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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Wah so touching leh... I will take the offer... but before that you must help me get my new tank ready for SPS... help setting up a CR for example
  2. If you can find some smaller specimens... why not 5? Your tank is huge enough... but you may want to add the school towards the last...
  3. If you want your pix to show more details... perhaps adding more variety will help... mushrooms are too "rock-hugging" How big is the Gigas you eyeing? I bought a brown piece (yeah brown ) last weekend and it is a rather small Gigas... around 4" I am planning to introduce Red Sea Sailfin Tang also... saw it in someone's tank in the US... they are extremely beautiful compared to the Indo ones. You may want to consider getting more than 1 Yellow Tang... what about introducing a school of 3 or more?
  4. Much better with a tripod... well our "point-and-shoot" digicams ignore the details coz they are built to be different from SLR/DSLR... personally I think your zoom in pix are good and details are showing up nicely... did you do any photo retouching/enhancement to it? Another reason you don't get much detail on your FTS is... there isn't much details for the camera to shoot
  5. True... a change in routine and a big courageous step... but the main objective for me setting up this office tank is to transfer all my LS from home... continue keeping them... so that I can decom my home tank (make way for future SPS tank... at home) We'll see how, if everything turns out well, I shall add my first piece of SPS within 2 to 3 months
  6. Bro Cherm... since the tank maker will still come to fix the sump, do you wanna consider having a black film to cover the overflow box area? The lid is hydraulic powered?
  7. Saw bro Cherm's new tank (delivered today) and I kinda like it... it looks much cleaner than my original design actually... nice Maybe just have to change the laminate to Silver and tadaa... a designer tank Calculated my tank volume (incl. sump) = 150 US Gallons (565 Liters) That is almost double my Percula 90's volume. Now, running an ATI Bubble Master in my new tank will be like... let me calculate... 5 times overpower... so I expect crystal clear water (maybe don't even need a Denitrator) and SPS to thrive under such pristine water Dream on... dream
  8. Yupe yes you do... not discount lah... actually I owe you money
  9. How's things bro? Any pix to share?
  10. Haha... I wanted to mention Hammy earlier... lol
  11. Very good idea... make sure you get the Luminous Green type
  12. I like it very much leh!!! I just sms Steve, I ask him to just do up a tank similar to yours... I like the simplicity of it and the external overflow box! Can show the sump also?
  13. Emm... that tube on the left a bit hard to conceal... Bro can show your skimmate? I love to see skimmate
  14. Emm... may consider not transferring the Prata into my new tank... will let you guys know if I decide to let go (as a package perhaps)
  15. Haha... you know me... advertising is in my blood... as requested by bro Halohalo... a pix
  16. Yeah probably... or maybe the Prata is so smart... following my Hammer's footsteps... so big until I can't handle... then have to find it a larger home lor
  17. Haha... let me try: 1) Personally, I will just transfer them straight into the main tank (after acclimatization). Since there are no other fishes in your tank (there will be no fighting) and BTs are generally "eat-like-a-pig" kinda fish... don't see a need to put them in betta box... bear in mind that it's stress to be inside a small plastic box within a fish tank 2) You already have superb food source... however if you want to feed pellets (due to convenience and cleanliness), I find my fishes react positively to Ocean Nutrition Formula One and Formula Two. There's also this product by Dr. Bassler's called ######, it contains extra vitamins that will boosts immune system and prevent minor outbreaks. If you wonder where to get these products, PM me. Have fun!
  18. Hehe... let me help you prioritise... You really really need now: Protein Skimmer Something that will make your life a lot easier: Tunze Osmolator w/ pump Something that will make you real broke: IKS Aquastar set :D
  19. Wow! Look at the size of my Bi-colour Prata My 3" BT looks so small next to it... the prata is easily 8" in diameter and it is still expanding... is it trying to tell me something?
  20. I know some SPS can be relatively easy but I am still struggling to keep my Ca level high without a CR and adding SPS will only stress my system further... will definitely give it a try in my new office tank (once it is matured enough of course)
  21. Haha bro you plan everything for me already... tomorrow I got a frag of mushroom mah... can place on the sand bed... no SPS for me... don't want to stress myself too much... coz obviously I am not ready
  22. Irwana shipment always like that... coz there's no chance for corals to acclimatize... so basically we buy blindly (in a way) out of the styrofoam box... well that's the risk I guess... no choice
  23. Latest FTS I am so running out of space... "Make room for ideas" - Ikea
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