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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I know... 1.5" Clown/Picasso are so damn cute But they do grow fast
  2. Bro will you have any large pieces to sell?
  3. My dream is to have a pair of them... hopefully this female specimen can make it till the transfer to the new tank... for sure my SixLine will go up-for-adoption
  4. Haha... dunno why all my CLOWN fishes act like a CLOWN in my tank
  5. They are exactly the same... go for the cheapest
  6. Yeah something like that... then you can have a school of sharks and some Manta Rays too
  7. No lah... My Nemo is sleeping on those soft Xenia branches
  8. Not too bad lah... just that you have too many small pieces... and the way your LR leans on the glass worries me
  9. You guys gonna love this MCE600 The green u see is the result of me cleaning the glass panels using magnet 15 mins ago
  10. I will flush my tank once in a while (every 2 to 3 days) for 5 minutes... both Streams 6000 going full force
  11. Shocking!!! My Leopard Wrasse is still alive Wow I have not seen it for 2 weeks now... amazingly strong... the force is strong in this one... but unfortunately my Sixline is stronger If it can hang on for another 2 to 3 weeks... perhaps I can rescue it Oh she looks so skinny
  12. Oh no My Xenia killed and consumed my Nemo
  13. Totally QUEER Why I always get Queer Clown? Shot taken 8am this morning
  14. Wet skimmate is better IMO... but dry ones look better in terms of
  15. Err... bro any surprise while you were gone?
  16. Ok I kinda get you... yeah nothing impress more than owning a SHARK! Well if that's really your plan... perhaps you wanna build a larger tank? I think you need at least 4ft depth to enable the fish to circle the tank comfortably... and I have no idea what kinda hearty meal you gotto serve... but definitely your GIRL will fall all over for you... SO MAN
  17. Hi Acidjazz, don't think your tank is large enough
  18. Yes our tank all look the same... somehow Don't think your tank is suitable for Black Tip Shark as it is too narrow, not enough space for the shark to turn its body... they have to continuous swimming or they will sink Perhaps you wanna try acquire exquisite specimens such as Black Tang (or even Gem Tang) lor There's a reefer in Reef Central spent US$18000 on 12 Gem Tangs That kinda thing... or perhaps you can mix a bit of corals in your tank to set yours apart from the normal FOWLR setup. All the best in discovering yourself
  19. Not bad bro... Credit must also goes to your good water flow created by 6060
  20. Haha... thanks bro... will probably post it under Pasar Malam in 2 weeks time
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