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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Confirmed, 6pm cabinet... 7pm glass tank
  2. Then that's a major problem... what's the purpose of keeping SPS and not be able to see their true colours?
  3. I believe so... try to bring it down to 12dkH, not more than 2dkH daily recommended.
  4. Bro actually it is advisable to wash your Ocean Nature Aragonite with DI water... the reason u use aragonite is to avoid adding silicate into the tank... so by washing them using tap water, you are adding back the silicate into the mix
  5. I do hope so... Revealing for the first time... here's my humble desk... up on the attic
  6. Oh man!!! That's the blackest skimmate I've seen in weeks
  7. But the Chevy can be very interesting in Adult Form... full black with while lines all over... I can't wait for mine to evolve in front of my eyes (and my camera)
  8. Bro AJ, can show another close up pix of the airflow meter?
  9. Yes that can be an indication that the water is too clean... however I doubt that's the main reason. Prizm is not a bad skimmer, but it's not super efficient either. So it will be quite impossible for it so totally skim everything from the water unless your LS been depleting and you stopped feeding for a while. You sure the bubble/foam is same as before? If there's an air intake, try to close it and open it. Even blow it real hard... possible clogging All the best
  10. The excitement is building... tomorrow is the day bros and sis
  11. Emm... you get a lot of offers below $200? May I recommend those reefers Macro, Weipro or Dymax UPZ for your sales bro!!!
  12. Haha I see a Chevy in your tank... about the same size/colouration as mine... can't wait for mine to fully change to adult colour... now very neither here nor there
  13. Yupe, Salifert allows for <1 readings. By reading from the side of the test tube, then divide the value by 10... so a reading of 2 = 0.2 mg/l. However, if you are confident your "secret weapon" will help effectively, then as long as your existing test kit shows transparent clear solution... good enough (I guess). Don't waste money buy another set of test kits.
  14. Emm... your NO3 test kit doesn't allow readings lesser than 5 mg/L? Bring it to below 1 since you have your "secret weapon" helping you
  15. Haiz... not yet receive time confirmation for tomorrow's tank delivery... got a feeling not gonna happen
  16. I initially thought so too... but that Anemone has been with Sis for a couple of weeks now... so I take it as its natural colour
  17. That's a very interesting concept bro... WallStreet Reef Tank... with lots of tall rockscapes... very little sand bed... maybe a Central Park somewhere And schools of Anthias and Chromis... then can see them "rush left rush right" You can also build a huge Plasma/LCD screen as the backdrop of the tank so that you can watch the market as you watch your fishies
  18. Wah... you want me to build a pipeline from Sentosa to transport sea water all the way to Woodlands? Bro... not pipeline for crude oil leh Furthermore with all the developments and reclaimation work over there... don't think the water can be better than a reliable mix of synthetic sea salt with DI water
  19. Haha... so so true bro Water is a very sensitive issue for both countries... so must be careful And IT IS PRECIOUS
  20. Huh? I stay at Woodlands leh... so connect to the Johor Straits?!? Err... it will be the perfect tank to propagate Batam Zoas, Mushrooms and Anemones
  21. You know what? I never off my skimmer everytime I dose AragaMilk... is it required? It is not suppose to cloud the water for too long (if I'm not wrong)... so clearing up after 30 minutes is quite normal IMO. What does the bottle label says? I will read tonight
  22. Minireef workstation can fit a 4 footer with some space to spare... Definitely a setup to watch closely... since mine also 4 footer and will setup around the same time as his Bro Minireef... let's work closely... help each other... learn from each other... as each setup is unique They all bear their owner's signature
  23. Haha... red ribbon? No lah... mine is just a humble setup (although a very personal one)... there are many mega projects coming up in SRC... I am excited by theirs actually
  24. FOTOS will come bro Colinsoon Will start a new thread coz this one too long-winded already
  25. After the demolition work... can give me those nice Ikea clocks? Welcome to the world of reefing... can see a nice tank in the making
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