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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I always like "petit" toys... here's a very cute pump from Hydor... perfect for pico tanks or salt mixing (overnight)
  2. Hammy have you recovered? I thought you should be quite used to running the wheels
  3. Busy day at work... 3 meetings back-to-back... but still manage to change 10% water today I've prepared the water yesterday anyway... still using Marine Environment salt mix Also got time during lunch to do quick LFS shopping... will share with you guys later
  4. Sis where have you been? How's ur tank?
  5. Thanks bro... no I am not damn rich... I just have a steady income, no family to take care of and reefing is my only hobby
  6. Guys... if only I could catch a fish out so easily Here's a stunning pix of my Mandarin... lovely
  7. Hehe... I believe by then my refugium will be ready... I will leave a large area empty for your macros
  8. Haha... kinda scary actually... TURTLE tank
  9. Ok enough joking around guys... Now back to reefing, shall we? Bad news... I notice another BE Anthias (second largest specimen) already started to show signs of morphing... this is a very bad news I can foresee one of the male BE Anthias losing the battle
  10. I wait for you guys at a nearby parking lot... then we run there together I think I can manage 400m
  11. Bro... how's your Moorish Idol? Is it alive and kicking?
  12. Emm... I can order from Cold Storage if you guys are into giant tough chicken
  13. Anyone interested to bring a large bag to take away my Sony DLSR and my office Powermac? How about abducting me too
  14. Nope... I have 2 Stream 6000 running in my tank (alongside return, flushing system & Nano 6025)... 6000 will not create sand storm if you are not using grade 0 sand.
  15. Second time? Oh dear... me bad Bros and sis (any sis please say YES)... I will be organizing another gathering at my office before Christmas... you guys must come support hor
  16. Emm.... I can see you are just running a single Tunze Stream... is that the Stream 6100? If yes, how do you like the current of just running 1 Stream? I suppose your LPS prefer it this way... can see from the way the Prata opens up
  17. IMO chiller can rest for the time bring unless the tank temperature rise to >30ÂșC... warmer water is better for bacteria cultivation As for the skimmer... it really depends on the state of your LR and how fast you want the cycle to end. The best is (if you dun mind the longer time and smell) to not on the skimmer... let the rocks "rot"... but the smell can be ... more easier said than done actually
  18. Thanks bro! So how's the Chionging session yesterday?
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