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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Some nice Zoas I bought over from a reefer
  2. Haha... I know... time to reveal some of my recent acquisitions...
  3. I think 29ºC a little too high. If you are running a chiller... a range of 27ºC to 28ºC is ideal
  4. A closeup... Fluorescent Green base with Baby Blue polyps I think it will look great next to my Rics
  5. Here's another piece of SPS I bought yesterday... Montipora Palawanensis
  6. Since you guys enjoy my Black Cap so much... here's another shot... my unique Nemo is getting blacker and blacker
  7. Nope... just using a normal 30mm - 70mm lense that comes with the body as a package... looking for a good/affordable macro lense
  8. My Cleaner Wrasses are around 1.5" to 2"... my Black Cap is an adult size
  9. Symbiotic relationship display at its best
  10. No use bro yvoneysl... it's already gone Bought 2 Cleaner Wrasses this morning as I notice parasites on my fishes... and in order to help keep my Cleaner Wrasses survive (longer)... I will feed them fine foodstuff such as Cyclopeeze, Reef-Roid, Arcti-Pods & etc. Immediately after I introduced the CW... my Black Cap came out of hiding... demand to be cleaned
  11. My first casualty spotted this morning A slightly disintegrated Sand Sifting Star Molting spotted too... dosed Iodide yesterday
  12. Emm... ok I think I've created a confusion here... I was trying to say... since no update from tank owner... will have to wait for the IR to build a giant reef tank
  13. No lah... can't possibly be... probably this is a variant of the usual Acropora... but aren't those polyps lovely?
  14. Yupe... I'm going back tomorrow morning at 9am Here's a video for all to enjoy... amazing polyps I must say
  15. Yupe... come to think of it... it's a crime to make them obese
  16. Yeah maybe an increased amont of seaweed will help in keeping our fishes lean and healthy... not stuffed with double-chin
  17. Bro Simon... your pix really I think i will continue to feed my Tangs seaweed What do you usually feed your Tangs?
  18. Colour wise... it is slightly purple/brown base with baby blue tips (with white extended polyps) It comes with a small communal crab
  19. An Acropora which I have difficulty identifying... can someone help ID it? I found some very similar looking species on the net... but can't be certain: Acropora lokani Acropora caroliniana Acropora granulosa The extended tentacles (or should I call polyps) are quite amazing... readily with the extensions... from LFS tank... to my home tank
  20. Emm... I guess we will have to wait for the Sentosa IR then...
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