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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I'll bring you to T95 next time
  2. Cherm, bring the 6200 back to Steve and tell him Jervis tell you so (hahaha as if... ) Exchange it for a 6100 or 2 x 6000 No point of running an oversized Stream inside a 4 footer... unless you intend to upgrade to a 6 footer pretty soon.
  3. It's a Green Goniopora... (if not Alveopora)... gotto see it extended to be 100% sure... I got a similar looking piece and it doesn't extend as much as my other Gonios And those coralline algae growths are lovely Welcome to the world of PURPLE
  4. <0.25 is still quite high for some LS (especially corals)... maybe wait 3 more days lah...
  5. Yeah a pix would definitely helpful... but from the description... it ain't gonna be a pretty sight
  6. Bro Hammy... you got RABBIT in your room?!? Sorry
  7. Not for long... And for record purpose... the Turboflotor Percula is NOT a powerful skimmer... most evident when I introduced the baby Deltec... BABY only leh!!! No fight
  8. It depends whether you wanna take risk or not... if you are to wait for a few days more, the Ammonia will drop to an undetectable level (0.2 is still detectable, and they are highly toxic). Regardless, you still have other parameters to fix... remember... Sg being a very very crucial one. Haha... I'm nagging
  9. Wah so generous... and so confident ah? Oh yeah... you do not have an Anemone inside your tank to create havoc
  10. Hi Frankie, yes it's very wise of you to do some homework before committing. As technology improves ever so quickly, a very good skimmer 5 years ago may not be as good in year 2006. Having said that, I must apologize as I cannot provide you with more pictures of the product as I am now waiting for my new tank. My current tank doesn't come with a sump therefore can't test it. How big is your tank? If you need advice, do PM me with more details. We can discuss further. As I might suggest you a few models to consider... it is not suitable to discuss it under this product review thread.
  11. That's a great idea... Bro I also notice there's a Sea Cuke inside your tank... is it still in there? Or MIA? Must keep a close eye on it... in fact it shouldn't be in there (I know... it's probably free from another reefer) but if you Sg is 1.019, there's a high chance that the Sea Cuke may not survive... and a major disaster can happen if your Sea Cuke not removed from the tank within hours... they release toxin when they die (rot/dissolve)
  12. Haha bro... this is not freshwater lah... cannot all go by pairs lah But I do understand you... I've seen the pair moving together... it's a wonderful sight... sorta reminds me that "love is in the air"
  13. I attempted once in my Nano Cube... jumped out and became dried-fish My first casualty in the hobby
  14. Not good... you better bring improve before collecting the corals from bro Vandeam. Here's how you can improve within the next few days: KH = 8 to 9dKH Mag = 1300ppm (at least) Sg = 1.023 - 1.025 Ca = 400 - 450 pH = 7.9 - 8.3 Temperature = shouldn't exceed 30ºC I think the most critical is actually the Sg and your Alkalinity (KH). Don't collect the corals if your water is not ready All the best bro
  15. Make BBS? Hey bro you know how to hatch them? Teach me leh... I want to get a device that will hatch and feed BBS automatically... saw something in the market but doesn't satisfy my requirements... maybe try to bring in from Europe/US... I'm sure they have all sorts I also want 2-spots... we buy together ok?
  16. Nice process bro... well documented... is the MH fixture secured properly? The last thing you want is the MH to slide by an inch and the whole fixture drop into the tank Safety first
  17. Oh... if that's the case may I suggest the following: 1) Use the allocated budget to upgrade your protein skimmer. You mentioned Deltec AP600 in your PM, that's a really nice protein skimmer for your setup... I will say easily 3 times more effective than your current one. 2) Since your current NO3 (less than 5) is within acceptable range, do expect the Deltec AP600 to bring it down to a much lower level. Although a Denitrator is a good to have... but I see an efficient skimmer bringing more benefits to the entire setup. Simply put, what you are planning to do is to use a Deltec Denitrator to clean up the mess left by your current protein skimmer... doesn't makes much sense to me Of course, the best is to have both
  18. Hi Frankie, please browse to previous page for updates
  19. Can't wait to see your new creation bro... yes 2.5' is great for nice tall scaping with plenty of room for fishes to swim around... but you do need long arms though Now that reminds me of a 3ft height tank I've seen recently... total killer
  20. Haha... that's why I chose a Bioballs solution instead... but since you already bought it... make it to good use lah. But you can do it slowly really... since your NO3 is below 5, there's no need to fire it up yet unless you want to bring your NO3 down to an undetectable level, read more about this product... or follow bro Acidjazz's tank thread as he will start his Sulphur Denitrator tonight. I'm sure he will touch on the "low pH" issue. Always remember, Sulphur itself is poisonous and excess level of Sulphur in the tank can wipe out your entire LS... haha now I'm really scaring you
  21. Wah Deltec leh... don't play-play Extracted from RD (copied from Deltec's Website): The Deltec NF 509 Sulphur Nitrate Filter is a biological filters in which special bacteria (thiobacillus denitrificans) remove nitrate from the aquaria water. The time span for proper functioning can be rather long. After the running-in period, maintenance (apart form checking the exact water flow) is simple. The water coming out of the Deltec NF 509 Sulphur Nitrate Filter will have a low pH value and should be lead through a container with ROWA®lith C or similar. For better performance the NF 509 can be fitted with a circulation pump. From the above description, CO2 is not needed (unlike Calcium Reactor) but the discharge will have a low pH. You need to find ways to fix buffer up the pH... Deltec recommended ROWAlith C (same media for Calcium Reactor)... which can be a perfect combination actually as ROWAlith C will help you to raise your pH, release Calcium, buffer KH. Do check with RD if the same chamber can be filled with say 1/4 of Rowalith C on the top portion. As for the recommended circulation pump... I have no idea how to achieve this... I think it is something similar to a FR/CR in concept. To stir the media inside the chamber to avoid settling too much. Have fun with this new toy...
  22. Agree with bro Zorden... it's hard to get 2 skimmers with different capacities to work efficiently in a system anyway... normally what will happen is, the more powerful skimmer will skim more... leaving the less efficient one with nothing... waste energy. I know that it's frustrating in your situation as you do not have that much access to fancy gadgets in Brunei, but a Turboflotor Multi SL can easily handle your tank... even with a few Yellow Tangs. Even then, your tank is still considered low/medium stocking. However, in the long run... I would suggest you seriously look at a more efficient protein skimmer. Always get something 1 to 2 size up. For example: 1) 'X' skimmer is suitable for 1000 liters to 2000 liters... Take 1500 liters as the realistic rating 2) 'Y' skimmer is suitable for 2000 liters (low stocking), 1000 liters (high stocking) Take "high stocking" as eventually your tank will reach that status whether it's intended or not... plus point 1) you end up with around 750 liters (high stocking) 3) 'Z' skimmer can easily manage a 6-footer Then take a model 1 to 2 size larger than the 'Z' model. Normally 1 size larger is good enough, but if you intend to evolve to SPS one day... get 2 size up. Also, do take note the power consumption. I got a feeling electricity is subsidized by the Brunei government (I suppose), but power consumption is my main determining factor also especially with the rising energy tariff... this piece of equipment will run 24/7 so it makes a lot of difference, say in the next 3 years.
  23. Oh yeah Santa Claus... just that you have to pay for it yourself... more like waiting for a DHL delivery to me Luckily you go for the Sulphur based denitrator... it will get "up-and-running" much faster compared to a Bioballs based denitrator. But be careful with it... the last thing you want is your beautiful fishes to perish due to high sulphur in the water.
  24. Yes I know it can be complicated... especially if we are to continuously add new frags to the system... but hey... isn't that part of the fun?
  25. Oh so sorry to here about the Twin-spots... they look so cute swimming together as a pair... haiz... as for the ich... nah they will go away... emm... how long has the MI been with you? Longer than 2 weeks right?
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