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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. An interesting discovery... The most impressive reading so far is 0 ppm for Polar Distilled Water (office dispenser)
  2. Hi Jess, I am using the same skimmer as you... ATI BM rocks!!! Well the baby shrimps aren't compulsory... depending on the situation... I just want to spike the Ammonia a little so that those bacterias in the Live Aragonite will spread over to my Puka Shells. You see... they feed on Ammonia and I do not want them to starve But if you have already introduced LR... not a concern anymore.
  3. Haha... just when I thought the shrimps are disgusting enough... Can't remove them yet... my Salifert test shows 0.25 mg/L Ammonia... I need it to hit at least 0.5 mg/L
  4. Yeah bro... will get it rectified soon... I am seriously considering replacing the RD with 2 Aquabee, an Aquabee 7000 for return, an Aquabee 2000i for Flushing System. Must decide quickly as the SPEZIAL offer price by AM is way too tempting to resist Here's a look at some piping works... left for Flushing System, right for main return
  5. Looking at your MEGA tank and a glimpse of your office interior... I'm sure you are a BUSY man
  6. Dun encourage him... his tank is still going through some upgrading
  7. Now where you guys been LFSing? Blue, purple and pink Zoas cheap cheap
  8. Bro... biohome is good... you can find it in almost all LFS... however, it is advisable to have some form of prefilter prior to the biohome as any trapped food/wastes will create unnecessary problem aka Nitrate Factory. Same goes for the other canister too. However, with the use of filter (first chamber) you will need to maintain the canisters at least once every forthnightly. Remember to use your siphoned tank water to wash the sponges, avoid using tap water
  9. Twice a week is good... maybe you can reduce wastage by injecting food around the Gonios using a giant syringe
  10. Just an update... you guys can see 4 different AATI tubes used here
  11. How's everything bro... went LFS shopping today? Heard got nice shipment
  12. I still like your rockscape very much... the more I look at it... the more I like it Must pay you a visit one of these days
  13. I only feed them mix of Cyclopeeze, Roti-Feast and Zooplankton once in a while... perhaps I should feed them more often... as you can see... they are content... but not extremely happy looking
  14. Yes... the sound is quite audible... Steve and Thomas will help me fix the problem temporarily as I decide on a larger return pump... seriously 6500 litres/h ain't that impressive
  15. It's really up to you bro... depending on how hard you want your chiller to work... T5 will produce much lesser heat but you will not get the shimmering/rippling effect on the sandbed... go to my tank thread... I'm using 6 x ATI T5, bought a 10 x ATI to be installed this week. Talk to Janet... and try to get a good deal from her Use my name! Je®vis
  16. Here's one of the 3 overflow outlet... the filter floss is already working hard
  17. Yeah... let's call him Mone instead Goniopora corner also? Wow... from experience... only buy Gonios that open up nicely in the LFS tank... they have a much higher chance of success
  18. My Goniopora corner... the new addition Pink Gonio (top most) still not opening But there's no sign of deteoration... just refuse to extend Notice the unique pattern on my Nemo's body? Hehe... bought this fine specimen from a bro... and I LOVE IT!!!
  19. I find it quite amazing too... Here are my 2 heavyweights... opening largest ever... I think they thrive in not-so-prestine water
  20. Yes... but again, your ATI BM skimmer only consumes around 50W, your ATI 6 tubes will not produce much heat... with an air-con room temperature, your chiller will become lazier... my office tank... is at constant 27ºC (without lighting)
  21. Today is the LAST DAY!!! YEAH!!! WE ARE ALL SAFE AND SOUND
  22. Seems like office setup is in trend... Shows one thing... Singaporeans do know how to relax... even during working hours
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