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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Went to a LFS for SPS shipment during lunch break today... met 2 reefers there Bought 2 pieces... here's how I slowly acclimatize them... using my Aquamedic Dosing Pump since I can't sell it
  2. Yupe those purple coralline are simply stunning... remind me so much of my decom'd Percula 90
  3. Yeah the colour is getting more and more intensed... woot
  4. Ok let me think of a funnier one... oh at the beginning... I didn't know Actinic and Blue T5 are different kinds... I always thought Actinic Blue is the same thing... so embarassing when I mentioned that to some LFS... then I get totally mixed up
  5. Yes!!! My Blackie will slide into the current... like surfing
  6. Err... no lah... more like cross channel
  7. Guys... I can't join you guys tomorrow coz there will be some M'sian reefers coming over to meet up and see my setup... you guys go ahead and have a crazy chionging time ok?
  8. Yeah I think if I am to move the seaweed to a lower flow area... that will solve the problem But the thing is... the blackie likes to hang around there... play with the current
  9. Emm... actually yes and no... perhaps I move the seaweed to a lower flow location tomorrow... but if you look at the Rics behind (2 to 3" away)... you can tell that the flow is not that great...
  10. A video of my Black Tang pecking on seaweed
  11. I'm glad you invested in that refractometer... I got a piece too... nice Wah that pink glove... really cannot take it... I must go your place... abduct your pinkie tonight... I know you are not at your home now
  12. Nope... I've come to a conclusion that although the LED looks really ######... it is not designed for this purpose. I'm sure within a year or two... there will be more LED products in the aquarium trade that work well and affordable.
  13. Wow... so many SPS shipment lately... we are all so so lucky
  14. Emm... he must has his own theory to claim such a bold statement... but I will not run a reef tank witthout activated carbon
  15. Here's a nice shot of my Algae Blenny... this guy really got character... and it is very useful in creating enough motion on the shell bed to stir up detritus... but you guys should see the bombing
  16. Actually not too bad... especially all those cave and all... this kinda scaping is best if you want to achieve excellent water current with very little or no dead zone... however it offers little room to your fishes to sleep at night or retreat to when threaten... and it is a little too low IMO... all in all... a very good attempt for a newbie
  17. I have not see a PERFECT BLACK NASO before... well done bro
  18. Yes black background is the best... except for Black Tangs
  19. The Zoas I placed in the sump ain't opening and there isn't any growth spotted on the macroalgae... installed it last Friday... so that's 5 days including today I mean... that's the thing about experiments... sometimes you get it right... but sometimes it's failure
  20. Hehe... bro you can read my mind... or am I that predictable?
  21. Guys... got a bad news to report... the 9.6W worth of LED simply ain't enough to promote growth Experiment failed The LED will go to my home computer desk tonight Thanks Jem for helping me to further lower my temporary MH fixture... now only 7.5" away from the water surface... compared to 16" previously Hopefully this will at least bring some colours back to my precious SPS
  22. Haha the GSP looking really healthy How long it took the True Percs to turn to black? Wanna consider an anemone?
  23. Wah bro... your life so exciting lah... doing business also can take photographs... just make sure no reflection on the glass hor
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