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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Hahaha... I will be scared to death also if I'm a Yellow Tang in your tank Chevron is very good at defending itself... they don't call it Bristletooth for nothing
  2. Wah... remind me so much of my Chevron when I first bought it couple of months back... any fluorescent blue lines spotted on the edges of the fins? They will develop after a while
  3. Hehe... it is not a new idea... just that I made it into a main highlight of my tank... will let Steve decide on the design since he will also take care of the scaping... so the FLUSH system will be designed according to the LR acquired and the final scaping design... arriving tomorrow btw... I heard extremely large pieces My only input on this is... where I want to place my lovely Tunzes
  4. Oh man!!! That's the weight of an adult elephant You are not putting it in your HDB flat are you?
  5. Here's where you can bring 6 cans of Coke to... Courtesy of Google Earth (you guys must try it!)
  6. Yes, Kalkwasser is a good source of Calcium. Yes, dosing of Kalkwasser will also affect your other parameters... only use it if you are confident. As mentioned before, if all you want is some nice coralline algae... stop the algae/diatom from spreading (lots of methods to achieve this) and can try Caribsea AragaMilk or PurpleUp. That will give you the purple you always wanted
  7. Came back from AM... usual BTs, Clowns and Anthias 2 very healthy Green Elegance... open full bloom 1 medium size Moon Angel Lots of Prata also (but colour not fantastic lah )
  8. Saw a relatively large Moon Angel at AM today... just 1 and it looks pretty healthy
  9. Ooo.... I'm sure the stand can easily lasts 10 years What will be the total weight of your tank filled with water and rocks?
  10. These 2 Cleaner Shrimps been hanging out together for a few days now... emm... something fishy is happening
  11. My tidal wave effect!!! Turned both Tunzes to maximum power for a couple of minutes... can start to see detritus floating everywhere Been doing this almost daily and I can see much more wastes collected at the filter floss... protein skimmer also skim much more right after
  12. Manage to collect these... will do another round end of the week
  13. Here's how I did my FW dip for some Zoas... can you see those NUDIs already falling off? Put the Zoas in the freshwater (I use DI)... let it rest for 1 min... then start shaking violently... or else those Nudis will not fall off
  14. AM actually delivered the wrong type for me, I ordered the Hawaiian Puka Shell #5... since I've already open 1 pack, will exchange the remaining 2 packets. As for the size, I find normal sand bed (esp. grade 0 and 1) too fine and easily blown/affected by my Tunzes. As I might be going into SPS at a later stage, I expect to have some serious water current in there. Furthermore, I will be introducing a flushing system to flush out debris and trapped wastes from behind the scaping regularly... don't want all these to affect the sand bed... craters on the sand bed is not a pretty sight IMO and I don't want the sand bed to restrict my passion for Tunzes I will have to give up some fishes though... Leopard Wrasse being one of them as they require fine sand bed to buried themselves into at night
  15. The LR will be laid on bare tank (possibly on pieces of egg crates, will check with Steve). Once the scaping is done, I will then fill up the tank with a thin layer of aragonite. That's the proper way of scaping especially when dealing with extra large pieces of rocks and those with very little contact point to the base.
  16. Nature's Ocean Australian Gold Sand #5 Premium Aragonite Reef Substrate: Ideal for reef system tank bottoms, denitrifying anaerobic beds, extremely high surface area filter media. Aragonite Benefits: Reduces Nitrates. Maintain pH. Increases Carbonate Hardness. Provide Marine Trace Elements. Pre-washed Minimum Rinse Required. 100% From The Ocean Floor. Heat Sterilized. Ideal for culturing Live sand. Grain size: 2.5-5mm Note: Looks very appetizing... like cereal Definitely requires more than "minimum rinse" as recommended
  17. Ohh... look at those texture... those beautiful shells Dunno if it is considered "unfriendly" to the environment (somehow came across my mind just now)... will keep it to a bare minimal then... if 3 packets is all takes... will return 1 pack to Hawaii Can read more Here!!! Nature's Ocean Hawaiian Puka Shell #10 Premium Aragonite Reef Substrate: Ideal for reef system tank bottoms, denitrifying anaerobic beds, extremely high surface area filter media. Aragonite Benefits: Reduces Nitrates. Maintain pH. Increases Carbonate Hardness. Provide Marine Trace Elements. Pre-washed Minimum Rinse Required. 100% From The Ocean Floor. Heat Sterilized. Ideal for culturing Live sand. Grain size: 3.5-5mm
  18. Introducing my sand bed... been reading lots of advantages of an aragonite bed and since I can find this interesting product locally... decided to give it a try Will use 3 packs (15lbs per pack) of Hawaiian Puka Shell and 1 pack of Australian Gold Sand... I think 60lbs of aragonite should be able to cover at least 1.5" Those interested can drop by AquaMarin, please don't PM me for LFS name and price
  19. Emm... that's a very solid plan... At least you don't rely on 4D... coz they can't possibly help you repay your loan Well... I guess that's true as the saying goes... "We work for the bank" I guess it is not so easy to stay debt-free nowadays... they all come left right center... take those 0% repayment scheme for example... suddenly it is ok and acceptable (even trendy) to own the credit card company money... that's why I try to use my Amex Charge Card as much as possible... credit is bad Well... on the other extreme, say in other countries... we can always rely on rented properties... let me do some simple calculation... 1 month = $1500 (quite a decent place lah) 1 year = $18000 30 years = $540000 When you reach 60 = After spending $540000, without a place to stay after retirement Emm.... doesn't make sense leh
  20. Emm... that's a very solid plan... At least you don't rely on 4D... coz they can't possibly help you repay your loan Well... I guess that's true as the saying goes... "We work for the bank"
  21. Thanks... em... I'm so curious now I will do it tonight But I will also kill the Copepods right? Coz I see some Copepods hiding within my Zoas
  22. Yeah... look at your tank!!! YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE IT!!! Now... focus the same energy on your studies and get it OVER AND DONE WITH
  23. Oh... didn't know they can be so aggressive... emm... I shall plan properly then Thanks for sharing bro
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