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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. My Tridacna Gigas... showing significant growth... Latest parameters: Magnesium: 1400 Calcium: 350
  2. Good news... even without running the AquaMedic NR1000 for a week now... my NO3 is still below the 1ppm mark! Will monitor it closely... if NO3 remains low after the coral transfer... obviously there is no need for the NR1000
  3. No lah... you are smart coz the D+D Phosphate test kit is known to give very clear colour indication... hence the easy part. Well if money don't buy convenience (easy)... what else will Do you know that you can get some discounts if you buy direct from their shop? Hehe... i learned that after I bought many many stuff from them online Well... that time their shop not ready yet lah.
  4. Red Rubies? Emm... where u bought it?
  5. Yes... Sharp Plasmacluster... old generation
  6. Bro Chercm... cool... however your cables a bit messy atm... I will be working on cable management next week... perhaps we can look at it together Can you take a shot of your FR? How come there's no media inside?
  7. The only casualty from my Sydney trip... the inlet was clogged during my trip... so I presume everything is dead inside... I will decom it by removing everything from the chamber... heavenly smell expected
  8. Wow... the LEDs are only at 20% power? Gonna be blindingly bright if go 100%
  9. Wah!!! Total rescape!!! Must be very busy this weekend... Wanna consider making the mountain higher?
  10. Nope, underneath the DSB is a 1/2" gap separated using the plenum
  11. Bro Teo... I am still finalizing my LS List... early planning indicates towards: 1) Avoid large fishes, low bio-load... 2) Transfer all corals from home tank... will not add any new corals until the tank is ready for more challenging SPS 3) Phase II consists of 2 (possibly 3) more tanks all connecting to Phase I, will have Refugium + Seahorse and 2 species tank for propagation/breeding experiments
  12. Someone will have a 4 footer to fill up next 2 weeks
  13. Oh the haze is so bad... my fish find it hard to breathe
  14. Yes bro Lyz77... I know what to do... seen your tank before
  15. In a way... yes the PVC pipes will make rockscaping more challenging... but that I will leave it to Steve My LR will be in by the 20th this month... slightly delayed but not without good reasons
  16. This is how my "future" overflow compartment cabinet looks like... housing the Aquatronica Control Unit and Tunze Multicontroller 7095... the challenge is actually to organize the electrode/module cables and Tunze Streams transformer boxes Note: The pix is not real
  17. Flake food is not recommended to be used on auto feeders as they may get stucked... almost impossible to get consistent flow... I am using the classic Eheim feeder... reliable in my opinion
  18. Here's a FTS Some equipments are yet to be installed... the 2 tubs of Sorb-4 and Black Gold is the position for my dual-chamber Skimz FR, powered by Aquabee UP1000. No space for CR... will have to kick start phase II immediately As you can see... my main tank is still very empty
  19. Latest test results: kH: 4ºkH Nitrite: 0.2 ppm Nitrate: 10 ppm My Calcium Reactor is on its way... by next week... I hope kH can be optimized
  20. Dun rush... i'm sure you know what i mean
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