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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Then it's a good indication that your tank is suitable for coral growth... keep it up SIS!!! And more PIX
  2. Perhaps I should show some inspiration pix to the tank maker so that he can build a tank that can help me achieve my dream tank It should look something like this... in 1 year time Courtesy of Aquarium Design Group
  3. Haha... thanks guys for all the exotic suggestions I think I'll go with either 1) Cheapo sand bed (Grade 1 & 2) 2) Live Aragonite Or a mixture of both Let me consult my tank maker first... I entrusted him with the design and I do not want to spoil the design by wanting this wanting that... I'm a designer and I understand how clients destroy design once they get involved too much
  4. Haha bro... you can try the DIY dripping method... that way you can slowly drip into your tank...
  5. Keep us updated... or maybe you can comment at the product review section
  6. I know... it all happens so rapidly within these 2 - 3 weeks... must be the Caribsea AragaMilk, Caribsea PurpleUp and ATI Actinic Blue T5 tube
  7. Hahaha... ice blended? Yeah an award winning drink fit for an UNDEAD (oops... I've revealed my second hobby... World of Warcraft)
  8. As mentioned, I was quoted by AquaMarin as a package together with my new 4.5' custom tank and a long list of goodies... can't give you a figure... I heard Janet will be posting soon
  9. Now the collection cup... appreciate the design (and construction) of the cup... slimmer neck is good for foaming, wider overall body is good for 3 liters of skimmate collection... there are plenty of space in between for cleaning... do note that the plexiglass used is of good quality (wouldn't say best, but good for this segment)... thickness is acceptable and it doesn't feel flimsy at all
  10. Haha... bro I'm sure I will be needing your help very soon I took some more photographs of my Baby... and here's the first of a series The collection cup is so easily removed (basically have to lift up)... I manage to lift it up with one hand (damn I've got huge hands)... for those with space limitation in their sump (height) you will appreciate the small lift... only 2" in height and you will be able to remove the collection cup for cleaning
  11. Another supernatural shot... except for the Tonga Pink Zoas... everything else are hitchikers... (including the SixLine... well ok I bought it for $4 ) The Tonga Pink Zoas colony is quite supernatural in itself... this is actually a frag of a larger colony... this frag (at mid level) opens 50% larger than the larger colony (placed on the sand bed)... I am still trying to figure out the reason... could it be something to do with the lighting?
  12. Macroalgae... growing so rapidly... they were not there 3 weeks ago... supernatural growth speed Can any kind bro help ID it?
  13. Here's the first pix of my Supernatural Series inspired by bro Godzillaliu88 The Pink Sponge is not as visible as before as most of my rocks are covered with coralline... thanks to AragaMilk (I suppose)
  14. Pink thing growing under my Xenia? Emm... you referring to those Pink Sponge looking thing I posted last time? The WHITE tubes are off now... let me try to capture them under the Actinic/Blue Yalor... supernatural... can you guys still remember that translucent white spongy looking snail? It is still inside my tank... only can be seen very early morning when lights are off
  15. Err... not noticable... coz my testing tub was translucent plastic, can't really see much. I'm sure it can be more easily observed in your sump.
  16. Emm... yes test kits are exp... but not advisable to go straight to Nitrate. Maybe can skip Nitrite. But Ammonia is essential... coz it is the most toxic of all and it can be a matter of live and death for your fishes and corals. If you think Salifert is too costly, can also go for other more economical brand. Better to get readings than not to get at all.
  17. Not bad for first attempt... Red Sea Skimmer some more In a few more days, can start testing Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate.
  18. Wow... things are really growing in my tank... you see the new Xenia branch? And also some new polyps forming at the base of the colony... a few other polyps also spotted on my LR... one on my Croceas shell
  19. My Bi-colour Prata is growing steadily... must be the weekly baby shrimp regimen I placed it on a ledge... so when it fully opens, it looks like a flying saucer floating in mid air Emm... the macroalgae on the left is quite interesting looking
  20. Oh no!!! My Frogspawn ate my Cleaner Shrimp
  21. Great! Can really push my Twister®M baby to the limit Promise me you'll be gentle on her She's still a virgin you know
  22. Love the Black Leopard Wrasse and your cute little Gold Neon Wrasse
  23. Bro... my new office tank is 160+ US Gallons lah... 4.5ft tank with 3ft sump I think I need to consider a commercial unit already... can hang outside... old shop houses.
  24. Same here... in my opinion... nothing can replace the 7095 yet...
  25. The powder should last much much longer than the bottled version... that I was told by RD... maybe I should drop by RD next week
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