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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Don't think too much... wait till the time is right... then go shopping and buy the Tang that is the most healthy and of the right size
  2. Ok lah... understand the feeling... post tomorrow and let us share your pain Perhaps your tank needs a bit more time to settle down...
  3. Oh such a waste... your sump so tiny? Emm... I'm sure there are other protein skimmers that can fit into your sump... but this is not the right thread to discuss... we can do PM
  4. Bro how's your BK skimming? Can happily add new fishies without trouble right?
  5. I will frag them once I move to the new tank... in Phase II of the project, I will have a dedicated propagation area to grow Zoas
  6. Emm... might not fight... but SixLine is very aggressive and territorial... consider properly... it's very sad to see it "kill" your other wrasses in the future
  7. Ok ok enough talking... now where is the fish tank gonna be?
  8. All the best bro Waner... if my tank is ready... I will get 1 too
  9. Oh... drop by my office on the 2nd then... even 3rd... you just need to give them a phone call and rush down
  10. I heard you need to apply for permission if it exceeds 6 ft...
  11. Oh man... deeply sadden by your losts... the horror of a fish losing its eye balls Can post a pix?... Perhaps you want to rethink on how to create flow without endangering your fishes... it is funny how a SEIO can suck a Tang... perhaps they are already not doing well... floating around the SEIO and got sucked?
  12. I can't... I am running "dry" already... but seriously... I got a feeling I will regret for not getting the FIJI rock in the first place... I'm quite sure about that But no choice lah... better to settle for the second best... than to pay 24% per annum credit card interest
  13. kH yes, pH not noticable... according to the product claim... these 2 products are natural products, there's no danger of overdosing... so far my tank looks decently "purple" after using them for 2+ months
  14. Err... you mean I need to pay? I just *print screen* it... so a courtesy line is not sufficient? I just installed the programme yesterday
  15. Personally yes! If money is not an issue... nothing beats the best LR!!! Fiji is well-known for various benefits... they are lightweight, coarse (less heavy), provides better housing for bacteria growth (esp. anaerobic), less unwanted pests and most importantly much lower chances of leeching PO4 (coz the water over there is damn crystal clear and lower in nutrients to start with). I am good at selling rocks also Come to think of it... it's quite a justified investment... this is something that will stay with your system for as long as it runs and it has a much higher second hand value Say they give you a bit of discount (I think they are still giving 20% discount right?) $14.00/kg... a half-a-tank rock is only $280... now if a market trader can't afford that... who else can? Go for it bro!!!
  16. See it works... In my work, I need to make not-so-slim babes look slim, slim babes look slimer... so I'm very good at using them as examples in life But unfortunately I can't make myself taller... or longer
  17. Err... actually I am not sure about that... I rather earn my money elsewhere and spend it on the hobby... at least it gives me the thrill With all the parallel import nuisance right now... don't think I can earn much as a distributor in Singapore
  18. Hahaha... bro welcome to the world of Aquatronica... if you want the Club logo, PM any of the member. Yes, getting an entire set is a lot cheaper than buying individual monitor and controller. And Aquatronica is considered the "more competitive" product compared to other competitor product in the market right now. If you need help with the system, let me know. Bro Lyz77 is an expert in this field too Must install the PC Kit to your computer and do INTERNET UPDATE before calibration or else have to redo again
  19. Oh you left out Calcium Reactor, Kalkwasser Reactor, Fluidized Reactor, Denitrator and so on... And not forgetting FIJI Live Rock from Coral Farm that costs $16.00 per kilogram
  20. Welcome to the PIT bro... Look at my list below...
  21. Haha... touch wood I got a feeling the attic floor will hold as the concrete slab floor (real solid floor) was added during the refurbishment not too long ago. Definitely not the original flooring as old shophouses usually use wooden planks for attics. Actually 600kg is not that much lah (in architecture terms) just imagine a group of 10 slim babes or a group of 5 not-so-slim babes
  22. Done some calculation... ok the entire tank (with water and substrate) will weight 575kg!!! Excl. sump, refugium (phase II) and LR... well... I hope the concrete slab floor can take the force I purposely position my tank next to the wall... as these old buildings rely on walls for bearing load (learned during Architecture studies)... safer that way
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