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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. The result... well I shouldn't say too much... all I can say is... I have 2 protein skimmers: 1) AquaMedic Turboflutor Percula w/ AquaMedic PH2500 2) Deltec MCE600 w/ Aquabee 2000 Both collection cups were emptied 11pm last night One of the 2 skimmers will be retired very very soon
  2. With full air intake... the collection cup is 1/3 full within a period of 21 hours I will be trying out dryer skimming soon
  3. Thanks bro... I believe once I fill the Media Chamber with some form of media (and stocking)... the micro bubbles will not be noticable anymore
  4. Anemone is fun and beautiful... make sure you don't have powerheads/pumps that can grind the Anemone to pieces... happened to me once... Yes, you made the right decision for not going into SPS right away... I am also avoiding it as with my current understanding and knowledge... the SPS will give me more stress instead of destressing me
  5. I am going snorkling soon... oh I must!
  6. I'm looking for Anchor Hammers too! The green tip ones especially... we'll keep a look out for them ok? Wah your tank so big go "this side" of the territory and "that side" of the territory
  7. Air intake is full force... I may limit the air a bit later as the collection cup is way too small
  8. Bro... updatez on your Giant Prawn... does it turn green? If you want a steady construction... you may also consider using epoxy to bind the rocks together... remember, any falling LR can be extremely dangerous as they can crack the glass
  9. Yes very impressive... too bad the collection cup is so tiny... must clean everyday The Deltec trend has already been started... and it is calling for you... I'm sure you got some offer for your Schuran... just let it go... you can then fulfill your dream
  10. My Purple Gonio is also extending well... very glad indeed
  11. Ok let's see some updates... can't do much about my SixLine now anyway My Cup Coral is looking happier... I hope the tentacles will grow longer and longer
  12. Thanks for offering to adopt one of my wrasse... I hope you were referring to the Six Line If only I can catch it out... dun think catching a Six Line can be that easy
  13. I know... I should've listen to you and give away the SixLine during the Nano-Perc90 transfer... well this will become another motivation for me to upgrade But it's so heartbreaking to see my beautiful Leopard Wrasse being intimidated and harmed... very very sad
  14. Hehe... there you go It will change to COKE colour very soon...
  15. The fight between the Six Line and Leopard Wrasse is back Haiz... why can't they just co-exist nicely
  16. I know... u wanna give it a try since you drilled some holes to your cabinet already... maybe you can hang this nicely outside your tank
  17. So exciting!!! I can't wait... come on... what's taking me so long
  18. Haha... don't you think I've done enough product reviews? If I get more requests... I will do it
  19. Mandarins and Seahorses (I hope)... my Black Cap loves Arcti-Pods™
  20. Although it came with an outlet acrylic flap that allows water to flow down (to get rid of micro bubbles)... micro bubbles are still visible... somewhat annoying...
  21. Haha... love it! Oh I am so in the mood for Does it happen at a certain timing only? Coz I will only be able to see the SH during office hours...
  22. Oh... sounds so poetic... this is strong enough a motivation for me to continue on with this project... I wanna see some SH make love
  23. Powered by a Aquabee 2000 (with patented Deltec Pinwheel)... the air bubble is pretty impressive and it's extremely silent... can't even hear a thing The left chamber consists of a Media Container (an additional the previous owner bought)... I will fill it up with Rowaphos (or something) and if it works well... I will also retire my FR... the media will also help to reduce micro bubble... currently releasing quite a bit of micro bubbles back into the main tank... a real set back
  24. They need more than 1.5ft height during egg transfer? Emm... they move up and down during the process? Wow... can't wait to witness it Maybe a thin layer of substrate... I can have a DSB Live Sand at the tank below.
  25. Just collected the Deltec MCE600 Protein Skimmer from a kind reefer... will test this baby in my main tank first... I will see later if there is a need to transfer the MCE600 over to my new setup Pix showing bubble formation after 20 minutes of introduction to the system.
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