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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. What's your budget bro? 1) $300 2) $600 3) $900 d) above $1000 How important is power consumption to you? What's the height of your cabinet?
  2. Emm... I will seriously consider that bro... anyway Solaris will not happen (most probably)... perhaps my next next upgrade... by then the price should fall by 50%
  3. Oh u eyeing on a baby Sailfin also? Hehe... we buy together lah
  4. Well if the Tunze is already foaming... then you can decom your Weipro already... no point running 2 skimmers
  5. Or how about a $5 Brown Tang? Aiya under blue light cannot tell the difference lah
  6. Haha... now we are talking... Some will go for Lamborghini... but I like the Lotus concept very much leh... most probably I will own one before I die It's not that hard to design a 1 tonne sports car and put in a 6000CC engine and expect it to outrun a family sedan
  7. But at least you did something right bro... by not adding fishes... a lot of us would have already gotten some angels lah... tangs lah... all sorts within the first 2 weeks All the best to you bro... if you feel that at any time you wanna lighten the bioload, just post at Pasar Malam lor... we reefers do that all the time... sometimes it's better to get rid of some than to jeopardize the entire tank
  8. Emm... something ain't right... how come the bubble can get so violent suddenly... are you sure you install it to recommended height? If I am not wrong, Tunze skimmers are water level sensitive
  9. To be honest... I think Deltec will win in terms of performance alone. Not that they are the best... simply they use the most numbers of pumps. How can a Red Dragon fight with 4 Eheims? If price is the determining factor, ATI wins. But in the end of the day, we need to also look at other factors such as after sales support (Deltec wins), energy consumption (ATI & BK), aesthetic (err... subjective to individual) We are like comparing VW, BMW, Audi and Mercedes
  10. Bro stop buying corals... and yes I am nagging...
  11. I think Lemonpeel is a nice addition... saw a lot at CF yesterday Lucky your mum didn't say... I want to see a black fish
  12. Yes I think that is a very valid reason for that... I've been trying to get someone to verify that statement... observe it a little longer will ya?
  13. For sure got something one lah... decided on salt lor... sand lor... LR lor... and Aquatronica Redox Calibration fluid
  14. I know... it's a "black motel" over there... surely cannot walk out empty handed
  15. Oh dear... catching fish out is the hardest Bad news sis... it's very hard to trap them using food unless you starve them for 3 days... make sure the trap is inside the water all the time (to make them familiarize with the trap).
  16. There are several ways you can tackle the problem if you do not wish to do a bit of rescaping. You can try the Tunze Mini pump, pretty tiny easy to hide within the rockscape blowing the back from left to right (for example). You can also get another Seio on opposite side, this will create a mini hurricane at the center (which is not a bad thing), the flow will then be pushed towards the rockscape. Not a bad solution too. It's up to you in the end... but it's good to "perfect" the water current, then once you are happy with it, then only you start introducing corals according to the condition of the space.
  17. My ATI BM is still at the LFS, too lazy to collect... let them deliver to my office together with the tank lar
  18. Very well said bro Southpaw... I can still remember I paid $7999 for a Sharp 37" LCD TV slightly more than 2 years ago... now, newer model at $3999 But it also depends on how many of the components SOLARIS manage to get worldwide patent. It is common for patents to last 10 years... so if these guys are smart... we will not be expecting the same lighting with the same concept from another brand within the next 10 years... but on the other hand... don't think they are capable of maintaining a 10 year worldwide patent/s for this product
  19. Actually, I think the only part that may be more complicated is the computer part. Other than that... shouldn't be much of a problem since some reefers already played with LEDs for a while now... oh the SOLARIS comes with a 2 year warranty and the LEDs can last 10 years (as claimed) Whether or not we are breaking rules... we need to check if the product is patented (or patent pending). Which part of it is patented. Which countries. Shouldn't be hard to check if you guys are really keen... but who will fork out $1000 to buy 100 supre bright LEDs for testing?
  20. But I believe the Seachem Garlic Guard also contains vitamins and minerals...
  21. True lah... that's the price to pay lor... but this product does have a very high potential... the built in computer is extremely convincing... no other lighting fixture comes close... really. Perhaps SOLARIS will give us a hint of how exciting future reefing can be when ATMAN or SOLITE manage to copy the technology I'll give them 3 years... max!
  22. Quick lah... occupied by what? Babes or Lambo? How about both
  23. You guys always amaze me with all your DIY skills... even Garlic Guard can DIY
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