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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Bro... looking at your project... it reminds me so much of those huge tanks at RC, you will set a new trend to reefing in Singapore... will definitely follow your progress closely
  2. Mine is just a Mercedes A160, 90000km service @ Cycle & Carriage. No wear & tear replacement, just the usual brake oil & etc. The normal service is around $500 and the major one is $1250. Ok lah, must also be fair to them lah. The service is superb, they treat you as a VIP, free food and coffee. Wash it before collection and always try to get the car ready earlier than expectations. I guess that's the price to pay lor... cannot complaint too much lah... the thing is I can't take cab, taxi drivers always make me dizzy. So if I go meeting by cab, before I start to present, already half dead So sis, if you guys are not planning to own a car, your household income can easily take care of the FH Condo. Maintenance is around $250 to $350 (standard). The average household income for Singapore (more than 50% of population) is $4000 per month. So you guys already double that... and for a young couple like you guys (in late 20s)... that's something to be bullish about Je®vis
  3. Oh man... you have high vision Me too actually Let's progress together ok? I can see much we can learn from each other (and from other bros and sis of course)
  4. Yes it is good to get a skimmer larger than your tank volume... so if you get a smaller version than AS250, surely not sufficient Perhaps your mum is a heavy-feeder... it's very easy to loose control actually when it comes to feeding... commonly heard "they keep eating mah, so I continue feeding"
  5. What's the rectangle shape with circle at the centre? Overflow? Also, you may want to mix them a bit between the LPS and SPS... I think a more realistic plan is top portion for SPS, lower portion for LPS. What you think?
  6. Bro this is my 3rd marine tank... I will know what are the do's and don'ts Yes please drop by to enjoy the skimmate (see only lah, smell also can)... I have lot's of product samples for you to try... some not yet hit the market... remember we design packaging for clients So sometimes we become guinea pig also Enough chat... the tank is here!!! Took lots of pictures Never know it can be such a horrible task... can feel their sweat and pain
  7. But what to do with it after that? Emm... ok we are way ahead of time... let's go step by step We shall discuss this in 1 week time
  8. Bro I can't answer all your questions... but here's my take on some issues: 1) You need decently bright light to grow macroalgae... remember their primary source of food intake is still via photosynthesis. So providing them a 18W lamp may not be the "brightest" of ideas. 2) Macroalgae will absorb excess nutrients such as NO3 and PO4, but when they die, they will release back all the nutrients as they decay. That's why got to be very careful when dealing with Refugium, not plug and play. Imagine... those nutrients that your macroalgae collected within the last 3 months being release all at once back into the water... DISASTER!!! Remove them whenever you sense something is not looking right. 3) I think you should also rely on other source of food for your corals such as Phytoplankton, Cyclopeeze, Roti-Feast, Marine Snow & etc. All the best bro! Je®vis
  9. Welcome bro... my favourite drink... COKE 6 cans will do
  10. Don't forget to post your skimmate at the SHARE YOUR SKIMMATE thread hor... I'm sure the BK will start skimming in 15 mins time I am so envy of you bro
  11. FIRE!!! Bro I think you need to clean your sump a bit... your cabinet needs to look more "royal" now
  12. The rocks will be cured at the LFS (for weeks) before deliver to my tank. I will then set 10000 traps alongside other methods to eradicate (as much as possible) those little pests!!! I will later seek for more help regarding this... as long as I have the patience... a proper setup is not a dream but a reality Might need your help also bro Zorden, but I don't like Trigger
  13. Bro is your air flow meter still showing max reading of 2.5? If yes, then your air flow meter is not very useful leh... are you sourcing for a better meter? Since the AquaMarin special launch promo price is only valid till 3rd September. I think I will help reefers make their decision by seeing the real thing. You are welcome to drop by my place (in Central Singapore) to look at the BM up close and personal. As this Threadwheel is still a new technology, I will urge all interested reefers to take advantage of this promo price and the 1 YEAR WARRANTY against manufacturing defects offered by AquaMarin. You know... shit happens... even SONY made laptop batteries that can blow up your computer So for me, 1 year warranty (in writing hor, not just verbal) is compulsory If you wanna see the Bubble Master, PM me to arrange time. Just bring along some drinks
  14. Thanks for the reminder bro... I have some plans to tackle that issue... will reveal slowly... and yes I will go slow as I am not in a rush
  16. Yupe they love Zoas... here's another pix... a fancier larger Nudibranch this time (circled in yellow). This piece of Zoas I purposely placed it near the side of the glass towards the back, so can see very interesting growth... Zoas started to grow on the glass already (circled in green). I can always spot Copepods here too... moving in and out of the Zoas colony (circled in cyan)... amazing night life
  17. Quite fascinating... but nasty to your corals!!!
  18. Talking of aliens... more to come... here are some baby NUDI I managed to removed from my tank. Luckily they have a tendency to crawl up the tank glass at night... making them very easy to remove using my extra sharp nails Here's a closeup... I womder how they will look like under magnifying glass or microscope
  19. Just gotten a sms from tank maker... tonight's delivery includes cabinet, main tank, ATI Bubble Master, Aragonite and etc. Sump tank is not ready I will have to quickly get the DI Unit intalled before doing anything... I don't expect a 100 years old building to have super clean tap water I will use DI water to even rinse my Aragonite Lot's of pix to post tonight My tank maker tickled me... he told me the cabinet looks damn cool
  20. I don't think mine looks like a mantis... although initially I thought it was... but upon close inspection... it looks more like some sorta pods/snails than shrimps as there were no legs and it sticks to the LR real intact Will remove it regardless... it's very unsightly
  21. Huh?!? Really? Oh my... is it an ISOPOD? I read an Isopod will stuck to a fish body and suck blood from their body... ok I shall find ways to remove it the next time I see it... it's gone now
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