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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. After running the chiller for a couple of days... all I can say is... 2 thumbs up That day my CFO noticed the new chiller... I quickly said "it's a very energy efficient chiller... only 150W"... phew
  2. There will be a shipment from Italy arriving a week from today... hurry down to make your orders I heard the Redox Calibration Fluid is in that shipment
  3. It's time... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=50395
  4. Pix taken 15 mins ago... under ATI Blue Plus
  5. It's time to say goodbye to my pride and joy... I will sell it to a bro/sis with the following: 1) Offers me a reasonable price (bought it for $35 together with bro Hammy 3 months back... it has since grown a lot and more green can be seen now) 2) At least a 3ft cube tank... 4 ft and above preferred... knowing this guy... it will continue to grow and grow I will make a decision once I can find my Hammer a sincere buyer/new home Pix taken an hour ago
  6. I'm using a Sony DSC-N1... macro, some w/ flash... so w/o... also enhance the sharpness and colour contrast using iPhoto programme
  7. No I didn't dare to touch it... luckily
  8. Very seldom appears in photograph Been with me for more than 4 months
  9. This little guy is really really strange
  10. Bro... go to Reefdepot.com.sg... look under Wavemaker
  11. Back to the main tank... emm... kinda shrunk Will monitor it closely for the coming days... will keep you guys updated
  12. Slime all over the place... it's defense mechanism I believe
  13. Gonna try manual split the Floridas... first attempt
  14. I must be very very lucky to be able to keep this Spotted Mandarin happy and fat... I've seen some with sunken bellies So far... she is the only fish that consumes Copepods exclusively
  15. The Cleaner Shrimps always try to steal from my poor ol' Prata... 2 small shrimps for my Prata tonight
  16. It's Prata and Plate feeding of the week... as usual... a small shrimp for my Orange Plate
  17. Yupe precipitation before they are formed into the skeletons... I imagine them being "disappeared into thin air" I will definitely continue my research...
  18. You know what... I have the same feeling too... just hope that in my next life... I will enjoy reefing... not knitting
  19. It's hard to tell at which stage you are right now... there are 2 scenarios: Scenario #1: Good news! You already gone through the ANN cycle... the LR already been cured within the 1 month period... all the Ammonia caused by the curing of LR been already converted to Nitrite, then Nitrate. Since the amount of Nitrate is not significant, your test kit is unable to detect it. Job done. Then... a decaying LPS in the tank suddenly raise the Ammonia to 0.25 (which is not a crisis for a relatively new tank). If the Nitrifying Bacteria (N.Bact) already in place residing/multiplying inside your LR, the 0.25 Ammonia will be transformed to Nitrite, then Nitrate in 2 to 3 days. You can run your skimmer as usual (if preferred). Scenario #2: Not so good news The ANN cycle has barely begun... something went wrong for the past 1 month... there isn't sufficient N.Bact growth in the system... hence its incapability to convert the 0.25 Ammonia to Nitrite. The 0.25 Ammonia level may stay for a while until your N.Bact is ready to break it down into a less toxic form (Nitrite, then Nitrate). Maybe, try another brand of N.Bact for a change. Off your skimmer totally, let the things rot a bit... higher Ammonia will speed up N.Bact growth anyway... but the bad news is... your tank is not ready for fishes/corals... you probably have to wait for 2 to 3 weeks more. Scenario #3: You test kits are not doing its job... possibly expired or somehow contaminated. Do share with us which brand of test kits you using and where/when you bought it. Before Stocking with LS: 1) Change a huge proportion of the cycling water with properly mixed salt water 2) Test tank water for all major/crucial parameters 3) Adjust all "off the mark" parameters back to acceptable range 4) Run your protein skimmer full force 5) Read more about "how to stock LS" to avoid disappointment Do keep us updated... we will be with you along the way... but right now, you need to figure out which scenario you are in... perhaps giving us a lot of more information will help... including whatever happened for the past 2 weeks... Another thing... most protein skimmers will take at least 2 to 3 days to kick-in properly... so turning it "on/off" or tuning it too often for the first few days will stop it from functioning properly.
  20. Hahaha... now you only you know ah? So what's Singapore's position in the world of E=MC2?
  21. Haha... dunno leh.. u think I should?
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