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Posts posted by jervismun

  1. Glad to announce that my Calcium Reactor has kicked in beautifully... here are some readings:

    Day 1 - Tuesday

    kH: 10 dkH

    pH: 8.0

    Ca: 410 ppm

    Mg: 1320 ppm

    Day 6 - Sunday

    kH: 12.5 dkH

    pH: 7.9

    Ca: 430 ppm

    Mg: 1350 ppm

    A sharp rise in kH, Ca and Mg within a short period of time... the tuning is probably more suitable for a tank full of LPS. With only a few pieces of LPS in the tank right now, I have tuned the CR to reduce its effectiveness. Will continue to monitor it :)

  2. Boss, the only problem is, because of my strong flow the sand bed often gets messed up. This is one of the reasons why i am reluctant to put my pratas on the sandbed.. if i make the flow any less, the sps wont be happy. Sigh.. difficult to achieve a mixed reef man...

    Yes... that's a real challenge... that's why SPS and LPS seldom coexist together :rolleyes:

  3. I dunno how to use Salifert.I guess i get Tropic Marine MG test from GO.

    Actually the Salifert Ca and Mg is not that hard to use. You just need to be able to tell the difference in colour between pink and blue. Anything in between is transitional. But of course not everyone perceive colour the same way.

  4. $110 cheaper electricity bill bloody well done liao lah but i think u gotta stop buying equipment sooner or later or the costs of the equipment kindof offsets ur savings in my humble opinion.

    Yupe agree totally... making our system more efficient is a good thing... but in the process waste resources too... will have to strike a balance there I suppose :)

  5. I got a whole collection of API test kit cause use for my angelfish tank.Freshwater.It is the most reputable.But interpet also good for freshwater.Found Salifert magnesium test kit also hard to read.Finally hear some bad comments abt it.Was thinking buying pH pinpoint meter.Magnesium dunno what other reliable test kit have mg test.

    For Magnesium, you can get Tropic Marin also. They have a Mag+Cal 2-in-1 which I find quite handy too. But I still find Salifert the most accurate :)

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