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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Even the bacteria starter is in... must thank bro Lyz77 for this generous "new tank gift"... it's brand new leh
  2. Goodies arriving bit by bit... this one direct from MarineDepot
  3. Hehe... only 17 sets left though
  4. DAMN!!! It's like Underwater World over at Ah Beng... even don't intend to buy... look look see see also worth the trip
  5. Wah... really?!? Can give you ATI BM award already Seriously, if you are not happy with your current sump design... then go ahead (decide before 3rd September please)... but if your sump is working superbly... don't you think it's too much a hassle just because of a protein skimmer? Not discouraging hor... just want to make sure you know you are to make a huge decision
  6. Thanks bro for the link... ordered 2 sets!!! What a good bargain Can keep one for home use...
  7. Used to be very popular (must have for every tank)... but this Brazilian Gramma is not as beautiful as the "real" Royal Gramma (the country of origin banned export). So a lot of reefers rather get other Grammas lor.
  8. You love it now... you will hate it later... IT'S A LOVE AND HATE AFFAIR My advice, don't transfer it to your new tank or else your Prata and Clams will suffer big time Don't believe... ask bro Lyz77
  9. Saw it at AquaMarin... the damage is very light lah... more like a tiny pinch
  10. Haha... stop teasing me... I lost a lot of weight lately (looking at my imported gadgets can surely tell) But too bad... no way to make my arms longer
  11. So you are using Luxeon, developed by Philips (similar to Solaris). But yours are 10W right? Emm... Made In Malaysia... interesting Bro, yours are all White LEDs or mixture of other colours?
  12. You need a Barracuda return pump or something of that capacity. I only have 2 concerns over your sump area (aka shower area): 1) Don't you think it will be better to have the chiller to the right (nearer to the windows)? Looking at your total volume... this huge chiller will produce a scary amount of heat and having the heat trapped around the left corner of the bathroom may not be the best idea. 2) Your skimmer is exposed to the refugium lighting. This will make your skimmer maintenance more frequent (especially on the body of the skimmer nearer to the neck). Perhaps you want to add a solid partition to block the light I will study your ideas in greater details... keep the ideas coming... it's better to face the problems NOW then to discover them LATER
  13. it's ok. can go this sat to view your tank?
  14. It's better to separate them as they require different water flow and different life span. Having them in separate chambers allow me better control over them in the long run... furthermore I am just using a single pump... so no harm having 2 FRs
  15. That is a great idea... and maybe remove/seal the toilet bowl also... turn the entire bathroom into a sump room. The chiller will work better near the windows though
  16. Ok then... I will stick my TESTPEN everywhere tonight Hey... NOT THERE LAH!!!
  17. Although not appropriate to discuss here... don't think HnS requires too much tuning... I believe it is quite an easy and efficient skimmer to work and play with All the best to you bro... unless you decides to build a new sump
  18. Wow... seems like a very major project over there... not bad an idea actually as long as the plumbing/piping works are done properly. To have overhead pipes can be a real problem as there will be too much head loss... you probably require a hell of a giant pump for that purpose (not forgetting the far distance the water gotto travel). Other than that... I love the idea... imagine messing around with the sump inside the bathroom... PERFECT!!! No mess, no sweat (coz probably you'll be ######) and right after that can take your shower Another Reef Central quality setup
  19. Yupe... something like that I believe is your kH is very low... no matter how much Ca you dose... it will not rise
  20. Sorry for my ignorance... can I use a testpen to try? Hehe... I'm not only a DIY dummy... I'm a dummy in electric related stuff too
  21. Yeah... will find a long-arm soon... I try not to put my arms inside the tank during office hours So... NO HERMIT CRABS ALLOWED inside the tank... they are the primary cause for me having to recover fallen corals all the time
  22. Now where's my Twin FR Will be running 2 separate FRs (not parallel) using a Aquabee UP1000
  23. Me and my short arm... something that I've anticipated, tried to avoid... but end up the same No choice I guess... low reachable tank or tall sump cabinet... can't have both Will have to bring a stool soon
  24. Hey... you are ahead of me again... I'm waiting for Steve to bring my set over
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