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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Not to mention those running high power consumption chiller 650W for a mid size chiller Let me calculate... let's say running 8 hours a day... $33.00/month Yours also quite high... 450W
  2. From what I heard... if your tank has all the while at that high level, most of your LS already sorta gotten used to it... as long as it is not a drastic spike... which means... if you are to use some potent chemicals to reduce NO3, do it slowly too... Haiz... then no choice lor... can tune bit by bit lah... nothing drastic... but wet skimming will definitely make a diff in your NO3 in the long run (which is desirable in your case) since your DIY denitrator doesn't seems to be working
  3. Looks more like injured by some nasty fishermen or the kinda netting they use... but hey... really adds character to your fish... for all you know... this fish is considered unique
  4. Agree with you completely... if you look at my setup... I am already running on the best equipments (and lowest wattage) I can afford... still end up $60 for a 4-footer. And do expect tariff to rise average 10% to 15% per annum
  5. Oh yours is an external skimmer... maybe a bit wetter... nothing drastic for a start... then increase slowly... of course there are other means to reduce NO3... since yours is considered emergency, do you wanna consider chemical product such as Nitratlock? I think RD carries a few products of this nature. Personally I consider NO3 = 50 code red already
  6. So brother... are you shocked by the electricity consumption of your tank? The reason why I am particularly careful with electricity is becoz this is the only expenses I can't hide from my CFO... coz my CFO takes care of the bills Now, since I am to set up a tank in the office, it is good to know how much the tank will add to the already high electricity bill. So the new tank draws $60 worth of energy each month... and that's a-hell-of-a-lot
  7. Sad news... the True White Xenia I bought from Irwana shipment last night "went-up-lorry" Will be more careful next time... and hopefully bring more luck (not money) there also.
  8. Skim wet... remove the wastes before they get a chance to break down = less Nitrate produced in the end All the best bro and thanks for sharing your testimony on Rowaphos... now I am convinced and ready to spend a bit more for the quality.
  9. Haha sis... you are also a TUBEWORMANIA Look at the size of that Coco Worm Tube
  10. I know... I'm partly to be blamed Enough talking "air" coz obviously I can't afford a $4000 protein skimmer... just "airing" but diluted bro Acidjazz's tank thread along the way... Bro Acidjazz, mind sharing with us what u feed to keep your Tangs and Chromis so happy? (attempt to change topic )
  11. I've seen some China/Taiwanese brand at AquaMarin. Yupe I don't think you should attempt Anemone with 9W PL
  12. Ok based on Singapore Power's latest tariff: $0.2115 for every 1000W per hour So 1W per hour is $0.0002115 So 1W per month is $0.1512 Say a pump that runs 50W will costs $0.1512 x 50 = $7.56/month
  13. To be honest... I have not test my Silicate before Perhaps I should start once my new tank is up and running
  14. Yeah I think the position there ain't bad at all... it's just a bit unsightly ... I am totally convinced by your result bro Soul... all the way to 0 in a couple of days There's only 1 brand for my new tank
  15. You wanna try Algae Blenny? I might have one up for adoption in 2 months time
  16. Perhaps you need more cleaning crew especially those residing on the sand bed such as Sand Sifting Star
  17. Especially tanks using normal sand... normal sand contains silicate... a form of fertilizer for algae
  18. Just flood the tank twice a week lor... I also tear off some small pieces of shrimps and place it near their mouths once a week
  19. Bad news... the Pure White Xenia is not doing well... gotto remove from tank tonight if condition doesn't improve Here's a day shot of the Gigas... still stressed I believe
  20. CHILLER • Arctica 1/5hp Titanium Chiller (150W) - 8 hours per day • $7.50/month LIGHTING • ATI Powermodul 39W x 4 - 8 hours • $7.90/month • ATI Powermodul 39W x 2 - 12 hours • $5.90/month • Built-in fans x 3 (aprox. 10W) - 12 hours • $0.75/month TOTAL POWER CONSUMPTION (for this category): $22.00/month
  21. Let's start with: PUMPS / POWERHEADS / WAVEMAKERS Return & Reef Flushing System Pump • Red Dragon 6,5m3 (65W/H-max: 4.0m) - 24/7 • $9.80/month Chiller Pump: • Aquabee UP3000 (45W/H-max: 2.4m) - 24/7 • $6.80/month FR Pump: • Aquabee UP1000 (10W) - 24/7 • $1.50/month Water Top-up Pump: • Eheim Compact 600 (11W) - Max. 10 min per day • $0.25/month ATI Bubble Master Skimmer: • Eheim 1262 (80W) - 24/7 • $12.00/month AquaMedic Nitratreductor 1000: •Circulation Pump 300 l/h (5W) - 24/7 • AquaMedic Dosing Pump SP3000 3 l/h (4.5W) -24/7 • $1.40/month Wavemakers: • Tunze Turbelle Stream 6000 x 2 (15Wx2) - 24/7 • $4.50/month • Tunze Turbelle Stream 6060 (11W) - 12 hours per day • $0.80/month TOTAL POWER CONSUMPTION (for this category): $37.00/month
  22. Oh dear... electricity charges increased by 3% for this quarter... here's a shot of Singapore Power's website. So if they constantly increase 3% every quarter... that's 12+% a year leh!!! So, the charges now for running a 50W equipment, 24/7 will costs us $7.50/month. I have an idea... let me calculate the energy consumption for my office tank
  23. Then what does your wife likes? (besides you of course ) Will you be transferring all your current LS to your new tank?
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