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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. How about this? Damn Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  2. The tank is too small for the overall context... but the interior/architecture is so so impressive Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  3. This is MY kinda setup... and look at the B&O system Emm... not too sure about that wooden door though
  4. Hi all Dunno if this is the best place to post this thread... but I can't help myself locating amazing tank designs whenever I surf the net... they are everywhere and they are so so awe inspiring... take the tank below for example... the tank just blends in with the interior so well it looks like it belongs there comfortably... extraordinary I will try to maintain and update this thread whenever I stumble upon a new source of inspiration... for most of us... these will remain eye-candy as it may not be possible/achievable in our context Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  5. Ok I will do as suggested by you and bro Jamomatt... actually my Mg is 1200 (tested last night using Tropic Marin test kit)... so shouldn't be too hard bringing it up to 1300 level
  6. Yes your pink finger was DYED!!! Can PM me where you bought your coral?
  7. Oh dear... something wrong with the server... please do not get confused by my previous postings
  8. Oh sorry... re read your posts... em... off your skimmer... I suspect your protein skimmer is extracting out the Nitrifying Bacteria you added into the tank.
  9. Things do die during the ANN Cycle and it ur 32ºC may not be the sole cause. I think 0.25 is quite expected for a cycling tank. If Nitrite and Nitrate are not detectable, then the cycling process is somehow incomplete (a sign of deficiency in Nitrifying Bacteria).
  10. If got a bit more oil to burn... go for a better quality front panel glass
  11. Thanks bro... from what I read... dosing EPSOM may not be as straight-forward and a lot more understanding is required before I dare to attempt it... really... the last thing I want is to do another round of major water change
  12. Your 2 cents sound like $2000 to me... thanks bro
  13. Hi experienced reefers out there, I have the following scenario: 1) Low Magnesium - 1200ppm 2) Low Carbonate - 6.4dKH 3) Low Calcium - 350mg/L Say if I have already bought the necessary additives to bring up all 3 to acceptable levels using Salifert Mg Powder, KH+PH Buffer & Coral Calcium... which component should I focus in raising first? Got a feeling I should focus in bring up the Carbonate to around 8dKH first (achievable in day 1)... then bring up Magnesium and Calcium simultaneously... daily dosing as follows: Magnesium: Daily increment of 100ppm (10 measuring beakers) - takes around 10 days to reach 1300ppm Calcium: Daily increment of 26.7mg/L (50ml dose) - takes 4 days Should I focus on Magnesium first, then Calcium? What you guys think?
  14. Hi experienced reefers out there, I have the following scenario: 1) Low Magnesium - 1200ppm 2) Low Carbonate - 6.4dKH 3) Low Calcium - 350mg/L Say if I have already bought the necessary additives to bring up all 3 to acceptable levels using Salifert Mg Powder, KH+PH Buffer & Coral Calcium... which component should I focus in raising first? Got a feeling I should focus in bring up the Carbonate to around 8dKH first (achievable in day 1)... then bring up Magnesium and Calcium simultaneously... daily dosing as follows: Magnesium: Daily increment of 100ppm (10 measuring beakers) - takes around 10 days to reach 1300ppm Calcium: Daily increment of 26.7mg/L (50ml dose) - takes 4 days Should I focus on Magnesium first, then Calcium? What you guys think? in advance
  15. Just to add on... this product is very suitable for new reefers with smaller tank setups as it delivers the 3 main ions (Magnesium, Calcium and Carbonate aka Alk) in a balanced formulation. After reefing for 6 months... I am still strugling to strike a balance between the 3 Will try to capture the true concept behind within the coming months... hopefully do not have to rely on this product indefinitely as it simply stops us from learning... coz it is so conveniently bottled... why go through the painstaking process of learning all the chemistry behind? And it can be both expensive to dose and time consuming (daily).
  16. I was doing some research on the internet and found the following to share with you guys: SUBJECT: Magnesium has a big impact on the rate of precipitation of calcium carbonate (a fact that has been confirmed by many researchers)... now how big is the impact? EXPERIMENTS: 1) High carbonate = higher precipitation of calcium carbonate 2) No magnesium + natural calcium + elevated carbonate = precipitation of calcium carbonate in minutes 3) Natural magnesium + natural calcium + elevated carbonate = precipitation of calcium carbonate delayed to 13 to 20 hours 4) Double magnesium + natural calcium + elevated carbonate = precipitation of calcium carbonate delayed to 22 to 29 hours 5) Natural magnesium + natural calcium + natural carbonate = precipitation of calcium carbonate delayed to 750 hours (31 days) Note: Experiments extracted from Stephen Spotte's Captive Seawater Fishes CONCLUSION: Magnesium, Calcium and Carbonate (aka Alkalinity measured in dKh) should be maintained at natural seawater level at all times. For example: If the Magnesium level is low (say 1000ppm instead of 1285ppm), no matter how much calcium or carbonate you dose into the tank... they will precipitate (disappear) within hours if not minutes... resulting in a total waste of money. Important: Beware when dosing limewater (kalkwasser) as it is a much complex process and understanding than just connecting it to our water top-up
  17. Hahaha... glad you like it... it took me a while to explain the concept to the Night Safari people Oh I heard about the Physics Olympiad on the news also... so how's Singapore doing?
  18. Wow... so we need 2 Kalkreactors then...
  19. I don't add bacteria anymore coz the daily dosage of Polyp Lab System Reef-resh is in fact a form of bacteria Can't really help you much on this... perhaps you wanna give Aquapharm Bacter Starter a try... make sure you deactivate your skimmer a few hours after adding in the tabs. They are pretty good IMO... and very affordable too.
  20. Hehe... the sponges go as expected... they are so damn hard to keep especially in a new tank
  21. Haha... u guys want me to start a product review for the MC 7095? Hahaha... but I need 4 Streams to really test it out... not to mention a 6ft tank at least The MC 7095 is a very sophisticated piece of controller... even with SIMMOD, IKS can't come close
  22. Hahaha... by not feeding them any other form of foods... starve them a bit... for 2 days maybe... then soak the pellets with delicious garlic... they will get so hungry they eat anything But don't do this to new fishes as they need to eat to stay healthy... so do it when u more or less settled with your stocking Emm... sorta sound a bit cruel actually... and also, get some delicious pellets to entice them a bit, of all... I find my fishes react the most towards Ocean Nutrition Formula One and Two
  23. I am still unsure about this product... they do claim to have everything... have to further test it out... but one thing for sure... if you own a small tank/nano tank... this product is good enough... keeping things really really simple
  24. Emm... ok I will try to separate them further apart
  25. I dose 2 drops per US Gal... but I don't really keep count lah... just squeeze and squeeze the bottle... according to the label... "this is a natural product, so there's no danger if overdosed"
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