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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Radioactive Green Zoas on Tonga branches... one of my favourites
  2. Less glamorous... Batam Zoas (Reborn $5 a piece)... looks black under blue light with orange dots
  3. A colony of Sulawesi Man-Eater Zoas... 2 morphs in 1... Chocolate Chip and Radioactive Green
  4. A mix colony of Batam Zoas (colours improved significantly)... been with me for 6 months... the Xenia-looking hitchiker is so damn annoying Can see that they are fighting for light
  5. What lighting were u using previously? NO T5?
  6. After seeing your rocks... I think I can throw mine already... my current LR is like small pieces of Lego If your tank is more than 2ft depth (not height), you will have a bit more room behind for better circulation... well can't have everything right? Your's is impressive enough
  7. Another colony of Pink Zoas... from Tonga in pale pink center/ring with beige tentacles... another larger colony is towards the back of the tank (harder to shoot).
  8. A nice pink colony... grey center with strong pink ring... bought it from a reefer's decom tank
  9. Another piece of Sulawesi Zoas... neon pink center, light blue ring, short brown tentacles... too bad the colours are not distinctly defined or else surely a prized colony
  10. A colony of Sulawesi Zoas... neon orange center... definitely US Zoas standard IMO
  11. Oh man!!! I love the huge pieces of LR... must call Steve now!!! How heavy are your rocks in total? I planned to put in 60kg... dunno enough or not Can show a side view of your tank? Wanna see how the rockscaping is from the side
  12. It's not that bro... no point buying new LS now... gonna be hard to catch them out later In fact I will slowly sell of some of my corals
  13. No I am not decommisioning the tank... just shifting its role from a Reef Tank to a Fish Only tank. My new project (larger and more hi-tech) will be up in 1 month time... stay tuned All the best to your new project... 1 thing about Nano though... not suitable for newbies
  14. So what's the best configuration for my tank? 2 x 250W?
  15. I think it's the colouration... nothing wrong with the tail... u wanna verify? 1 pair for $20 is a good deal btw... UPZ for your sale
  16. A bro PM me and told me he spent hours reading through my tank thread(s) and he likes my Zoas collection... come to think of it... I have not posted much on my Zoas lately Perhaps it is time... First in line is a common looking so-called "Batam/Bali" Zoas... been with me since the beginning of time
  17. Since the distributor has not (and cannot) confirm my order yet, no harm getting more information from bros and sis here. At least MH is tested and proven
  18. Hi bros/sis I am setting up a 4 x 2 x 2 for my office. Will start with mix LPS/SPS then go full SPS within a year. Scaping wise, probably two large mountains with a bridge at the center. At least 5 to 6 inches gap on all 4 sides. LR will stack to a maximum height of 1.25ft. Trying to avoid upgrading lighting later, so might as well get it right at the beginning. How much FIRE POWER do I need? What is a good brand to go for? Knowing me, will definitely go for something above average (doesn't have to be the best in the industry) in terms of: 1) Built Quality 2) Reliability 3) Ballast quality/compatibility 4) Price 5) Warranty 6) Aesthetics Also appreciate help on MH bulbs brands and ºK. Price indication for the entire setup is also very very helpful at this stage.
  19. Oh dear... must come with the shipment So sorry bro... u running UV?
  20. I got a feeling that's the real reason for the aggression I will look for a male and female Leopard Wrasse (Maldives) for my new tank... and definitely no room for SixLine
  21. Haha... price tag can check at their official website (alongside a lot of technical information). www.solarisled.com I have yet to receive final confirmation from the distributor. Coz if they can't bring it in on time for me... then no point of having it. Furthermore, I need to get more info on after sales service (if any) Keeping my fingers crossed... I am very excited by this product... hopefully can see it with my own eyes. Bro don't come at 3am (nothing much will happen, only moonlight). Come around early evening... you will see light changing every 30 minutes or so
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