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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Bro are all these mushies new? Don't recall seeing them inside your tank last time Went to Coral Farm the other day... a lot of very unique Nemo!!! Mostly $250 a pair
  2. Then don't say so loud in forum lah... later kena sued Would love to see your tank and your mystery island
  3. Wow bro... do share with us your secret weapon
  4. I think that's good enough No need to spoilt the LS too much
  5. Too bad you can't own a Black Tip UPZZ for you bro
  6. How's your Tunze doing bro? Connect back the Weipro?
  7. I'm not too sure if the hair algae is the main culprit of your jewel's and mandarin's death... the algae growth is a clear indication that the balance in the water condition is being affected. You didn't tell us your Phosphate level... and high phosphate level can encourage algae growth and retards coral growth and may causes damage. 6 months is about time... are you currently using product like Chemi-pure or PUR-II? I suspect one (or both) of the following is due to be changed: i) Phosphate remover ii) Activated carbon Hope this helps
  8. Yes I am serious bro, there is so much we can learn together and my current home tank is very sad, cannot have visitors. I've turned down so many brothers interested in coming over to look at the Percula 90. Well... I don't expect everyone lah... but I'm sure there will be serious reefers that will see beyong alcohol and babes So I suppose I can count you out?
  9. This silly thread is going offline in a week time anyway... so POUR OUT YOUR JUICES With all the babes around... you think you guys still want to look at my tank?
  10. Err... am I suppose to collect cover charges?
  11. Oh yeah... you guys are too much lor... ok decided to downgrade... COKE only
  12. ATI redesigned and optimized the Eheim 1260 pump to produce 49W (sorry not 45W). Extracted from ATI website (pardon the rough German translation) Improved pump construction The construction of the Eheim 1260 was completely revised and optimized on your new task as Dispergatorpumpe. In the result one comes in such a way on the following results. Sensational after-measurable 2000 l/h air achievement with straight once 49 Watts power input. Realized with a Eheim 1260. The funny thing is... if ATI can optimized the Eheim 1260 to consume only 49W... why the heck Eheim continues to product their 1260 to consume 65W?
  13. I can foresee you guys spending hours at my office I better start stocking beers and popcorns
  14. Bro Acidjazz Just got confirmation from LFS, my BM 250 is running on Eheim 1262 (80W), similar to yours... now the mystery is... is the 1260 (45W) a new development or an old pump that they replaced with 1262? I am confused
  15. Nope... I think Guinea Pig is fine for the time being... coz if the product fails I'll be called a fool or remain as Guinea Pig (if lucky)... but if the product succeed then I'll probably be known as a pioneer (like Danano for his contributions to ATI)... hehe not that I am comparing with him... but I hope one day I can reach to that status
  16. Pride and Prestige... comes with a huge price tag... and in the end of the day... concealing the numbers... bro you sorta captured my spirit there all in 2 para Now when did I mention I got a WIFE? And since when a WIFE must know everything? Yes, you can thank me in advance as I will be introducing this product (be it amazing or flop) to you guys in 2 to 3 weeks time. I think a lengthy review is inevitable since this product has so much to discuss on (and so much controversy surrounding it). I have a better idea actually, it's unrealistic to look at lighting effects on screen, you guys must come to my office (during after office hours and weekends) and stay to see the amazing sunset, sunrise, cloud covering effect, 28-days moon phase & etc. Probably I will mount a webcam for you guys to watch it throughout the day What strikes me most about the SOLARIS is its ability to offer me different lighting almost everytime I look at it... allowing me to discover more about my LS, seeing them in different light... I think it will also motivate me to take more photos
  17. Yes luckily you have it coz the newer ones will not have the meter... I was told that ATI decided to remove it as the current air flow meter tends to rust after a while.. so you may want to look into that... or perhaps they have something to hide You are the only person in Singapore now that can verify their claim of producing 2000ltr of air per hour... The Sicce pump (so called ATI1500) is only used for the Twister®M, Bubble Master will remain using Eheim (be it 1260 or 1262)...
  18. Wah bro... you own a lot of things ah
  19. I think it is an overstatement for them to claim "replace MH"... it may but it will take a couple of years more of development and persuasive power in order to achieve that status. Being optimistic is one thing lar... but also have to be realistic in claims... well that's how the Americans run businesses anyway There are credible information on their website, some technical info regarding temperature shift and LED lifespan. Perhaps you wanna help me out there since $3000+ is a lot of money... but I've decided to give it a try Actually the deal is already "on", just a matter of them meeting my requirements in warranty, aftersales service and logistics. Price already been agreed upon anyway
  20. Not yet lah... but they better make sure they got replacement parts for me if "touch wood" ever happens
  21. Guess what I found at their website... Blue Zoas
  22. Extracted from their website www.solarisled.com See what you guys think... here are my views (in blue) on their product claims... The current design produces PAR light output levels equal to a 250W MH 20K. Well... let's see how a series of 250W MH will look like in a 4ft tank It uses 40% less energy than the Metal Halide Fixtures it replaces. That's good news to me and my company The life of the LED's is 50,000 hours, so it almost eliminates metal halide and fluorescent bulb replacements. Conservative calculation is 6 years of running... well that can save a lot in the long run coz it costs a lot every year to change bulbs... even T5s All heat is radiated up and away from the tank. Therefore, it does not heat the water like Metal Halides or Fluorescents. This eliminates the need for Chillers. This is definitely an overstatement especially for our humid weather... no need chillers?!? But it is true MH tends to transfer heat downwards to heat up tank water The room air conditioner needs to work 1/2 as much since the light fixture produces only half the heat of Metal Halides which saves even more energy over traditional lighting methods. 50% heat reduction... well that's not too bad More to come...
  23. Just came back from the distributor of Solaris... most probably I will give it a try Will be able to confirm within this week
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