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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. My new lighting will come in 2 to 3 weeks time... and unfortunately is will NOT be LEDs
  2. Here's a Full Tank Pix... the LEDs are really focus
  3. Wow... even the pump looks a bit like RD
  4. Wah like Tour de France leh Let's gather a few more reefers... we shall do a major chiong before the year ends
  5. I will try to figure that out tomorrow since I left is on this afternoon But I dun suppose it will emit much heat considering the very low power consumption... Yeah LED is perfect for Pico tank without chiller Let me test out my macros and Zoas... let me observe them for a week
  6. I find a flaw in the above examples: Earn $2000 a month, spend $800 Earn $5000 a month, spend $800 Earn $30000 a month, spend $4000 If I earn $5000 a month... I will definitely spend more than $800 on goods and services
  7. New items added!!! http://web.mac.com/jervis.mun/iWeb/OFFICE_...arketplace.html
  8. You guys wanna go CF? I saw a lot of different macros there We can meet at Jalan Kayu
  9. Hehe... I moved some Zoas from my main tank as these colonies have not been doing well (under shadows) Some of the tiny frags keep being blown away by my Tunzes... so let's see if they will open up nicely tomorrow
  10. Thanks bro yvoneysi... I lowered the LED futher (5" from water surface) and it is much brighter now... much more focus too... the way I like it It's amazing how focus the light spread is Important note: Please do not take this too seriously (with a pinch of salt) as this LED lighting is not designed for aquarium purpose... I just find it an interesting experiment since this is my first LED experience
  11. But bro Colinsoon... you gotto love the shimmering effect
  12. Bro Godzillla... yeah I was drawn to the extremely low power consumption too... but the penetration may not be sufficient... I think this kinda LED (specifically as used here) is more suitable for a pico or small nano tank
  13. Here you go... ON effect... OFF is total darkness lah... since I've switched off my sump cabinet lighting. As you can see... the spread is not very wide... in fact very focus... it is quite appropriate for my narrow usage as I do not want my skimmer to start growing with algae Brightness wise... emm... let's see how's the macroalgae growth shall we?
  14. Here's how the sleek fixture looks like... barely noticable actually... this is temporary as my refugium area will expand to the ATI BM side once my Hydor Performer 3000 is up and running Some specs: Z•Bar LED Lamp US designed, China made (as expected) Bought from Homefix (Marina Square) 66 Ultrabright White LEDs 9.6Watt consumption Colour temperature 6000ºK to 8000ºK Warranty 1 year
  15. Ok lah... here you go... my latest toy Learn more at www.konceptech.com
  16. Hehe I will post soon lah... :angel: :angel:
  17. Berry inspirational bro... I will officially try out a refugium concept tomorrow Will experiment with LEDs
  18. I am planning for more stuff for my sump... I may wanna consider LED for my sump
  19. I can sense good things coming... probably bro Alex very busy as 2006 is drawing to a close
  20. Bro you are extremely lucky... that's the price to pay to play with fire Now I am very stress up by my anemone too
  21. I went back to office this afternoon to receive some buyers... a lot of collections today Most importantly is to meet up with the future owner of my ATI BM 250... deposit paid... will hand over the skimmer once my Hydor Performer 3000 kicks-in
  22. Here's my first Top View of my sump... as you can see... the skimmer outlet creates waves to the otherwise stagnant water surface Microbubbles from the skimmer are so very minimal... i dun think i will be able to capture it using my DSLR... even using macro lense
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