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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. The yellow on the side is very pretty
  2. Remember my Sump 2? Well... it is still running together with my Sump 1
  3. Hehe... new ideas require new determination and new actions :eyebrow:
  4. Yeah take over the world using this horrible worm... the longest worm found in my sand bed
  5. Emm... Clowns also have short memory like Blue Tangs? :rolleyes:
  6. Must thank 2 reefers for helping me decom last Saturday... still busy with some cleaning up Here's one final pix before the decom
  7. Hi bro Once I've gotten the replacement magnets, I will contact you.
  8. Hi guys I've gotten a reply from Ecotech Marine. From: EcoTech Marine <ecotechmarineservice@gmail.com> Date: 06 December 2007 11:42:33 PM GMT+08:00 To: Jervis Mun <jervis.mun@mac.com> Subject: Re: 3 pieces of Vortech MP40 MAGNET found rusty! One magnet looks perfectly normal. One needs replacement as it appears to be flaking. For service in your area contact www.ecotechmarine-asia.com. It will be much cheaper than paying postage from here in Jersey. Dave - EcoTech Marine Service Manager Here are the pictures I sent over to Ecotech Marine.
  9. Hi there I am actually looking for a temporary lighting for my tank while finalizing the design of my new fixture. Are you willing to reduce the price as I will not be needing the tubes. Do let me know. Jervis
  10. Thanks bro Zipp Found the book HERE Will try to keep a lookout for it locally first Never stop learning...
  11. Bro Burnerj Although you have taken the unconventional route... seems like you do end up pretty well with experiences to share... do keep us updated
  12. Thanks bro for the support I have written to Ecotech Marine: From: Jervis Mun <jervis.mun@mac.com> Date: 06 December 2007 9:46:12 AM GMT+08:00 To: sales@ecotechmarine.com, service@ecotechmarine.com Subject: 3 pieces of Vortech MP40 MAGNET found rusty! Let's wait for their response regarding this. Jervis
  13. Bro Thanks for alerting me, I've checked the internal part of my Vortechs and have decided to halt all sales for the time being. Will write to Ecotech Marine (Vortech's company) for an explanation. Jervis
  14. Hi there I still have 1 more set to let go (preferably together with the backup battery). Will let go the pump alone for $300 (backup battery top up $250). Good deal, collection anytime. PM me
  15. Hi there 1) Putting the Arctica inside the cabinet will definitely result in lesser effectiveness unless you have a way to channel the heated air away. 2) Why do you need such a low temperature? Intending to keep SPS? The Mini Arctica will kick in within a range of only 0.5ºC (not 1ºC). For sustainability sake, you can set it at 26ºC (kick in at 26.5ºC). Personally I find the Mini Arctica quite sufficient for this tank.
  16. Sorry guys, the first PM that came in was from bro Fxxxxxxx. Thread closed.
  17. Emm... that's pretty unusual a feature... never seen in other public aquariums before
  18. Hi guys I have a brand new (sealed in original box) 19" LCD TV for sale. It's Samsung's latest model on sale at Best at $699.00 (promo price). Willing to let go at $275.00 First come first serve basis!
  19. The joint line on the acrylic panels is getting a little annoying
  20. Thanks bro Robe for the analysis... yeah any of our electrical appliances should not go on standby mode as it consumes electricity too. 1/5th of all power consumed by the Americans are from their standby appliances. To save energy, you can consider using a Computer system (for my case Aquatronica) to totally deactivate the chiller. When the temperature triggers the computer, the computer will switch on the chiller. When at rest, the computer will switch off the chiller completely buy cutting its power supply. Hope this helps
  21. Time to update... all corals has been "removed" from the tank completely... now just waiting for the right time to decom the tank and net out all my fishes (to go to good homes)... aiming 8th Dec. As for my future plan... I am quite close to it... quite close
  22. Just came back from AM Kayu... found a fat and healthy MYSTERY WRASSE there... And also spotted a UPS truck full of Tunze products
  23. 30 Nov 07 / 9.47 am (24 hours later) Brewing good
  24. HEA250? Hehe... stop predicting my heart I feed about 4 cubes of frozen mysis (properly thawed and washed)... about 1/2 tea spoon of pellets... 1/2 tea spoon of flakes... basically that's it for this week
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