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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Bought the M size pellets... very good coz sink very well... I hate pellets that floats Like the pack of silicone jelly inside My fishes just eat like any other pellets... IMO... despite what they claim... this product is good enough as daily staples as it is fairly priced... more than 50% cheaper than some branded pellets Made in USA
  2. Guys... enough of your conspiracy theory... can we help bro Toyboy post some pix please? I really curious how long is a 12ft tank Bro Toyboy, perhaps you wanna check under "My Control" to activate posting of pictures
  3. You know how I like to spoil my fishes (and my Cup Coral) Found a new product... I'm sure you guys know where to find this product
  4. Ya hor... such high profile position must share share lah
  5. No they are not under shade... it's the camera trying to adjust as the sand bed is too bright... yes Pratas do need ample light... of course supplemental feeding will keep them really really happy
  6. Forgot to bring the Green Mussel back from office... so bought another pack of market shrimp for tonight's feeding... chopped them finely... my fishes love it!
  7. I just finish my water change... so hardworking
  8. Wow... they are alive!!! Emm... actually they are quite beautiful Here you go... my first tank inhibitants... a 5-cent Green Mussel
  9. That pack of market shrimp expired... time for a change... will feed my pratas and mess up the tank before water change
  10. Went shopping during lunch time... bought a pack of Fresh Green Mussel Placed 2 inside my sump to create more Ammonia... the rest will bring back... as Prata food
  11. Bubble Master... a bit under utilized Ammonia is almost undetectable now... I must really consider what to do next while waiting for the LR
  12. It's annoying for my tank too... and at night (all gonio tentacles closed)... my Queer Nemo will go to my Xenia for some good night sleep
  13. I'm doing water change tonight too... finally Try to buff up KH a little
  14. Then you can also get fishes from Henry... he will be happy to demonstrate the power of his MIX in front of your eyes before you buying the fishes... make sure they feed before introducing into your tank And may the BUBBLES be with you...
  15. Skimmate very dry? Emm... wet skimming is better in general... perhaps you need to add 2 fishies into your tank this week Henry's mix is fish food mixed by Henry... Marine Life's boss... it is very delicious... most fish cannot resist it... but it can create skimmate in split second efficiency
  16. For cutting fish feed like "sotong" and etc... I believe
  17. Finally... 0ppm for my home tank... now what's taking me so long
  18. Before I reveal my new toy... let's take a reading of my home tap water using the portable TDS meter... 67ppm... how impressive
  19. Hi bro ToyBoy... Welcome to the club!!! 12ft? Wow... have not seen such a scale for a very long time... and I look forward to learning from you since you are a researcher in this field... I am very much into feeding too... so if you need tanks for experiment
  20. I know what's the best method... Henry's mix
  21. Bro Weishun... do drop by more often... more excitements the next 2 weeks
  22. Best Deal of the month!!! These mags will keep me very busy for the coming weeks
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