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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Here's a piece of US Zoas (from the shipment)... still recovering from the 3-day shipment... can see that the polyps are opening better and the colours improving... but they are pretty small colonies
  2. Here's my Rics corner... some of them are from the US shipment I need to space them out a little to allow them more room to grow...
  3. Colinsoon... you wish ah Unfortunately I will continue to haunt you for many years to come
  4. Wow... after seeing your pix... I wanna go FULL SPS liao
  5. Yes bro... I can't post... no idea why But hey I'm back... well lots to update tomorrow
  6. Here's my latest FTS with the overflow compartment opened... "showing off" the brains behind the system... must thank bro Hammy once again for those beautiful BE Anthias More to come...
  7. The Rabbitfish not consuming any algae but enjoys my garlic-soaked pellets instead
  8. Bro KennethK... small matter... we are family
  9. Haha... i will transfer my Chevron Tang next week... hehe
  10. Ok... time to introduce Cleaning Crew Team 2
  11. Oh dear... didn't expect this from my Foxface (aka Rabbitfish)
  12. Yeah... this piece is my pride and joy... bought if from G.O.
  13. Yes I know... my Colinsoon... only if you look like your avatar
  14. Bro Iantoh... I've removed the water... basically brown/orange dots (the size of medium fish pellets) floating in the water... curled-up... dead
  15. Thanks Jem for a very valid point... if this continues I will release the in me... I'm sure you guys know I am more than capable of returning "favours" Ok peace now... here's a nice shot of my slowly opening Pink Goniopora... taking very long... but it will get there
  16. Guys... relax... Bro Thomas Lim, I appreciate your advice... TCC is nothing but a bunch of guys "talking ######" through MSN... so looking at the nature of the club, dun think you guys should take it too seriously. Whether or not it should be separated from forums... that's up to me to decide. Apology accepted
  17. I agree totally... there are way too many "shady" dealings lately and I don't believe these "shady" characters are from the other forum...
  18. Latest PTS (partial tank shot) with my latest additions... 3 Blue-eye Anthias from bro Hammy's tank... and more Gonioporas from my hold facility
  19. Here's a pix of the flatworm killed by Seachem Reef Dip
  20. For me, 1 1/2 hours a day (excluding forum, msn and chatting with reefers)
  21. Hope all is well bro... all parameters back to normal?
  22. Thanks all for the kind wishes... just came back... collected 3 fishies from bro Hammy... went back office... everything looks alright Will update u guys tomorrow ok? Emm... this Friday TCC gathering? Why not
  23. No I have not dosed Strontium for the new tank... will do a test next week
  24. Wow... 6200 suitable for big tanks!!! SUPER DUPER WAVER!!!
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