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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yes bro... I am quite glad... guess I am just being lucky... and luck is not something that will be with you/me for all the time... so now I hope the same luck will follow me to the new tank... but it is really hard to say lah... Wait for my decom Percula 90 lah... I think I will have to sell off/give away some nice LS as they may not be suitable to my Shallow Reef environment
  2. Haha... maybe introduce the CR at a slightly later stage lor (1 month later)... since I design the tank to be able to use back almost all my old equipments... I think I really should give this Red Dragon a try I'm sure till now you guys should more or less know me... if people say it is damn good... it sparks my curiousity... I wanna try it out myself to see if it is damn good... in short "kiasu"
  3. Haha... getting more interesting... yes this product needs a lot more R&D before it can make it into our sophisticated market
  4. Bro... a pump is a pump... is a pump? Well... after reading your claim, I did some research just to further support my belief... and here's what I found: Eheim 1262 Universal Pump (S$269.00) Specifications - Pump Output: 3,400 l/h - Delivery Head: 3.6 m - Power Consumption: 80 W - http://www.eheimasiapacific.com/English/universal.htm Red-Dragon pump 6,5 m³ (around $900) Specifications - Pump Output: 6,500 l/h - Delivery Head: 4.0 m - Power Consumption: 65 W - http://english.royal-exclusiv.de/output-cu...dragon-pump.htm For my tank (with a high capacity protein skimmer) I will need around 10 times the tank volume circulation per hour. So using 1 Eheim 1262 is insufficient. So if I am to use 2 x Eheim 1262, here are my findings: 1) Power consumption: 95W more than Red Dragon (based on current energy rate $15/month more on utility bill) 2) The higher heat emmission will further burden my Arctica 1/5hp which is currently running a low 150W. 3) Waste of space to acommodate 2 pumps (instead of 1) The price difference between 2 Eheim 1262 and 1 Red Dragon 6,5 m³ is around $360.00... so based on the electricity savings (not incl. savings on chiller), I will be able to break even in 24 months. Not to mention lower noise emission and the prestige of owning one (of course).
  5. Nah you do have a point there bro... I'm not offended... but what you said is also true... in the end of the day... it depends on what the reefers want... as for me... this kinda equipments give me the thrill... and I really enjoy the feeling And no, I will not be discourage by you... you are in fact voicing out a wake-up call "whistle blower" to reefers like me... appreciate that Sometimes when we mention things like loan lah... sacrifice lah... CFO lah... starve for 2 months lah... those are just figure-of-speech and I don't suppose you take them literally
  6. Haha... I know LED is the future... SOLARIS for one is extremely promising and impressive... but the price is still a bit forbiding and the technology untested... perhaps one day... I think the moon cycle feature is similar to the Tunze Multricontroller 7095 right? The AquaMedic Light Computer also allows for incandescent light bulbs (up to 100W) to simulate moon cycle too What is the maximum LEDs allowed for each controller? Another question... I don't see a LED/LCD screen, so the moon cycle does not sync with actual day of the month (just like Multicontroller 7095)? Sorry for having so many questions
  7. Emm... seems like there's a clear favourite Please continue to vote...
  8. The RD 6.5m3 is confirmed... you are right... knowing me... I might spend $400 on an Eheim and 2 months down the road... the RD will somehow get into the tank I am glad I can still make decisions like this at this stage as the design of the tank is still taking shape... luckily I chose to share with you guys or else... will surely turn out to be less exciting (and less well equipped) I am still checking with the kind bro if his version is a ext or int... I am happy with either as the heat emission gonna be very low anyway I will just rely on 1 return pump... if I upgrade to a MEGA tank next time... just get another RD 6.5m3 and run both lor Now I need to check if I am qualify for the POSB Loan Assist Imagine my application form... Reason for taking up loan: Need to buy a reliable pump for my new fish tank
  9. Haha... thanks bro... this little guy is sub-$1000... I think I will have to sacrifice some other equipments already (for the time being)
  10. Haha... are you already in the waiting list? Perhaps I should join in too... I am looking for a small speciment (around 1.5" to 2") for my new tank... but afraid my Chevy will bully the Black Tang
  11. Bro Colin... despite what bro Lyz77 suggested (with good intentions and optimism)... I recommend you find out the cause of the fungal/parasite/disease outbreak... it seems to me that you have been experiencing a "not-too-smooth-ride" since the beginning of the setup... so perhaps you may want to let things settle down a bit more
  12. Yes bro... I am considering pipe insulation also... will discuss with my tank maker in greater details on this issue... As for return pump... I just gotten an offer from an another forum sponsor... offering me his used Red Dragon 6.5m3 to test... (please note that he is doing it out of goodwill, he doesn't carry this brand)... if I am happy with it (I don't see a reason why not actually ) I will get my tank maker to bring in a new piece to replace... I accepted the offer as I always believe is a extra-reliable return pump as it is the "heart" of the entire setup. Now with super powerful 6500 l/hr of force... I might consider T-off to the chiller ---> main tank... will have to discuss with my tank maker the pros and cons for doing so... then I can free up my Aquabee UP3000 for my "reef flushing system" which will work hand-in-hand with Aquatronica. So yes... I will incorporate a Red Dragon into my setup... that's a confirm plan I guess the CR can wait
  13. I got a feeling he is getting a computer soon... be it Aquatronica or IKS... Bro Altantis... do plan properly... you will end up spending more buying all the individual controllers/sensors just like the olden days... where reefers spent $700 for a pH monitor/controller
  14. Bro... to be frank with you... I think you might be disappointed with this $1300 investment... Firstly: "The European AP851 is fitted with 1 Eheim pump drawing in 600lts of air per hour". Now a single Eheim producing 600lts of air is not really that impressive for your tank size and for that kinda money. Secondly: "For Aquariums up to Heavy Stocking 1000 L (222 Gal) / Normal Stocking 1500 L (333 Gal)" This model is considered barely sufficient for your tank volume and stocking habit (I believe you feed a lot too)... your tank exceeds 1000L for sure... so why are you buying an underated skimmer with $1300? I'm just afraid you will become upset with the performance as you have such high hope on Deltec... Deltec is good (very good)... but no point spending so much money on an underated model... probably your Beckett can skim better in the end of the day Why not save up a little and go for the next bigger model? The AP702 is more suitable for you... really... and that costs a $1000 more... I know how difficult it is... now you know why I don't dare to jump straight to a 6 footer Because they require a different set of equipments all together... different league perhaps semi-commercial already Same thing for Chiller I think... always buy 1 size up... and if Arctica is too expensive... then look for other alternative brand like Teco/Hailea/Resun lor... ... now that sounds so so familiar All the best to your quest bro... I'll be watching
  15. I believe so... but sometimes I think we overated the "energy saving" part... really... and I am one to blame also... Say with the conversion of Beckett to Deltec saves $10/month Say the price difference between the Deltec and the Beckett is $600 That will take 60 months to be able to reflect the true savings... now that is a freaking 5 years long!!! Emm...
  16. Emm... my office ain't Zen leh... and GREEN?!?
  17. Don't be like that leh... there will never be a pinnacle in this hobby... you know what's my dream? To have a small swimming pool size tank filled with SPS where I can snorkle in... now that kinda dream will take a lifetime to achieve... definitely not within the next 2 years Well... if I am bored, I can always tear down the tank and build a new one again... that's part of the fun also
  18. Let it settle for a while... probably it is too stressed atm Emm... your Purple so intense... emm... check your skimmer cup tomorrow
  19. I think you are right bro Zorden... if I have all those cash waiting to be spent... then a different story lah... probably go back to my favourite brand... Aquabee
  20. What you guys think? Colour Scheme 4 and 6 are the highest scored combinations... I have to add a 6" hood (frame only) to cover the bracing... didn't know braceless tank costs so much more Vote for your favourite colour scheme HERE!!!
  21. Haha... so now I'm the auto top-up... I can let you use my Eheim food timer for a while lor... but it's not exp lar... advisable for you to get one
  22. Bro as agreed before... if you need me to just drop by middle of the week... let me know... I promise will not mess around your house... or organize SRC open house
  23. Blue doesn't match the interior... all black also doesn't match... a bit sick of black alredy lar (Percula 90)
  24. Haha... quite true... but so fast upgrade to BK... next time no room for improvement lah... I still have 30 more years to go hor
  25. You do have a point there... since my wall is white... it will look... err... white? I was thinking dark blue actually... black looks like deep blue sea
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