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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Haha... no more guessing game... no gift anyway... don't worry I will reveal within a week or two
  2. Bro don't just give me pressure lah... I thought there are some reefers interested in your Schuran? You can do a glorious product review mah
  3. Yeah I am quite surprised by it also... thought just a baby... turn out to be a Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger Will continue to update you guys with the skimmate coz I really enjoy sharing close up pix of
  4. Nice Busy for 2 weeks still can maintain tank like that... I think I must consider using RO/DI already
  5. Haha... I shall keep you in suspense... I didn't say MORE SPECTACULAR than Deltec and BK hor... but relatively spectacular across the board... at least it really excites me lor Nah... no Beckett for me... Needlewheel
  6. Haha bro... it's time you look at your Magnesium level... I have got very positive result using Tropic Marine Bio-Magnesium... although a bit costly... but find it very easy to use
  7. secret ... something spectacular I promise For the new tank... I will only spend on a new protein skimmer... the rest I will try to reuse/recycle... see what's left in my storeroom And most probably going FOWLR and a Refugium... can't maintain 2 reef tank lah
  8. You are right bro... what are you trying to skim bro? You must allow the bubble to form at the bottom of the neck (of collection cup)... once the foam accumulates... they will be pushed up slowly into the collection cup.
  9. Very nice clams indeed... your sand bed looking a bit crowded already
  10. Bro Alt you still on your living room aircon nowadays? What about those surface CPU fans? Haha... can do without already Haha your first Aquabee... a very good feeling right? That's why I have 4 running in my tank... no other brand allowed
  11. Haha... I gotto stop investing in my Perc 90 for a while now... office custom tank is taking shape... was at LFS just now... already selected a very nice protein skimmer for my office tank But must keep secret at the moment... coz have not pay yet... later Visa cannot go through... end up using my old skimmer (hint: not Deltec... can't afford one)
  12. Yupe both Tomato and Maroon not good choice of fish for mix reef setup
  13. I am running a denitrator... NR1000
  14. There you go bro Tigger... hope the pix is not too tiny
  15. AquaMarin is one of SRC sponsor, check them out. They are located at Jalan Kayu
  16. Haha... actually it is Aquabee + Deltec's proprietory pinwheel that makes the diff (IMO)
  17. Emm... let me see... Nitrate has always been zero... well my Gonios and Zoos are opening larger than before... does the "opening" has anything to do with the MCE600?
  18. I am convinced... My old skimmer inside a bucket
  19. Just came back from AM... ATI tubes just arrived Bought 2 tubes... Actnic Blue... and a new tube developed by ATI (manufactured by Osram)... SUPERWHITE!!! SUPERWHITE is 8500ºK... slightly warmer in hue (more towards the red/orange/yellow) as the Aquablue Spezial is 11000ºK. Will replace 1 of my 4 Aquablue Spezial with SUPERWHITE. Will do the tube swapping later tonight... will post again tomorrow... even if I can't see the difference... I'm sure my light-loving corals can So fun... now my Powermodul contains 4 different types of ATI tubes: 1) Aquablue Spezial x 3 2) Blue Plus x 1 3) Actinic Blue x 1 4) Superwhite x 1 Don't PM me for price hor Check price here
  20. Hehe... bro will PM you... definitely a very good price...
  21. Ok guys... the outcome is clear: Left: Old Skimmer Right: Deltec MCE600 I will retire my old skimmer with immediate effect
  22. Yeah... will go coral hunting now!!! Let's hope I can find something nice for I've been a "good boy/man" last week :pray:
  23. May I know what's the CPU fan for stuck on the wall of your sump cabinet? Very well organized... which remind me... it's spring cleaning time
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