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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Oh I thought you wanna give away your Gonio instead I dunno about you guys... once I put a fish inside my tank... I will have no hope of removing it... coz too lazy to rescape later... and the stress created to other LS does not justify the action at all. So, don't remove your Blenny... it is damn cute
  2. Oh dear... you bought the APF600 already? In my opinion, it is good for 3ft, barely sufficient to support a full scale 4 footer. Of course it is arguable... is there any way you can bring it back to the LFS and upgrade it to a Deltec 851 instead? From the look of your plan and your career, I got a feeling cost is not an issue for you... go for what's good for your tank and your corals. Since you are planning for SPS also... APF600 will not bring you far (IMO).
  3. Very brilliant idea bro... one consideration when buying exhaust fan, noise level. Very often the sound of the fan is so audible it became very annoying You can put a timer also, activate it only when your MH is "on". That way you can also reduce evaporation rate (especially at night).
  4. I wouldn't risk it bro... get a new tank 175 US Gal of salt water on the floor is no laughting matter
  5. I hope the mysterious fish trafficker didn't charge you a myteriously high price for that mysterious fish How is your M Wrasse doing with your other wrasses? I am planning (more like hoping) to get 1 for my new tank... but I'm not good at tracking down mysterious LFS
  6. But you must also make sure the water condition is at optimal level all the time... a lot of time, due to lack of attention... mature tank = deteriorating tank... where reefers get lazy and sick of doing all the maintenance... the excitement simply fades away (for some reefers only). It also depends on what kinda equipmen you are using... if you tank is made up of 10 pieces of unreliable equipments, 6 months is about time you see some of them starting to show sign of failing... for example: Month #8: Main pump malfunction, only discover 2 days later Month #10: Chiller went haywire... tank went unchilled for 3 days Month #11: Something wrong with the skimmer pump, no skimming for 4 days All these little accidents will affect your system for sure... so longer time may not necessarily be better
  7. Bro you already bought lighting before confirming the tank design? Since you already bought it... you can always fire it up and see the effect. Personally 2 x 150W is sufficient for the initial stage if you are to keep mushrooms, Zoas and LPS. With more knowledge later, you can always redesign your lighting accordingly. Which model of Deltec skimmer and Tunze Wavemaker you bought?
  8. Bro I understand the frustration... well as I've said before... make us all drool with envy And I really look forward to your private collection of US Zoos... perhaps you can start propagating them for distribution But I don't think I have any good quality Zoos to trade with
  9. They look more like air bubbles to me... not eggs
  10. Can't guarantee bro... but 2 pieces of my Gonios show no sign of annoyance when disturbed by my Nemo
  11. Guinness anyone? Right: AquaMedic Turboflotor 3 days worth Left: Deltec MCE600 1 1/2 days worth Lovely
  12. How about a close up of the GOLD FINGER sticking out of the LR
  13. First time occurance Bubbles all over my Finger Leather Could it be the toping up of DI water? Did that 30 minutes ago What is it trying to tell me? Any idea?
  14. Finally come to my senses... Distilled Drinking Water "kapo" from office 5 Liters, only use for top-up. Can easily calculate right now how much evaporation per week No more tap water for all my tanks
  15. Haha... this fish is so mysterious no one actually knows its actually name... Some call it "M" Wrasse
  16. Lovely Now you excites me... cheers!!! Personally, I wouldn't "dry" the skimmate any further... the skimmate quality looks good to me... wet skimming is much more efficient than dry as it removes more excess nutrients from the water (faster)... and it's easier to clean the collection cup too However, do bear in mind that very wet skimming can reduce salinity of water over time (I think)... so do balance that whenever you do your water change
  17. Emm... yes and no bro... don't think the bioballs will help the skimmer much... personally, I will remove them as you do not need extra housing for bacteria... your tank is maturing. As for your GIANT BECKETT... it will work extremely well for your tank size, if it is to be run properly (tuned correctly), don't think there will be anymore excess nutrients for your bioballs to breakdown. Your skimmer will suck everything right into its collection cup (including your Damsels ) Remember, bio balls (and Denitrators) are only needed if the skimmer is not there to cleanse the water properly in the first place
  18. Hey... don't speculate hor... it will take weeks before my new tank will ever be ready... and once I transferred all my corals over, the new tank is already half filled... will go real slow this time (I hope ) No lah... can't beat the Thais, they shop for their clients in Thailand... for personal use, how much can I buy? I don't own a 6000 Gallons tank hor And I don't own a bank, a casino, a software company or an oil rig
  19. Really I've not seen a dimming T5 effect before... will be using all dimmable T5 (total of 8 tubes) for my new tank... Sadly to say... there's no indication yet when the Aquatronica Dimmer Module will arrive Hopefully I don't have to wait too long
  20. Very promising looking skimmate... show me the JUICE!!! Poor Damsel... anyway you can put a filter or cage over the pump intake? Very cruel leh
  21. Don't worry bro... your Gonio will get used to it after a while... just like mine
  22. I think there was a link to this tank thread in Japanese... if this is a matured tank... I think that particular Japanese did a very good job in balancing all the elements... but it is too clean for me... not my style... I like it a bit more natural looking With macroalgae and all Again, the owner might do a major 6 hour clean-up before the photo shoot session... plus some photoshop after that You wanna see his sand bed real full of diatom? I can try recreate that (to make ourselves feel better)
  23. I know... it's hard to decide... even seeing all the benefits of using T5... I still miss the MH shimmering effect (badly)... I might introduce a 150W MH to my new setup (just run for 2 hours a day) to satisfy myself while creating a noon lighting effect. A 150W shouldn't cause too much heat.
  24. Haha... I used Adobe Illustrator to draw those simple drawings... that's my "bread and butter" software Now don't ask me to conduct a lesson here
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