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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. It can also be the Media I am using... the whole PURA COMPLETE sorta become a solid chunk leh... PURA COMPLETE is a mixture of activated carbon and anti-phosphate media... so the activated carbon will float and dance on the surface while the anti-phosphate stay intact at the bottom... blocking flow No wonder algae is back... I thought I changed too much water
  2. No lah... RD selling around $300 only I'm sure there is a difference... right now I just need the most reliable FR that will provide even flow and will not clog so easily... from my past experience... AM Phosphatfiler out... Phosban Reactor 150 out... And no... I can't get a Deltec skimmer as I do not have a sump...
  3. Archie (real name Arqi Angel... I think) from Irwana Caribbean shipment... Purple Gonio from Golden Octo... but the colour not very nice under blue light lor... doesn't glow
  4. My Phosban Reactor clogged Here are the details: Phosban Reactor 150 Aquabee 500 Pura Complete (media) That's it! I'm getting a Deltec FR and an Aquabee 1000
  5. Hehe... bought the 2 pieces from a kind reefer... not good to reveal price lah But I think they are quite rare ... still opening up... will post more pix of it... oh can't wait to see it fluoresce under blue light
  6. Just came back from DY8's place... his setup is rock SOLID!!! Seen all his equipments... here's what I think: 1. His IKS definitely worth more than $1000, I think he bought it at around $2500 (at least) 2. Aquamedic MH for $1250? Good deal... a new set would probably cost around $2000+ 3. HnS... aiya no need to say much lah! The rest... I'm sure you guys know the market price (more than I do)... And his tank is really pretty lor... the curve glass and all... really give a sense of luxury (and no scratch visible)... I think he has taken good care of his glass... not like some of us I heard he is also planning to incl. all his CORALS in the sales as a package... just to give you guys a feel, that Pink F.Rics rock contains 20+ individual polyps leh... that alone can do the math already I think it is a good deal for that kinda price... definitely costs more double if you are to buy and set up the individual components (even getting from Pasar Malam) Ok enough advertising... just pay bro DY8 a visit... if you are keen... and judge it for yourself!
  7. Haha... bro Lyz77 I will let you answer the questions
  8. A better shot... lured out by Arcti-Pods™
  9. Just came back from a reefers place... got myself 2 pieces of this jewels
  10. This is a pathetic shot... can u see the BlackCap?
  11. Yupe unfortunate all gone... one by one...
  12. Hehe... definitely man... what's the power consumption for the 1/10hp model? My 1/5hp is only 150W!!! And I run it around 8 hours a day... maintaining at 26ÂşC So if my calculation is right... it will only cost me around $7.00/month on electricity bill to run this guy
  13. My Fish list: Chevron Tang Yellow Tang Blue Tang Arqi Angel (NEW!) BlackCap (NEW!) False Percula Purple Firefish Blue Eye Anthias x 2 Leopard Wrasse SixLine Wrasse Spotted Mandarin Algae Blenny Shore (Local) Gobies x 2 Randall Goby My Inverts list: Skunk Cleaner Shrimp x 4 Fireshrimp Red Linkia Star Red Fromia Star Sand Sifting Star Croceas Clam And 1,000,000 Zoantus polyps
  14. A bro is selling a Tunze Nano Skimmer in the Pasar Malam section.
  15. It managed to trap a piece of Henry's Mix
  16. Damn... that's a very good price for THAT AMOUNT OF SPS!!!
  17. Emm... my name is being mentioned here... haha...
  18. Haha... very true...with both CR and KR in place... this doesn't look like a budget setup anymore... furthermore... with a nice nice Giant Hammer somemore... bro the whole world knows how much u paid for that Hammer lor
  19. A Refractometer is more accurate and reliable... if got budget... consider Aquatronica
  20. FTS... plenty of room to fill up My Leopard Wrasse is back to normal... some injured scales are beginning to grow back
  21. I'm sure your corals and fishes will thrive under such wide variety of food... it's also more fun for us reefers to feed different types of food lah... or else so boring... I have 6 different types of pellets also... just to make myself happy!!!
  22. Bro Hammy... as requested Archie is already roaming around confidently... mostly through caves and small openings... I rescaped my LR to allow more room for fishes to hide and sleep at night
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