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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I think the Crab died of exhaustion
  2. Wow!!! A feature of the Eneye Computer system will be very very nice
  3. Here's a feature I particular appreciate... not seen in many skimmers A very secure Water Discharge feature to enable easy drainage of chamber water. Washing the skimmer is so much easier now that I don't have to worry about removing the water by the usual way of overturning the entire skimmer Just another tiny feature that works!
  4. Well done Hammy... a very information first-hand piece of work... I agree with you in almost every aspects (except those that I do not have direct experience on such as AZ-NO3, PURA and Canister). For test kits, I am currently using both Tropic Marin and Salifert... both provide me with the same reading with +/- 5% accuracy. To add to your list: 1) A Bioball-based Denitrator - Previously in my home tank, I introduced an Aquamedic NR1000 Denitrator to remove NO3 from my relatively small tank. The result is satisfactory as I overstocked the tank at the later stage. NO3 remains <5ppm for the entire life span of the tank. However, I was being lucky also as a lot of reefers attempted a few times in order to get the denitrator to work properly. It's definitely not a toy for newbies. 2) Refugium - This is something that I will be exploring fully very soon. Will share with you guys the result but I believe success stories are everywhere... just google it! 3) Live Rock - Anaerobic bacterias are responsible of consuming NO3, releasing Nitrogen gas. Anaerobic bacterias thrive in oxygen low area such as deep inside Live Rocks. Therefore, if you have sufficient amount of healthy Live Rocks within your system... the rocks themselves are denitrator in their own rights. Will leave some for other reefers
  5. And believe it or not... the product comes with a 24 months warranty against defects in material or manufacturing defects... by Hydor Italy... now that's a very good assurance
  6. The world’s most quiet skimmers (values measured at a distance of 80cm) Flow regulation at completely open 39 db/partially closed 36 db Well the above is quite a claim (don't you agree?) Will have to run it for a while in order to tell... this is one of the selling-point that draws my attention to Hydor. As for the flow regulation (be it open fully or partially closed) doesn't affect the Performer 3000 as it is advised by Hydor to open fully the Venturi. I believe the Silencers (aka Spice Bottles) will further reduce the noise level. The Venturi tubes (3 in total) can be neatly cable-tied and run round the back of the main body connecting to the Silencers.
  7. Thanks to the use of our new seltz pumps for skimmer with rotormix impellers, performer guarantees: 1. super efficient water circulation and foaming 2. disappearance of particulate matter 3. high air concentration in main chamber 4. very low noise level 5. low energy consumption Here's a closer look at the proprietory Rotormix Impeller... I find the 3 spikes/2 spikes arrangement rather interesting... believing in its ability to chop fine bubbles effortlessly. The pink is a little turn-off though (Pix courtesy of Tangs, currently reviewing Hydor Performer 900)
  8. Some stats MODEL: PERFORMER 3000 HEIGHT: 63 cm FOOTPRINT: 17 X 31 cm HEAVY STOCKING: 3000 Litres NORMAL STOCKING: 4000 Litres FOAMING PUMPS: 3 X L45 SK (26W each) WEIGHT: 14.5 kg POWER CONSUMPTION: 26W x 3 = 78W (Roughly $10.00 a month) PRICE: Check Here!
  9. Elegant and easy to use, the performer range is built with high precision cnc machined parts made with top quality materials guaranteeing safe and versatile applications in both marine and reef aquariums. Now this is something that I would like to focus on... CNC Machined Parts... take the neck connector for example... it is being carved-out of a single block of PVC with the help of CAD... making the parts highly precise compared to hand-made. Look at the thickness!!! This piece of PVC is particular good to hold and to feel... definitely well-received by those reefers who appreciate quality finishing. If I am not wrong, only 1 other (luxury) brand skimmer currently utilizing this production method. And I heard the setting up of such system (both hardware and software) can be both costly and complex. The base of the collection cup also features the same CNC Machined PVC to able to achieve a PERFECT fit The rest of the body uses Cast Plexiglass tubes 3-5mm (thickness) I am no technical expert (although I currently hold a degree in Product Design by Curtin )... this WEBSITE will give an introduction to CNC... easy enough to digest within minutes
  10. As I am no expert... I will be quoting Hydor along the way... those information found on their WEBSITE will be in BLUE Hydor and Lgaquari, thanks to their wonderful cooperation, have created a new, complete range of skimmer that guarantees extraordinary performance. Lgaquari Website (In Italian) From Lgaquari's website, I found that they do have a similar line of product with Hydor... although Hydor Performer 3000 can be seen as an upgraded version of the Lgaquari LGs3000C... according to sources, Hydor acquired Lgaquari not too long ago
  11. Firstly, let me start off with something that is crucial to me when I look at a product... it's country of origin. Being there the same day the Hydor shipment arrives awarded me with great assurance... no question and doubt about it... the protein skimmer (alongside other products) are Made In Italy... direct from Milan to Singapore (DHL)
  12. Hi guys As predicted/expected... here's a new product review. Just got it installed yesterday... therefore will be updating very frequent for the next 2 weeks with loads of great pictures!!! I believe, although Hydor skimmers are relatively new... most reefers had already gotten a good overview of what the brand stands for, wht the product is about, etc. And there are loads of information flying around the net and other forums. Therefore, I shall not overlap the information too much to save your time and my time. Besides sharing nice pictures, I will try my very best to answer questions regarding the protein skimmer and the brand behind it. Don't feel shy... although constructive/relevant questions are much more appreciated I also notice that it is almost impossible to do a protein skimmer review without pulling in a few other brands/products as comparison... this is NOT ALLOWED here and I hope you guys will help me achieve a relatively peaceful thread. Let's agree on this "Every product is good in its own rights, targetting to different reefers with different requirements and affordability". Ok let the picture rolls
  13. The next batch of Tunze Nanostream should be in very soon... I heard if you preorder... you get a 10% off launching price
  14. Another view... look at the details and colouration
  15. Ok my thread is getting boring and dry... here's a pix of my morphing Blue Eyes Anthias
  16. Yes you got more important "functions" to attend Here's how my Sump No.1 looks like... foreground PVC from DI water top-up... background (left) return from Sump No.2 (right) return from chiller
  17. Here's the gravity feed back to Sump no.1 A very simple concept actually... will consider adding a "cage" to avoid blockage or use Aquatronica to deactivate the feed pump if water reaches dangerously high level
  18. Bro you have a lot of questions... let me try to answer one at a time... The inlet for the air (known as Venturi Tube) is via these 3 Silencers
  19. Things are so properly planned and put together... to Steve
  20. I must say that this is a nice looking sump... much better than I originally planned... the Drainage Tubes will discharge water (with microbubbles) into a separate chamber (to the rightmost)
  21. Here's a cat-eye view... always makes things seem larger than life
  22. Here's my new BABY Just fill up with enough water in the chamber to test out the Foaming Pumps The green tube (feeding) is temporary and that piece of plank the skimmer is sitting on will be replaced by a proper material later on Sump No.2 is still dry... will allow the silicone to dry up for 1 more night (just to be sure)
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