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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yeah until my office tank is ready Seriously, my Percula 90 is so packed now
  2. Aiya... we are all reefers here... all remarks are friendly lah... dun take it too seriously Be yourself... you are the KING... you are to be feared and respected
  3. I know... I wonder how come Henry didn't highlight that to me Moved the Sea Urchin to the back compartment... will try to return to LFS So hard to remove it... still grazing like crazy
  4. Suan by who? You are the KING leh...
  5. Bro Fishtalk the netting is very loose... will make sure it will not affect the Rics This project must succeed
  6. Bro Halo Agree with Weisheng... adding sugar is not a long term solution... Water change every 4 days is also not the right solution as it is troublesome, expensive and unhealthy for your LS... You need to find out the source for the constant high NO3, you may want to get another set of test kit before over reacting. A denitrator will take time to kick-in... on the other hand... it is faster to kick-in if your tank has high NO3... so it might be your best opportunity to consider a denitrator now... if you are to introduce a sump, allocate a sizeable space for deep sand bed with plenum... I will add mine tomorrow, visit my Office Tank thread tomorrow All the best!
  7. Damn... the Sea Urchin is out feasting again... it will only feast during night time... when all lights are off
  8. Wait till he update... even nicer and more impressive Hammy where are you?
  9. Dun scare him lah... that's worst case scenario already
  10. That is Skimz latest creation... running on Aquabee pump... Chercm is the first to own this model :bow:
  11. Bro Jess... although I dun know you in person... I feel we are similar in style... exciting times ahead... just stay tune Sometimes it's better not to reveal too much when the time is not right Nice rockworks btw... extremely impressive... really put a lot of 6 footers to shame... I dare to say coz I'm a designer
  12. Fast forward... Taken at the airport... my parents took this plane back to KL... while I waited for the bloody SQ222 that got me delayed 5 hours The design of this MAS aircraft is quite horrible actually... I think they purposely design it in such a way to irritate SQ... those ribbon design... exactly the same used by SQ007, the one that crashed in Taipei airport couple of years back... a horrid memory for SQ's aviation history Or perhaps the ribbons are just a coincidence THAT'S ALL FOLKS!!! for your time and bandwidth
  13. My thead coming to an end... oh dun you love the donut "holes"
  14. That night... the 3 Pigeons laughed at us
  15. Sorry for the disappointment bros... the trip was a disaster... almost all passengers like crazy... even after taking travel sickness pill... I also cannot "tahan" The entire vessel looks like a Red Cross ship during World War III The captain decided to return back to the harbour... and we got full refund But... I'LL BE BACK!!! 2008
  16. No lah... not a crime at all... I wish my dad is much much richer and much much older
  17. Yeah... most epoxy nowadays in that colour... to mimic coralline algae... stand out lesser when used on SPS branches Aquapharm Epoxy also same colour... if not redder
  18. But for sure... some kinda fish coz I can see them jumping out of water... stressed by the birds Those white foams on the water surface were caused by the fishes... coz out boat have not even reach there... pix taken from the front of the vessel. Ok that's the most exciting sighting of the entire trip... before things get really nasty
  19. Then the captain announced... a flock of sea gulls (of some sort) out there... feasting on Australian Salmon... emm... dunno real or not
  20. It's Tunze... bought it couple of months back
  21. Once the vessel gotten outside the open ocean... things are getting exciting... we were standing outside the... holding the railing so tight... the whole vessel is bouncing up and down like a theme park LOG RIDE
  22. Ok back to whale watching... nice weather... windy... things are gonna be fine
  23. Off topic a bit... here's how the Jet Boat looks like... cool
  24. Circular Quay... u see those red suits and those red people? They are boarding the JET-BOAT... will try that next time Before we depart, the captain made an announcement... they received satellite information... sea a bit rough... around 20 knots... too much wave... so can't locate whales via satellite imagery... offer us to return the next day instead None of us take the warning seriously
  25. Stopping by Circular Quay to pick up more passengers... this is one of the most sought after apartments in Sydney... Sydney Opera House is just on the left... I heard around AU$3 to 7 million a unit
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