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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Poppies... one of my favourites I didn't know they come in so many colours
  2. The Tulips are beautiful... but according to my mum Holland still the best (she went last year)... but the ticket for the Holland Flower Fest is around $100 So Canberra still the best since it is FREE
  3. The main highlight for the Canberra trip... Flower Festival, once a year... ADMISSION IS FREE!!! Some countries will participate by sponsoring showcases... at the center (by the lake) you can see the Malaysia & Singapore showcase... emm... since when both countries so "kawan"
  4. Starting Day #4... 2 little fishies I didn't buy back... I should've... a bit regret
  5. Haha... can throw the Osim away... my Mitsubishi Chemical water purifier just as bad Best is to drink Polar Distilled Water (from office dispenser)... 0ppm
  6. Emm... rescaping? Quite major leh... still got space meh? hehe... Hint: Someone got a 4 footer just completed cycling
  7. How about a Percula 90? Hehe... impressive concept... 2ft cube featuring SPS
  8. Wah very nice new Toys!!! I like the auto feeder... show us how it works... And the effect of the night lamps too
  9. The trip was fun... watching real whale and fake whale... haha... sorry no pix to show the "fake" whale... a stripshow featuring a topless 150kg "whale"... doing pole dance I think she can do advertisement for extra strong stainless steel poles... Canberra was less happening... will update you guys tonight
  10. Slipper Lobsters are nice... but why the Australians call them BUGS Oh dear... I hate snakes... and plenty of them in Day #5 We will get there soon... We are so lucky to be here in Singapore... and we make so much fuss about mosquitos and stray cats
  11. Yes... RD... you can reveal the secrets Oh I think I can start to introduce some live sand for my DSB chamber within the sump... will try to do it by this week... the 10mg/L NO3 will keep the new bacterias (especially the anaerobic) happy
  12. Nah... this hobby is so complex... most of us are barely touching the surface... even the scientists are struggling to find out the truth Mother nature has a lot of secrets... yet to be revealed to us...
  13. I'm taking it slow coz I am still learning along the way... I get a lot of useful feedbacks from bros and sis here... hopefully my patience will help me set up a more stable system
  14. BarrAquatic is a solid brand... good for you bro... no wonder you can get those delicious looking skimmate... yummy
  15. Yeah I think it will be better to take a break... let things settle down for a while... luck is not on your side KING... this time
  16. Nitrate is up! 10mg/L is a good level... time to remove the tempura shrimps
  17. Thanks! Here's an update... my shrimps has turn from "pink" to tempura after 2 weeks of "cooking" inside my tank
  18. Steamboat... psst... my mum can't cook and we use coffee cups as bowls
  19. Our dinner... bought some food from a pathetic Asian Grocery shop
  20. Checked into a simple and nice service apartment
  21. Day #3 nothing much... spent hours on the road to Canberra... saw this sign at the expressway R&R
  22. So sad... Here's another shot of it...
  23. Very nice and clean... the tank looks deeper without a backdrop
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