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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Here's a close up shot of my "fake" SPS
  2. Guys Here's my latest NO3 reading... 2 divided by 10 (side reading) = 0.2 mg/l. Was 2.5 mg/l a week ago... I believe the introduction of a more efficient protein skimmer helped in bringing NO3 to such low amount (almost undetectable). As the protein skimmer extracts more wastes... there will be lesser left in the water to form A N N. Therefore, upgrading to a more efficient protein skimmer is also a very effective way of removing Nitrate... even more effective than any denitrator as we are tackling the problem at its roots...
  3. I already checked... it will be extremely costly... not a viable option for the time being
  4. Been a while I lasted posted a pix of my prized Tri-colour Yuma... opening up much bigger than before... 3.5" in diameter Been with me for 4 months now
  5. Latest Nitrate reading... 2 divided by 10 (read from the side) = 0.2 mg/l It was 2.5 mg/l on the 27th July 06... what could possibly cause the sudden reduction? My Nitratreductor 1000 has been running consistently for the past 3 months... so can't possibly be the Nitratreductor 1000. I suspect the Deltec MCE600 is making the difference... with more efficient skimming (tuned to wet)... so much more wastes were removed even before given the chance to break down to A N N... resulting in almost undetectable Nitrate level Long live efficient and powerful protein skimmer
  6. The tank maker will (finally) meet me at my office tomorrow late afternoon... from there he will be able to tell if the men can lift the fish tank up 4 storeys... Hopefully will have a clearer idea of what can and cannot achieve for my new setup
  7. My largest Cleaner Shrimp... currently pregnant... always "kacau" my coral
  8. My Merulina... finally showing sign of encouragement... the Green Rings used to be only Green Dots... this was the first time the rings were spotted in 3 months Possibly opening its mouths to get a bite of the coral food
  9. Coral feeding time... Roti-Feast™, Reefroid and Arcti-Pod™
  10. My Gonios standing firm even without current It's so much easier to take photographs of them this way... but just ain't natural to see them open up this way
  11. Done with 5% water change... here's a funny shot... once I off all my pumps/powerheads, the Xenia-looking hitchiker fell (usually extending upwardswith the help of water current) and formed a patch of worms And my queer Nemo loves it!
  12. But those photographs (the sump showing the thermometer) were taken at night... so I am a bit concern if the temperature will rise to 32ºC during late afternoon Bro Acidjazz, what's the highest temperature of the day?
  13. Yupe for 2 straight days... so when I found out... I quickly removed it from bro Lyz77 tank so that his tank can get back to normal... and it has gotten back to normal (I hope) So my first attempt to test the skimmer out was a total failure... so I've decided to keep the protein skimmer for a while till the tank is ready... testing in other reefer's tank is both inconvenient and high in risk (for the kind reefer). Will update you guys again on this Baby... but if you have any queries about this product, we can still discuss it here. I may also drop by AM more often to observe the progress of the Bubble Master... the last time I went... the skimmate was really
  14. His wireless thermometer shows 30.2ºC Still acceptable I think...
  15. Haha... your morning is really morning lor!!! Bro you wake up so early? Ok here's the update... It's quite an embarassing one actually, that's the reason I was (and still am) a bit reluctant to share with you guys... Rewind ---> 5 minutes before I left bro Lyz77's place last Sunday: Becaused I try not to block his sump tank too much, I moved the skimmer more to the right and I clumsily disconnected the air tube from the top part (the part where they put the cotton wool). The tube dropped and stay within the grey PVC outlet (so didn't notice it). Of course, I didn't know at that time and left his place happily... So when I received Lyz77 sms "no foam yet"... I was puzzled by it. Of course I didn't ask bro Lyz77 to check the connections as I was pretty confident then. He was also pretty busy last weekend... so we decided to let it run for another day (or two)... the so-called kick-in period. I think it will be a lot clearer if I show you a pix tonight (in home's computer)... will update again tonight. Really paiseh leh
  16. I hope the buyer of the Beckett is not in a hurry to collect
  17. And your daughter is on sale too?
  18. Very impressive "tree-trunk" GIANT!!! Now who's that guy? Royal's boss? I have a dream... I have a dream one day... I have a dream one day I will...
  19. Haha... must inform me if got algae on the Live Aragonite... then I don't have to invest so much on the sand bed
  20. Nope... I am not ready for SPS... and LPS is too beautiful to ignore... my next tank will be SPS perhaps... but now, I want to continue keeping LPS Oh just remembered the restrictions by the narrow staircases... don't think those guys can carry a 6 feet tank all the way up to the 4th level... I got a feeling it's quite impossible and a crane or assemble in-situ is not an alternative
  21. I am one of the partners and I have the entire attic floor for myself (for the time being)... so I guess no one will stop me
  22. Ahh... no wonder your tank gets 0 0 5 so quickly... plus the Live Aragonite some more... good choice bro I will follow your footsteps... do update us on the silicate-free sandbed... see if it is true about the no-algae claim.
  23. Emm... so fast 0 0 5? Those LR are from another matured tank? The Live Aragonite really so amazing? Hahaha... I know... it's hard to resist the temptation of adding your first fish... it happens all the time
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