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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Wow! The magazine is not bad... the photographs are very very professionally taken (lots of close-ups) the printing quality is good and every page is glossed (haha... when it comes to identifying printing/paper quality... trust me). The advertisements are also very fun to look at... extremely updated with all the new products/happenings in the U.S. Will update you guys on the content later... will read through it... oh there's a section for beginners also
  2. While fixing my water conditions... will do more research and reading... bought a new mag today
  3. Was at AquaMarin just now... haha another reefer looking for this great product... come on AM... DHL over!!!
  4. So true bro... if you notice... there's only a few brands/products that sell well in the Pasar Malam section... I'm sure an Arctica can be quite easy to sell (within the 2 year warranty) if the reefer is willing to settle for a big depreciation... but what to do...
  5. Congratz bro!!! That fish will serve its "house arrest" in your sump? Em... u planning to turn your sump into a refugium?
  6. Thanks bro... but right now... I don't want to introduce something that will create new problems... bought a tub of Tropic Marin Bio-Magnesium to try out... will start dosing later tonight once my KH is back on track... if everything goes well, my KH should be 8ºKH tonight... then can start dosing Magnesium to rise 20ppm per day alongside with 10% water change this weekend... this hobby really knows how to keep us occupied That's why... coupled with SRC... this is the greatest hobby on earth
  7. Love the BlackCap... will surely get it the next time round...
  8. Lots of HAMMERS, GONIOS and CLAMS spotted at AquaMarin... some small White-banded Cleaner Shrimps suitable for Nano/Pico tanks Oh ATI coming in next week!!!
  9. A dead/rotting Yellow Wrasse will not crash your tank if you have a workable protein skimmer... maybe what you can do is do a 10% water change weekly (if you are not already doing so). Don't worry bro... your tank will not crash so easily... unless it's a rotten Anemone Agree with bro andtsg... some Wrasses require sand bed for them to hide for resting or whenever they feel threaten... being in a betta box can be quite stressful for wrasses (if not for all fishes). Imagine being trapped in a tank within a tank
  10. Saw a US brand T5 light set at RD the other day... looks pretty good... but doesn't come with fans and acrylic protection sheet (between the tubes and water surface).
  11. I will... but I am really running out of things to write... a chiller is a chiller is a chiller And yes... still figuring out if that extra $1000 really worth it in the long run... now that you mentioned some China alternatives
  12. Hehe... so now CLARITY is a double-edge sword?
  13. Ok... last pix of the day... oh my... after seeing all these setups... ok will try harder Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  14. Wow!!! Metallic cabinet Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  15. Ok enough colours... can we have something less over-whelming?!? Ok this is a more realistic shot... didn't know Sailfin can be so pretty Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  16. FTS Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  17. More more more!!! Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  18. How about some close up shots... totally stunning Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  19. A nice non-bracing tank setup... I think my future tank will look something like this with my ATI Powermodul hanging above... I will have a brushed stainless-steel cabinet to match the Powermodul... dream on... dream... Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  20. Damn...what can I say... that living room is as large as my home Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  21. Haha... definitely not my style... but very appropriately designed for an Amazonian Terrarium Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  22. What a cute little cube doing in this nice room... notice how beautiful the arch-like windows are Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  23. So so artistic Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  24. Feel so much like home... love it! Now where's the TV?!? What do you mean there's no TV?!? Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
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