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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yupe that's the tricky part... that's why a Nitratreductor is basically a device that will cultivate anaerobic bacteria by starving them off oxygen (by placing them in a dark, air-tight containment... feeding very low water... 1 to 2 drop per second). It's almost impossible to achieve this relying on biohome or other brands by simply placing them into your sump. Those sump bacteria housing can break down Ammonia to Nitrite, Nitrite to Nitrate... but the cycle will stop there. AquaMedic Cerapore (equivalent of Biohome) claim to have porous core to allow anaerobic bacteria to grow in its core... now that's just a claim lah! Another method is to rely on LR... but lots of LR... deep down inside the core of the LR, anaerobic bacteria will resides but it will definitely take longer than a Nitratreductor environment where it is better controlled. That's why it takes months to properly matured a tank... and growing the right kind of bacteria is part of the reason Macroalgae (with Refugium) will also help but you need a large amount of them to make an impact!
  2. Haha bro... if you read my post 10 minutes before yours, I've indicated that I will be transferring my LS from my home tank... therefore there will be no Seahorses... knowing me... chiller and etc. will fall in for sure (no matter how low tech I originally planned it to be)... once I transferred all my LS to this new tank (with some new fishes for sure, perhaps a school of Chromis) will create enough bio-load to test the skimmer out... if not feed Henry's Mix everyday lor It's easy to create high bioload
  3. Bro Neokn as you are more pro in terms of technical... are you suggesting that the THREADWHEEL is doing random "chopping" and create irregular bubble sizes? Please note that this is not a product review, I started this thread for discussion purpose, therefore both positive & negative (even sitting-on-the-fence) comments are appreciated As this is a new technology (for Singapore at least)... there are much more to explore... much much more understanding and research to be done (unfortunately mostly in German )
  4. Feed less, water change and maybe add Nitrifying Bacteria as intructed I'm running a Nitrareductor and my Nitrate is maintained at an undetectable level all the time... I personally don't think Rowaphos or Sorb-4 will help as they are mainly Phosphate removal media... you may want to try out Nitrate removal solution instead... such as NitrateLock & etc. Check reefdepot.com.sg But using liquid is a short term solution, you still need to cultivate enough bacteria (preferably anaerobic) to be able to break down Nitrate to Nitrogen.
  5. I finally have a clear direction of what my Office Paradiz heading... I will slowly mature the tank... transfer my fishes and corals (slowly) from Percula 90 and...
  6. I guess... you win some... you loose some... that's life ins't it?
  7. Since you are such a Zoos lover/collector, I will contact you once my Red Rubies spread to the next rock
  8. Bro Acidjazz I know... err... actually there is... AM just fired up a Bubble Master 2 days ago underneath their main display tank Although I do not know the price yet... (haha dun ask me how I can order things without knowing the price... I'm such a sucker as always)... well early indication is the ATI range will be significantly cheaper than Deltec of the same capacity... luckily I waited for a week... or else have to cancel Deltec order Do note that in Germany, reefers compare ATI Bubble Master with Bubble King (probably due to the similarity in look and feel)... not comparing it with Deltec... dun know why... perhaps of a different category (just my speculation...) Here's a pix of the THREADWHEEL (thanks to bro Lyz77 for extracting from some German site)... a newer more efficient way of creating fine bubbles compared to conventional NEEDLEWHEEL... well at least this is what the German thinks... will have to test it out to be sure ... one thing for sure... the German seems to be going towards the THREADWHEEL... well I guess it's normal to go after newer technology I will try to link some of the badly translated German sites so that you guys can get the information first hand... Exciting times ahead...
  9. Haha... your tank so huge... can't even see the fishes properly... must find one leh
  10. Agree with bro Nakazoru... clean it up a bit... so it's somewhat a sign of bad placement... mine also the same... in the same position for months, then decide to close up (or partial close up)... then moved to a high flow area and been happily ever since
  11. Thanks bro Lyz77 for the closeup pix... I've seen it in real life and it does look a bit "crappy" but according to all those German forum (badly translated by Yahoo) the modified Eheim pump is running on THREADWHEEL... a new form of NEEDLEWHEEL... there were a bit of debate regarding the two and it turn out to be THREADWHEEL being the clear future as the fineness of the MESH material is impossible to recreate using conventional NEEDLEWHEEL method/material. There's actually a BUBBLE MASTER running at AquaMarin's main display tank and the candy floss looks good... if the BM is only 1/3 of the smallest Bubble King, then perhaps this will be the next big thing in the market... I will have to wait for a couple of weeks before I can really test this guy... so I'll observe the BM @ AM for the moment
  12. Haha... burn out in terms of pocket lah... physical no way man... I'm charged as a BULL Reefing gives me WINGS
  13. Hi guys Saw this ATI Bubble Master at a LFS... they brought in 2 pieces from Germany to test... they got one running under their main display tank... the smaller version ATI Bubble Twister M is still brand new... I am thinking of using it for my upcoming project. What you guys think about the idea of testing out a new product by ATI? I don't even have the price yet so dunno if I should commit or not... As this product has not been launch in the US... there is only very limited resources out there (mainly German)... Any form of comments/views/warnings/encouragements is very much welcomed Jervis (the Guinea Pig)
  14. Night view... the new ATI Actinic Blue is very nice The night lighting has a better balance of colour now... previously too bright and too blue...
  15. Hehe... it is under my new Office Paradiz thread... it starts with an "A"
  16. Err... for one moment there... I thought you create a MerMan for yourself to enjoy
  17. Nice little Aquatronica souvenir spotted... go and get yours!!! Just mention you are a member of the Aquatronica Club
  18. Any idea where those rocks are from? So both you and bro Javier gotten your LR from the same source? Perhaps I'll be next Any Mantis Shrimp or Deadly Crab spotted/caught so far?
  19. I know lah... I asked you how much were the LR lah... not Steve's hourly rate
  20. 24 hours of skimming... love the skimmate Seriously, MCE600 is a very good skimmer for setups without sump... can hang anywhere... not dependent on water level... low power consumption... and it's so damn silent Enjoy the juice
  21. Err... totally off topic lor Later bro Colinsoon bring back the Crazy Horse...
  22. Hey... got such service meh? How much he charges per hour ah? Maybe I can get him to help also... at least deliver to my door step lah... mind PM me the price bro?
  23. I might need them for my new tank too... especially those tiny ones...
  24. Yalor... actually I wanted to ask already... looks very pro lah... comes in sealed styrofoam box leh... don't play play
  25. Emm... I guess no harm lah... you will not overdose anyway
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