, the fabrication is done by another alliance company The pair of blue eyes will glow at night (my idea!)
  15. Another disaster waiting to happen... I am running shot of one metal fastener... will get one at DIY shop soon... the one without the metal clip is actually the outlet... regardless not worth risking lah Hehe... sorry for all the wires going "haywire"... I will tidy things a bit... haiz... I need a sump and a cabinet
  16. This is the outlet of my chiller... obviously this is not gonna stop accidents from happening (remember Murphy's Law)... I need to drop by LFS to buy another blue plastic thingy (seen in previous pix) to avoid another major disaster Currently already using suction caps and cable ties... but... you know... water just can't seem to stay within the tank
  17. The kind bro collected my Teco RA240... all the best to his 2ft tank Hehe... actually he is one of the very few people that has seen my tank in person
  18. Thanks for sharing with us bro Lyz77... yeah that's what I found out also... the manual funtion is the ultimate one where is can bypass others... so only use the manual switch/commands if you guys are confident what it's all about
  19. No wonder have not heard of it... but the brand name sounds a bit like selling medication for aquariums Here's a pix of my best friend... love it! Such a simple piece of plastic... yet so so useful. It even manage to straighten back my badly folded rubber hose... need to get another piece. Colour a bit "wrong" lah... prefer is black
  20. Here's the second I think the second method is more functional as you can also have other configurations at the same time For those who wonder why bro Lyz77 is using his Aquatronica to control his 24/7 equipments (such as return pump)... this is a added feature to the Aquatronica... in case of power failure... all programming will be remain stored inside the Control Unit thanks to the rechargable battery (up to 15 hours)... once the power is back on... you can choose which pumps to activate first... which one 5 minutes later... which one totally deactivate. The above is very useful for reefers with large tank with sump... using multiple pumps
  21. Bro Lyz77... here's how your can do it... I found 2 ways to do it via the computer... this is the first
  22. Em... not aware of such brand... must be those really pro ones Here's how accurate the Arctica thermostat is... or how accurate the Aquatronica temperature probe is Is nice to be able to move the Control Unit around (since only 1 thin cable attached)... unlike other brand that can have up to 13 cables... now how to move that thing?
  23. Lowering price to $45... that's nearly 50% off guys...
  24. Already reserved... collect tomorrow morning... honestly the Teco RA240 might not be able to support your 4ft tank leh... with MH somemore
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