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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. My advice... don't I think it will be better off for you to reserve the space for another "more friendly/less terrifying" wrasse
  2. Any updates? Did they already replenish the entire tank with 20 Angels, 20 Tangs and 60 Chromis? Haiz...
  3. Haha... if you "on"... I "on"... just let me know when I need to catch that SixLine out of my tank Do people usually buy a pair? Or just a Male specimen?
  4. Haha... if you want... you can also try bread with fish pellets How do you like your lightset bro Sapp? Care to post a pix?
  5. Not only looks good... it functions well too A product where functionality meets aesthetics Left the hobby? I assume you coming back as you are so determined to get the ATI Powermodul... perhaps you can get a package deal (ATI + Aquatronica) from AquaMarin
  6. I'm getting a DELTEC tomorrow!!!
  7. Do you intend to transfer the LR from your old tank to your new tank? Coz it looks a bit bare at the moment... love the bridge... but nicer if it is a large flat piece of LR
  8. Maybe we can get the Mystery Wrasse together By then... I should be able to catch my SixLine out
  9. Yes... it is one of the neatest and coolest ready-made T5 fixture out there in the market... you can go to sponsor section... under AquaMarin Better act fast as the shipment is coming this week... which reminds me... I need to go collect my Actinic tube
  10. Bartletts are beautiful... can't wait to see :-)
  11. Yes the ATI quick release device is so easy to use... I can slide the Powermodul up-down (even tilting angle) within seconds Nope... not a chore at all That little device is brilliantly design... tiny but powerful... made of Stainless Steel I suppose
  12. Orange Plate gets 1 shrimp Notice the ever hungry mouth of my Yellow Tang?
  13. Feeding day for my LPS Notice the big fat tummy of my Blue Tang?
  14. I think Mystery Wrasse is very cool leh... it will definitely be the focus of your tank
  15. Emm... the Mediabox not for putting stocking filled media... clogged Tried removing 50% of the media inside the stocking... still clogged Will try to find a way to make good use of the left chamber
  16. How about a pix of your sump
  17. Mediabox filled with my old stocking of Aquapharm SORB-4 Will change it to Rowaphos soon... there's still room for another stocking of activated carbon also (within the MCE600 chamber)... maybe I can retire my Phosban Reactor 150
  18. Haha... hopefully your new tank is not gonna FLOODING Don't reply... PIX PIX PIX
  19. Haha... seems like more and more reefers are going to AM for custom tanks... I think I will get them to construct my KUDA WORLD also
  20. WOW!!! ANOTHER PROJECT!!! Life is full of excitements
  21. Hehe... this is not an official review... but I am really amazed by the result... Air intake going 75%... was at 50% for 30 min but the skimmate is way too dry... let's see what is the result after a couple of hours
  22. Ok... I am still experimenting with the MCE600... will try to limit the air intake to 75% and see if the skimmate is any better... will do it tonight
  23. No way bro... you can't take it back My tank is placed quite close to the wall (back) so no way I can placed it behind the tank... however if I am to retire one of the 2 skimmers... then things will be solved when it comes to placement
  24. I'm doing another experiment now... feeding using Henry's Mix now... will post another skimmate comparison later
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