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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Nah bro... you are doing fine... it's just that you've chosen a pretty hard subject to review... it's easier to do product review for a physical product/equipments as you can show more pictures... but hey... continue on... very soon I can join you... into my 5th day now
  2. Wah very obvious leh the purple coralline growth!!! Within slightly more than a month... bro do you use other form of supplement right now? Or just this product alone?
  3. Hehe... thanks... now don't ask me what's taking me so long
  4. Hahaha... finally... I am currently using this product also... only for 4 days... will post any results later Bro Altantis... show some before and after pix lah... and show off those nice nice coralline algae
  5. Yupe... that's what I'm doing... but in order to do that... one needs a temperature controller or some sorta computer system
  6. Of course lah!!! Arctica is legendary when it comes to quietness... but still can hear lah!
  7. IMPORTANT!!! The chiller will basically warm up for 1 minute before kicking-in... there will be an indication of the "COOL" yellow LED blinking... so guys whenever you view an Arctica in action... do not take this as an indication of how quiet it is... coz within this 1 minute... the chiller has not kick-in yet. Once it kicked-in... trust me... you'll know... a chiller is still a chiller
  8. I am using my Aquatronica to control the chiller... so the display is secondary to me Coz I learned that measuring the temperature of the main tank is better than relying on the built-in thermostat Wah... how you like your 1/4hp??? Share with us your views... again, let's make this a mass Arctica product review I can also learn from you
  9. Very blue indeed... can share you light tubes bro?
  10. Hahaha... I'm sure there are still stock available... well... you know the price... you know the venue... let bro Lyz77 or me know if you need the Aquatronica Club logo later
  11. With the Aquatronica pH controller, I can activate the CO2 release via solenoid. The water thru the CR will run 24/7. The only difference is... during the CO2 releasing period... the Rowalith C+ will dissolve and release calcium and other trace elements into the water... without CO2, the water running thru the CR will not carry much calcium as there isn't much dissolving activities going on inside... I think this is the concept behind a good CR setup... and yes... you need a reliable pH controller That's why, it is advisable to buy a larger capacity CR to allow you the flexibility of not running the CO2 24/7. Bro Happy's tank is around 900 US Gal and he only runs his CO2 4 hours daily. So I expect to do the same also... probably 2 to 3 hours for a start.
  12. Is the built-in thermostat accurate? Well... what you guys think?
  13. Ok... the temperature control panel... ok lah... quite standard in my opinion... I kinda dislike the ARCTICA font though... so "computer font"... the display shows 0.1 decimal whereas my old Teco only shows 28ºC instead of 27.9ºC
  14. Another part that I like about this chiller... 6 rubber mounting grommet that provides plenty of floor grip and reduces noise caused by vibration
  15. Oh I want to show you guys this... the chiller comes with 2 handles on the side... more like depressed area with springed cover... so when not in use, the cover will create a flush look for the body... avoiding dust collection Now... wonder how long that spring thingy can last I like the CAUTION sticker on top of the chiller... forced me to read it coz I tend to skip the manual sometimes
  16. Bro... don't say so loud hor... very soon people from GREEN PEACE will protest outside your house I'm sure you know using the air-con to chill your tank water is not a long term solution... (hint hint) My new chiller only takes 150W leh... I think I've done my part for nature
  17. Hahaha... so funny you include AIRCON as your equipment list... It's time to get a chiller hor... How you find the ESV Activated Carbon? I heard they are reasonably priced and good
  18. Bro... thanks for the comment No lah... this is not a luxury item... it's a reliable and proven product in the marketplace
  19. WAH!!! UPS for Aquatronica!!! Bro... how come you got insider news one ah? You must be emailing them very frequently Anyway... Aquatronica Italy has a very efficient and attentive sales/technical team... really appreciate their effort in replying my emails promptly
  20. Emm.... if I am not wrong... activating the CR (using CO2) at the right time can help close the gap... at least by 0.2 to 0.3
  21. Sorry bro... the duck already released to the nearby lake already... coz it is full of annoying looking maroon sponges and it smells a bit!
  22. Ok... gotto go out for the weekend now... enjoy life besides reefing right? Will continue tonight... any comments and queries are most welcomed
  23. No need to show step-by-step how I connect the hose lah... (hands too wet to touch the camera)... here's how I connected the chiller... I'm sure a lot of bros out there (with much better DIY instinct) can do better than this I still need another metal hose clip though
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