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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yeah man... you will... Mac is a "point of no return" It will make your life so much more exciting at home... now you can use iPhoto to manage edit photos... see all my beautiful pix? I signed up Singtel 6 months ago... got only a 60G iPod
  2. Bro Jameshong Sorry I should've read your thread earlier... GO FOR IT!!! Mac will not fail you... it will not I've been using Mac for almost 10 years now and my office is filled with Macs (of several generations all under one roof)... they are very reliable... no virus... One think I can't stand about Windows is the Virus Protection Update... running continuously on the background slowing the computer down... in a Mac... you will get efficient POWER with minimum fuss... Ok enough advertising... if you need help... bring you Macbook down to my office Je®vis
  3. Another trick is to take at least 5 shots of the same subject... I sometimes take 10 shots... then choose the best out of the 10... that's an effective way to get crisp beautiful pix
  4. Nope... we got 2 smaller models, a C320 and a C360. Yes... those 2 machines are the most expensive investments made by the company by far... but no choice... we sell Xerox print-outs... sometimes can reach 3-digit figure a print (with design on that is)
  5. Yeah I find 7W a bit unbelievable also... there's a only fine line between super duper efficiency and underpower
  6. Are the updates going to be posted today? We are still waiting
  7. Yes... READ and LEARN... once you finish these 4 books... let me know... I have some books and magazine too Me working hard? Well... still waiting for the sump
  8. There's no fix rule as it very much depending on your tank design, sump design and capacity. Also depending on how quickly your skimmer can skim the passing water. I was told, 10 times is good. Some goes for 20 times (with super efficient equipments in the sump tank).
  9. Oh dear... that's sad to hear... put it in betta box at least... let it have some peace
  10. Hi Andy See attached pix... the Xenia was constantly pumping and moving when I shot it using macro, without flash. iPhoto does help a bit (say 10%) in terms of increasing the sharpness... but if the pix is blur to start with... there's nothing much the software can do. Sony digicams are known for their light sensitivity... that makes a huge difference in shooting clear macro without flash. I think my ATI 6 tubes help a lot too. Previously I was having a lot of difficulties shooting moving corals under my 2 x 150W MH... the silver lines effect makes focus difficult and its harder for the camera to capture the correct exposure as the lighting on the moving subject is contantly changing... Are you using MH? I find T5 best when it comes to photography as the illumination is very evenly distributed and consistent.
  11. My Ric Garden... don't you just love the algae carpetting the LR? I'm gonna teach them a lesson once my new tank is ready
  12. How about a fake SPS shot in SPS photography style?
  13. Guys... yesterday was the last day for the ATI BM promo... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=51825 I forgot to remind you guys
  14. I'm using last year's model DSC-N1, the one with the largest touch-screen LCD, 8.1 mega pixels. No image stabilizer... but I have steady hands (I think) Works well with macro... just make sure the tank is bright enough... low light will pose problem for sure. I will be investing in another camera soon... the Olympus digicam... fully waterproof. I wanna macro my corals bypassing the glass...
  15. Another shot of the lovely ATI effect Pardon my algae growth
  16. Just want to share with you guys... didn't expect my Sony digicam to be able to capture the ATI reflection so well... From left to right: 1) Aquablue Spezial 2) Blue Plus 3) Superwhite 4) Aquablue Spezial 5) Actinic Blue 6) Aquablue Spezial
  17. Sorry guys... err... I guess I am 2 days late
  18. Oh dear... what will happen to his Zoo then? I'm sadden by the tragedy
  19. Hahaha... green American brand? You mean Starfish? or StarSkimz?
  20. Haha... I can also see 5-figure worth of SPS inside that tank
  21. Haha... this is what I use to serve my guests also... you wanna come over? Of course if you wan something lighter... I can serve you skimmate with gas (Coke)
  22. My protein skimmer brand is M&S (not H&S) for Marks & Spencer It's British not German
  23. I got a feeling something "spectacular" might happen... jsut a feeling I will avoid public places for those few days
  24. Wah... so actually AP600 is very low power consumption leh... only $2.70 per month!!!
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