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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Nope the LFS I planned to go closed on Monday but manage to find a set of Stream 6000
  2. Damn that looks HUGE!!! So envy of you... now where's the Deltec?
  3. Haha... bro you are full of ideas! Why not send your pix over to Italy... just like a MAC computer, they always come with a "white apple" sticker
  4. Gonna finish work early today (due to some on-site meeting)... plan to do some "uncommon" corals hunting... see if I can find anything Well... must call first as most LFS closed on Monday Updatez tonight... if I get lucky Thanks bro Xxxxxxx for getting my Intermediate Coral Package, now I have room to add more corals You know what I learned from the Hammer experience? Don't go for the largest specimen you can find... if it thrives... it will outgrow the tank in months time
  5. I know it sounds harsh... and it will only mean that the public will have one tank lesser to enjoy... but in its state right now... I think it's better for the public not to see it. Furthermore, for a tank that size... it will take a lot of fishes to replenish every 2 weeks
  6. NO HOPE... there is one though... for the media company to bloody demolish the tank and find another way to advertise... fishes and plasma screens ain't mix well
  7. Nope... hooking a chiller to the UPS will be insane... really... just focus on a return pump or something low wattage as suggested by bro Arcanehacker
  8. Doesn't matter... your choice is limitless
  9. Wah you also have a giant Hammer... luv your Pink/Red Gonio... definitely worth that price
  10. Nah... no use. The fact is, the mall rented out the space to the advertising/media company. The mall will have limited say over it... and furthermore don't expect customer service to offer much enthusiam... this is beyond their scope of work. I remember about 5 years ago... I saw a dying Black-tip Shark at Wisma Atria, I was so concerned, I went to the Customer Service and reported to them... and I get that "that's none of our business" response from them
  11. Hehe... don't say like that leh... it just happen that all my fishes are Beginner/Intermediate rated... I have not try the challenging ones yet I'm sure you have to agree that luck plays an important part too
  12. Hehe... I believe I've answered you in another forum
  13. I dunno yet... my Arqi (I call him Archie) is still in hiding... GUYS!!! MY LEOPARD WRASSE IS FIGHTING BACK!!! It fights back and the SixLine sorta avoid it now... Eating pellets again I'm sure the damage from the fight will recover in a week or so.
  14. Finally... a glimpse of it just now... emm... you see those patches on its body... could it be the result of bulying ?
  15. Ok bro Hammy, I will do that Hopefully it will come out today
  16. Haha... frozen brine shrimp / mysis are good stuff... I sometimes only feed them pellets
  17. Bro Maxstar... your babies are SIA (still in action)
  18. Still available... letting go at $35!!! It's only 3 months old!!!
  19. Sorry guys... I can't conclude the sales tonight... will try to close it tomorrow 11.59pm...
  20. Well I guess we'll just have to bear with it lor... how often do you plan to do calibration btw? Oh the Redox Calibration Fluid should arrive next week So far I only manage to use up 3 plugs... 3 more to play with
  21. Hammer collected ... all the best to you brother
  22. Haha... what if I am in very bad luck... coz I still believe in luck lor...
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