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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Sis... I lovet the optimism... I think it's a very important and positive way of thinking that will bring the society forward. You guys are still young, plenty of opportunities... endless!!! One thing I do believe... aim for the stars... even if you fail... you probably still end up higher than others. BBQ must invite us hor... I hope you guys also allocated a certain portion of the household income for reefing :-) Sounds wonderful... 3rd room to be converted into a full-scale fish tank with back room for equipments? Without a car... shouldn't have any problem at all... I just sent my car in for maintenance $900
  2. There's this rock cutter (more like a PVC tube cutter) that can cut thin pieces of rock... AM has one, maybe ask them to show you before you go source for it. Doubt any LFS selling.
  3. 3 to 30? Emm... a bit remote lah... 10 to 30 still achievable... considering my tank will be totally new and unmatured
  4. Check out www.solarisled.com for the most advanced LED fixture in the world!!! Do you intend to keep corals? Luxeon LED (from Philips) is suitable for keeping corals but they can be very costly. To evenly light up your 8 footer... I think you need 175 LEDs (based on Solaris' configuration)
  5. Yeah something like that... u need minimum 5000 liters of turnover per hour... best is 10000 liters lah More turnover = better skimmate
  6. Dun forget our arrangement hor... I don't need a large frag as I am very good at growing Zoas Remember my Red Rubies? 7 polyps to 30 polyps in 3 months!
  7. Wow... 3 Tunzes in the main tank... that's quite good even for a 6 footer What's your total return flow roughly deducting the head loss & etc? You are thinking of upgrading ur return pumps to Eheim right?
  8. Hey... welcome to the world of MCE600... you can adjust the thickness of the skimmate by adjusting the collecting box vertically... the higher you go, the dryer the skimmate
  9. How's the water circulation within your main tank bro? Any dead spots? Coz I suspect the water circulation is not sufficient to bring all wastes to your sump... and maybe you "over filter floss"
  10. Nope... 8ft is not sufficient to keep sharks... but can keep 100 Yellow Tangs
  11. Oh man!!! Speechless by the sheer size of it Definitely ReefCentral standard
  12. Bro... Rics Bed costs a lot of money lah... after this setup... I really have to be realistic and slow down a bit... year end London trip coming... already promised CFO... no London... no fish tank If you happen to want back a piece of the Rics... let me know
  13. Oklah... I have Tonga Pink to trade (if you don't mind)... oh the Rics been growing quite alright... dunno how to frag them out... so all very cramped
  14. kH is normal... 8+ dkH I've dosed Grotech kH+Ca1 to try to raise it to 9.5 at least
  15. Emm... actually not a lot of skimmate yeah When was the last time you did water change?
  16. I want a frag!!! Your gift to my new tank lor! Haha... Bro... everyone knows I love skimmate... but yours hor... really cannot "tahan"
  17. Emm... so it is the topping up of Distilled Water I will check KH now.
  18. Sis, looking real good (and real packed)... it's sad to see a tank fully packed actually... no more LFS shopping Changing of water may not be the long term solution for controlling NO3 effectively in my opinion. And changing 80% is way too extreme, you may want to reconsider that. Perhaps 20% weekly. Personally, I try not to rely solely on water change to control nutrients reason being... I might get lazier next time, busy at times and I do travel more often towards year end. And water change is both expensive and time consuming. Perhaps you want to consider introducing a Nitrate Reductor (Denitrator) into the system. A reliable working Denitrator can help maintain NO3 at almost undetectable level at all time. But the most effective "weapon" of all is a good efficient skimmer. I am confident that your NO3 will be much lesser if you are to run a more efficient/powerful protein skimmer. Since you can't add much corals to your tank now... perhaps focus on hardware It's a cycle... with better equipments... you can add in more corals!!! Note: My last sentence was meant to be a joke. It can be true... but too controversial a statement
  19. It's gonna be a very major fix... I got a feeling your tank has already swelled, "bloated" or skewed. That's why the bracing gave way and broke into 2 pieces. I really don't think you should even consider fixing it. Go get yourself a new tank please. At least you get to sleep peacefully at night. All the best bro! Note: Don't go back to the same tank maker. Actually, they should somehow be responsible for the problem. Especially if your tank is less than 1-year old. It's a very major defect. Make known to them!
  20. Emm... let me go find some other clear containers then... but what am I gonna do with the glasses anyway? Mean no disrespect... just that I have these 2 unused glasses at home
  21. Definitely a no-no with SixLine I've decided... gonna add 1 specimen to my new tank... I want to join the dark (mysterious) force too
  22. Nolah... just air bubbles... doesn't look like eggs (in any form) to me... but where does that large amount of air bubbles come from? It's amazing how everytime you look at your tank close enough... there's something there to discover
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