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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. PMed you... dun wanna bored other reefers with the same old trick
  2. Yeah but only a bit more compared to yesterday... there's no sign of stress... so I shall not panic for the time being
  3. GOTCHA!!! Round #3: As always... games (somehow) end up lovey-dovey
  4. Round #2: Hide and Seek... it's amazing how my Purple Goniopora not affected by True's presence at all... normally the Purple Gonio is very sensitive to external forces The Blue-Eye Anthias volunteered to be the Referee making sure no foul play
  5. My False and True have finally decided to play a series of games... Round #1: Play catch-catch Hindi style... circling my Tonga Zoas... I think the game really annoyed my Radioactive Zoas
  6. Have not shown this little guy for a long time now... growing quite fat lah... but the fattest I've seen is in bro Happy's tank... his is definitely obese
  7. Feed coral food during day time, avoid any at night, after a while, they will open during day time to get food... just like how you train Sun Corals
  8. Will collect nice mushroom colony from bro V tomorrow
  9. My tank onced experienced 500+ Ca too... no harm to LS... just that it may not be healthy for the long term...
  10. Yes yes yes... good enough for real corals for sure
  11. As suggested by Madmac, perhaps stirring it violently is not a good idea right now. My previous suggestion was, make sure the surface does not hardens (by the excessive Ca). Yes, you should get a proper test kit to be certain, I've tried both Salifert and TM, both are good. If you follow the instructions carefully, each dose of TM Bio-calcium will give you a max of around 30ppm. And you only dosed 3 times so far with 1 1/2 weeks apart each time. So it is quite unlikely the Bio-Calcium causes such high Ca (if you are not overdosing). I suggest you get a reliable Ca before doing anything to your system. One thing to bear in mind, I notice my Alkalinity (KH) goes up drastically too everytime I dose TM Bio-Calcium.
  12. Hi guys Just came across this interesting thread... I know... I'm not welcomed here... But I do want to learn from you guys leh... I have an idea... once I'm done with my office tank... I will decom my Percula 90 and start a small SeaHorse tank... all DIY... on a budget... I have to agree that this hobby is not all about $$$, it can be fun DIY also especially with a bunch of like-minded guys. I will do everything myself... including building my own tank?!? Will have to learn from Colinsoon on building cabinet and hood Can I join?
  13. From what I heard, ATI also widen the outlet of the Eheim (by scraping off some plastic from the inside) to avoid bubbles bottle-necking within the pump. Can't wait to see your result Bro, suggest you check if ATI Threadwheel is patented worldwide... be careful if you ever think of going commercial with this baby.
  14. Yalor... any update? I like your bag solution for activated carbon... easy to change also.
  15. Very nice looking... coming along nicely... I think your camera is not doing too badly... you might need to use photo editing software to further enhance the pix.
  16. Yes doing nothing is a good way... another indication of a super high Ca is the hardening of the sand bed, do stir it a little once in a while I'm using the TM Bio-Calcium too. It is not super potent IMO, only manage to increase around 20+ per day. How many days u been dosing the TM Ca powder? Don't tell me you reach 500+ within a single dose Do provide a bit more info such as your tank volume and Ca lvl before dosing (last 2 weeks). What Ca test kits r u using?
  17. Emm... such high Ca from Tropic Marin salt? Quite unusual leh Your 1450 Mg is highly desirable What other means of Ca you add to your tank bro?
  18. Wah tear down an entire room to fit a fish tank... love the idea Show us more pix bro... must get some ideas from your setup already
  19. Good choice of equipments bro... those equipments will make a proper setup that can lasts for many years Do show us a bit more on the JBJ top up system
  20. The Tunze Osmolator is very reliable... good choice
  21. Wow! 6 litres is a lot leh... amazing when a tank get to such a scale... have u got any top-up device in mind already?
  22. Bro Soul mentioned before... sprinkle some Rowaphos on to your sand bed (especially those spots with diatom appearing)
  23. I so envy you bro... your workplace is so much better than my workplace with a reef tank... too bad I can't come over and help you catch fish... or else surely damn fun
  24. Haha... yes Convict is damn nice bro... it's considered rare in the hobby... have not seen one in a reefers tank before Better luck next time... have you come across fancy looking fish at your workplace?
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