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Posts posted by jervismun

  1. As for the baby maximas, I would suggest u to place the clams higher up to the MH. Baby maximas thrives better with high lightings. I discuessed this with Bro Wonder and he agrees with it too. Better survival rates then placed on the sand. Jus my past experiences thou :rolleyes: Can take close up shots of the maximas when they opens up ? And yU are also right tat they are so unable to produce their own food yet, try dosing planton liquid frequently to feed them ya.

    Thanks for the suggestion... I will do that tomorrow :thanks: Yeah... another incentive for me to start my Grotech Phytobreeder :eyebrow:

  2. i've nvr feed mine before... hahaha.... but still growing well... but it die with most of the coral and fishes when i upgraded my tank....

    Oh really? You didn't target feed your baby clam? Do you provide them plenty of light?

    That's great news for me bro... great news :bow: :bow: :bow:

  3. Well, thinks its reefers destiny to run into such mishap at times... Chiller spoiled(Choy), tank crashed( Choy Choy), tank crack(Choy Choy Choy) Blah blah :whistle Ur tank stable now ? Think recently there's quite a lot of shipment. Let me know if u eyeing anything, can look out for u :rolleyes:

    Here's a pic of my nemo from C.F, wat do u guys thing ?? :rolleyes:

    Power cut (Choy Choy Choy Choy :pinch: ) Sorry to hear about the horrific incident... well... someone should keep that fat guy Murphy busy all the time :heh:

    Nice unique percula... I bought 4 Percs this morning :D

  4. Finished product :eyebrow:

    Placed on the sand bed... underneath my 150W MH.

    I am currently researching on how to keep these baby clams happy... they definitely require target feeding at least 3 times a week (using Phytoplankton or coral food for filter feeders) as they are not capable to fully produce their own food yet. Will be monitoring their health closely in the coming days for sure :)


  5. Thanks to all the SPS training... working with superglue gel is such an easy task... I only stick to one side of the shell (not both sides of course! :pinch: ) The contact point is quite minimal... just enough to hold the clams to the rock... while offering much needed flexibility especially at a later stage.

    The entire "operation" took about 5 mins... the patients looked pretty stable :heh:


  6. Went Coral Farm this morning (got wind of special shipment from Australia)

    Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish

    Bought 4 cute specimens as I wanna witness them form a small school :)

    Extracted from www.liveaquaria.com

    It can be found individually, or more commonly, in pairs or small groups within the same anemone such as Heteractis magnifica or Stichodactyla mertensii. These tank bred clownfish grow to a maximum size of 3 inches in the aquarium, and may be kept singly or in groups.


  7. Expected.... They are not easy fish to keep. I have 1 managed to survive for more than 4mths. Then it just MIA after i introduce new fishes in. The key to keep them is to have a mature sand bed with organism. Not with new sand bed. They never learn to eat other than the sand.

    I didn't know they have such bad track record... will never attempt this species again :(

  8. It is like a graveyard with all the stuff there. I do not know how to get rid of this deadspot.

    I am thinking of getting a gravel cleaner to remove the stuff during weekly maintenance.

    You can buy one of those extra large syringe with long extension... suck them out once a week... that way you don't have to mess up too much :idea:

  9. I have done a FW dip yesterday for my 3 zoas. I have also killed about 4-5 Nudis attached to my tank glass.

    2 of my Zoas seem to recovered and extend after 2 hours of the treatment.

    This morning, I did not see any Nudis on my glass. I hope that I have contain the problem at least for now. Thanks for all your advices.

    How many nudis left/died in the FW container? Be prepared for another round of FW dip as there might be eggs around :pinch: But anyway FW dip is not that difficult a task :D

  10. Oh dear... your Zoas are looking pretty mess up... you should do the 5 min freshwater dip asap... trust me... it's very satisfying to see those nudis being removed from your zoas... great photo ops :lol: :lol: :lol: That snail looks like Turbo to me... at least from the cone shape of the shell... nevertheless it is doing miracle :)

    Another thing... the latest pix you posted... the clownie at the bottom right corner... looks like Snowflake Percula :shock: :shock: :shock: I've only seen it once in a London pet store and they were selling that pair for 600 pounds :erm: Any close up shot of your nice clownie? :lol:

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