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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Emm... looks very bright to me... is it a bit overkill at the moment... at least for the initial period... considering you using a German magnetic ballast and a world class MH bulb
  2. Better not to stress it with food... anyway your lighting should be sufficient for it to sustain itself now
  3. Which "secret" are you referring to? If that one... in 2 weeks... if the other one... very soon
  4. Wah bro... all those kitchen utensils... your WIFE gonna kill you
  5. u might wanna consider double layer
  6. Looking good bro... looking good
  7. Any pix to show us how unoptimistic this poor soul looks like?
  8. Yes thanks for the advice... I believe once I fire up my CR... my KH will be quite in acceptable range
  9. Impressive upgrade... and I love its overkilling power But... outside the cabinet like that... emm... TIME FOR A BRAND NEW 3ft CABINET
  10. Yes bros... not a single fish (or inverts)... oh dear I am setting a bad example here
  11. Yes he is... DAY IN DAY OUT... MH YEAH!!!
  12. Measured at 11am: KH: 7dkh pH: 8.0 Ammonia: <0.25ppm Nitrite: 0.1ppm Nitrate: 5ppm I think the Ammonia stage is over... the Nitrite level is a bit on the high side (but not critical)... I expect Nitrite to become lower while Nitrate to spike a little within the next 2 days Luckily my tank has been cycled using sand bed, live sand, DSB and bioballs for almost 2 months
  13. Yes... since water parameters are in check... I've decided to move some of my existing stable corals over... so far I've only tried a Frogspawn and a colony of Man Eater Zoas... both looking incredibly happy Guys... please note that I have to do this transfer due to the scheduled decomming of my new tank... or else I will surely let things settle for another week or so
  14. The KH was 5dKh this morning... very low... luckily I brought over a bottle of Grotech from home... manage to bring it up to 7dKh. Remember not to increase more than 2dKH within 24 hours I already ordered a set of new Grotech additives yesterday... will be able to get it very soon
  15. Back in the office very early this morning... here's my Side View Added another Tunze Stream 6000 (without controller) to improve circulation
  16. Haha... yalor I think AM should put a warning sign next to that Hammerhead It happened to be before too... now Clowny_Lover... how come you were observing Colin's sister?
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