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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. DON'T!!! It's normal for worms to come out of the LR during the cycle... let them die or remove them (if you wish to)... don't change water or you will have to cycle all over again... I know it's horrible...
  2. Wow!!! WORMS!!! What you do? Enjoy the view lor... can post some pix?
  3. Becoz all those beautiful Tangs and Angels they put in died within a week or so
  4. I roughly calculated your tank... around 800 liters... so if you ask me... I'll suggest you get the following during your next trip here to Singapore: Deltec Protein Skimmer AP 851 - S$1,399.00 http://www.deltecaquariumsolutions.com/skimmers_6.php L: 390mm W: 310mm H: 800mm I wouldn't suggest you other brand as I do not have direct experience with other brands... but of course you can try ATI Bubble Master, but I don't think the Bubble Master will come in early enough for your next visit
  5. If you ask me... I think the tank is not very natural looking... it's like a LFS tank filled with fishes for sale... don't think some of the fishes coexist too well with others and there are obviously not enough rocks and caves for fishes to sleep at night... it's sad to see Blue Tangs lying on the glass floor at night
  6. Hi there... do you think you can remove one piece of glass divider inside your sump? The one right to your macro skimmer. Just cut the silicone using a blade cutter... won't affect your sump tank at all... then you can have a large enough space for all sorts of fancy in-sump skimmer. As I heard electricity in Bangkok is high (higher than Singapore in fact, can you verify this?) you may want to get a energy efficient model. I will do some search for you tonight for some nice skimmers... will post here. If you like, you can PM me for the best place to get that particular model... don't worry, I am not linked to any LFS... but just trying to bring in "foreign exchange"
  7. Can change background to white (or any colour) during export... I learned that in school too... but I failed that subject Prefer hand drawn architectural drawings at that time
  8. Bro Tigger, I am not using Autocad to design the tank as I can do it much faster using Adobe Illustrator... is this visual clear enough? I will also post a blow-up 3D later
  9. Very insightful reading... I am also planning to introduce another Spotted Mandarin to my tank (currently a female)... on second thoughts... maybe not... not now at least
  10. Haha... how's ur acquisition going bro Hammy? You need more Hydrocarbonate? I still have some left... let me know.
  11. From what I heard... Royal Exclusive is not interested in our market at all... I am also hoping to find the main distributor so that I can get proper service and parts for my future Red Dragon pump (which will be incorporated into my new tank).
  12. Oh yalar... that's how we usually specify it... 1ºC is sorta industry standard
  13. Haha I am confident sis Monki can handle a 2ft easily... now that she has gained so much experience in reefing (and photography)
  14. Any update sis? You seems quiet lately... planning for a bigger tank already?
  15. Emm... if not using the pump, I don't think gravity will force the water to move from (from left) second chamber to the third via the top or is it possible?
  16. Haha... typo... should be CHILLER... I am too much into skimmers nowadays... day in day out No I do not use my Aquatronica to control the skimmer during feeding, I just switch it off (with the danger of forgetting to on it back)
  17. Hi bro Southpaw23, do not get me wrong, I am not defending my position but to add to your beliefs... as I agree with you completely regarding the compatibility/requirements of each LS and about Mandarin... However, I hope you will also agree with me that technology allows reefers to push the limit a little bit more especially when it comes to treating the water condition in our tank... perviously a lot of the species (esp. corals, SPS) are not even possible for to be kept for a considerable period of time... but now, they thrive in some successful tanks... and I have strong faith in technology and I expect it to get better as we (as reefers) and companies (R&D) are learning so much more from mother nature than before... that is the point I was trying to make earlier... not disagreeing with you but to give your view a more rounded perspective And how does this relate back to bro Acidjazz? Well... technology is the only source he can rely on right now if he wants to keep all his Tangs and fishes happy... and there shouldn't even be an argument/disagreement about it... that's why we have been discussing about his current interest in getting a better skimmer (both in forum and phone conversation) I know overstocking is not a healthy thing to do... but at least bro Acidjazz is willing to salvage the situation by upgrading his equipments to match the bio-load... but of course... you can always ask... why so many Tangs in the first place? That I will have to let bro Acidjazz answer
  18. Bro it really depends on which part of the ocean you trying to recreate... light blue simulating shallow reef, dark blue deep water and black for dark cavern and sea bed
  19. That's what I thought also... very seldom we see reefers get flamed for overstocking their tanks nowadays... probably because the rules doesn't apply anymore... with so many high-tech equipments in the market nowadays... many reefers can push the limit relying on technology (which is exactly what I am planning for btw)... That's why I seriously hope that bro Acidjazz can reconsider his decision regarding the Deltec 851. According to Deltec, the 851 supports only up to - Heavy Stocking 1000 L (222 Gal)... bro Acidjazz's tank already 1000 L... and I'm sure Deltec overrate the 851 by a little... And the 600lts of air per hour is not entirely convincing for a 6 footer with 50 fishes (and possibly more in the coming 1 month)... bearing in mind some of the fishes are still considere Juvenile now You know how fast Tangs grow right? Again not forgetting the "manufacturer overating trend"... that doesn't leave you with a lot of air per hour Bro Acidjazz... please make the right decision... as you are one of the few reefers I can discuss about equipments... I hope we will help each other in getting our dream equipments and we can warn each other of unforeseen restrictions... I think we belongs to the same kind... blinded by certain brands... and particularly passionate when it comes to brand loyalty. Ok enough said... up to you bro... all the best And don't let me see you adding back your Bullet Beckett later on
  20. I used my Aquatronica to control the skimmer (together with a huge fan for circulation)... I want my chiller to kick-in less often (currently 6 to 7 times a day) as it will consume less energy and will slow down the wear-and-tear of the chiller in the long run Arctica thermostat +/- 0.4ºC? Emm... not too sure about that bro... can't be possible coz it doesn't make much sense to me especially for small models like these... in some tanks, it will take as little as 20 mins to increase 0.4ºC... so the chiller will kick-in all the time... not very energy efficient IMO.
  21. Yalor... why get a underpowered Deltec just for the sake of getting... then think about changing 3 months down the road? To be honest, I think your bio-load is super high lor... you will really put the 851 to test Agree with bro Spawns... go for a Bubble King!!! If you get a Bubble King... no need to test next to my Bubble Master already... by default you get all the ... but make sure you don't buy an underpowered BK hor...
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