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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. No lah... I just walk-in CF... they know me... so offer me although the fish is still under Quarantine Yeah... I got a feeling 1 might perish
  2. No need... there are around 5 pieces left at AM... some larger than my specimen
  3. Transfered some fish from home tank today... this Mandarin looks very happy here Shouldn't have problem finding pods to feed on as I have been adding copepods and amphipods (from home tank) into the office tank
  4. Thanks bro BIGBEN Here's a new tiny little fish I got from AM
  5. Wowowow... this has become TCC signature SPS
  6. Still calculating... probably $80 to $90 a month
  7. Actually the Aquabee 7000 would be an ideal pump... yeah don't rush... plan carefully
  8. This is way too abnormal... I dun think Mg can drop so rapidly... check your test kit... or perhaps the contnet of the Nitratlock affecting your test kit
  9. You need perhaps a 5000 L/h pump to minus off the head loss and resistance etc.
  10. No i have not found a solution...will continue to search for it this week
  11. If that's your intention... I think you can proceed with your plan... the 10 times turnover is just a rough guide... personally i prefer a more manageable return pump taking power consumption, heat and noise generated into great considerations... Another concern... do you have any electrical components beneath your skimmer? In case an overflow is to happen... the destruction may be fatal
  12. I lowered it to 25ºC - 26ºC yesterday... but my tank is in air-con environment... therefore the chiller does not overwork... will check my Aquatronica record today to see how hard the chiller actually works
  13. Bro Godzilla... partial side tank view can? I will take FTS tomorrow
  14. My first SPS frag from Jem... still the most meaningful piece to me... now I just need to slowly allow it to turn back to pink Polyp extension very promising-looking
  15. Thanks bro Hammy for selling this little gadget to me... with so many equipments running in my tank... no harm having it
  16. Ic... that makes sense... i will surely find a solution pretty soon... and getting a UPS is almost definite... just a matter of brand, price and capacity
  17. So your 1/10 arctica will kicks in at 26ºC... stops at 27ºC? Not bad
  18. Can lah... urs is the most advanced 2 ft cube I've ever seen... and with your dedication... anything is possible... i frag you my Monti next time lah
  19. Emm... ADT... ok i will do some research on all these options
  20. Hahaha... so you curse me small problems lah
  21. Wow... 3 pieces!!! Haha... good deal isn't it
  22. Thanks bro for your concern... my tank well... been running for 2 months now... and I am quite confident in keeping these Montis... other reefers have faith in my tank (guys... come collect your SPS soon lah)... there's no reason for me to doubt my setup. As long as the parameters are optimum... i really dun think age matters too much Anyway I heard you sold some of your prized fishes... what a waste
  23. Yeah the green one is Rainbow... the blue/red is pseudo-superman i heard... coz not red enough
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