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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Haha... everything is gonna change this Thursday... our dear Jem is going semi-hi tech
  2. It has begun... stocks are pouring in...
  3. Wah the way you put it not very nice leh... ATI BM remains to be a lot of reefers' dream... but yes, my new skimmer is a lot more cutting-edge and it can run my tank 10 times over
  4. Haha... you guys know my style... I like to try new stuff Yes the new lighting will be bright enough to meet almost all SPS requirements Germany side is still customizing the lighting for me... will probably receive it in 2 weeks time
  5. Hi there I can't get rid of it as it will stress my tank in order to catch it out... not worth the effort IMO... although 1 Helfrichi already in isolation... there is no sign of aggression yet All my fishes are not aggressive (I hope)... why a PBT? They are problematic
  6. How about a Hi-tech View Sorry about those wires on the top right corner... that lighting is temporary also
  7. FTS - Cat's Eye View... see the usual blue tint
  8. Looking good... now all you need is a Gem Tang in Jem's Tank
  9. Yeah... no choice... my Phase II turn out to be grander than previously planned... will almost double my current volume And since my ATI Bubble Master still commands a good second-hand value... might as well let it go Here's a FTS... this is one of the few occasions my camera able to capture the tank without looking too blue Sorry about the messy tank... most of the corals are placed temporarily till Phase II comes along I love my BE Anthias... can you guys spot the morphing male?
  10. Hehe... my Tunze filter traps a lot of pods... I just pick them up using a tweezer Slow but rewarding process Ok FTS coming soon... My new skimmer is coming in today!!!
  11. Wah your room got nice wall paper... beware of splashes
  12. Err... that's his dad's hands
  13. Nice attempt Jem... welcome back to the DARK SIDE You sure you wanna fire up that Canister?
  14. It's about the same price as normal Black Tang... hahaha suddenly Black Tang becomes "normal"
  15. I have no idea actually... according to CF this is the first time they receive hybrid Black Tang (2 pieces from Hawaii)... looking at it... it seems like a breed between Black Tang and Sailfin Tang... possible Another LFS told me... this hybrid is super rare
  16. Nope... I actually bought it from CF... it's a hybrid BT You like?
  17. Are you dosing Kalkwasser? If you ever need to dose Magnesium, try the new Grotech Magnesium... it is more economical than TM
  18. WOW!!! Very impressive... can I come to your place to see it in person
  19. It's amazing how quickly my FoxFace and BT graze my tank
  20. Nope... actually 5 TCC members own it
  21. I just love my West Tower... lovely But those Pratas can't stay there for long as I will turn that section of the tank to high flow area
  22. Transfered 2 more BE Anthias from home tank... now a total of 7!!! 1 morphed male (from home) 3 from Hammy's tank, 2 b'day gift from Jem & Jin... 2 from home
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