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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Emm... they are so tiny... those are copepods right? I can see a few amphipods around too
  2. That's why I recently suggested a reefer to start a new tank with Artificial Rocks... but then sooner or later those artificial rocks will be: "The inside of the live rock would be a good place for them, and it appears that they are probably there (Risk and Muller, 1983). It would seem that the assumption that live rock contains the appropriate denitrifying bacteria is therefore valid" As quoted from your link above
  3. Please re-read your statement... I think you are missing (or dodging) the point
  4. CF always got Cleaner Shrimps... the last round I went... they have from both Indo and Sri Lanka... all sizes too Definitely worth the trip
  5. Where is the DE light pix? Emm... I can't seem to find it
  6. Thanks for the concern dude... Steve is already constructing a stand for it
  7. Yes mix the 2 parts (equal parts) into a single light purple colour
  8. Yes I am facing that difficulty too...I thought it will only affect Macs running on Safari
  9. Been using this for a while now... revealing for the first time Actually I find this product very easy to use as it is much easier to mix the two parts together... compared to another brand I used when I first started the hobby
  10. Reefzzzz beware of the Pink Glove!!!
  11. Haha bro... wow you manage to find that pix... well... all I can say is... this hobby is as fluid as our imaginations Now that you reminded me... the cabinet extension looks so cool... I will put it as Phase III then... will kick off 2nd Q of next year
  12. Bro... I've already highlighted the issue (hopefully clear enough) 10 minutes ago And if you notice... all recirculating-type skimmer manufacturer will not add in the main pump (in terms of power rating) as it is up to the reefer in the end to choose what kinda pump to go with... there are some German pumps that consume as little as 40W... there are some other cheaper alternatives that can consume as much as 110W. And not forgetting the fact that I mentioned earlier... gravity feed is possible... which will equals to NO feeding pump required. Same concept goes for chiller. You don't suppose a chiller manufacturer will also include in the Feeding Pump as part of the power consumption rating
  13. Decided to change the original Venturi Tubes to a stiffer blue tubes... as I find the original tubes bendable (as shown in the picture) But please do not take it as a sub-standard tube that Hydor is providing... in fact, I've done a search on the original Rauclairâ„¢-E tubes and I am very impressed by my search results... I might change it back to Rauclairâ„¢-E if I manage to find more impressive facts about the product But I don't suppose the Rauclairâ„¢-E can withstand Ozone... so beware for those using Ozone Generators.
  14. This is a recirculating-type protein skimmer therefore a feed is required. However, a lot of smart reefers will feed the skimmer as part of the return (using gravity)... that's a good idea if you want to stick with the 26W x 3 equation... in this case... no return pump is required... just a ball valve and some pipings involved. As for my case, I will be replacing my chiller feed pump, Aquabee UP3000 (45W) with an Aquabee UP5000 (75W)... T-off to the skimmer. So yeah, for my case, I need to add 30W to the entire equation due to the lack of planning at the initial stage 30W is around $4.50 a month But if you are looking for a straight-forward all-for-one skimmer... the ATI Bubble Master is a very good example
  15. Hi bro Gunzo Since this article is under General Reefkeeping... we do have the responsibility to project a certain theory loud and clear. Using LR as part comprehensive nutrient control (ie. Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate) has been tested for decades now. Perhaps those internet links are not too convincing to you. Here's a part where Anthony Calfo and Robert Fenner clearly confirm the claim in their book "Reef Invertebrates, An Essential Guide to Selection, Care and Compatibility" page 13. On the other hand, I would also like to learn from you. Perhaps all the books I've been reading were outdated. If you have some new information and facts about "How LR cannot possibly help reduce Nitrate"... do share with us here. But appreciate if you can highlight those parts instead of providing us some links
  16. Looking at the thickness and the construction of the glass tank... yes...
  17. Here are some basic dimensions... the main chamber is roughly 1ft in diameter. The collection cup is slightly less than 10" in diameter... seen here next to ATI BM 250's collection cup And this giant collection cup holds 4.5L (3 Evian bottles)
  18. Right now... I've fire-up all 3 Foaming Pumps... they create bubbles in a circular manner (cyclone effect)... as the Feeding Pump is not functioning, the pumps are basically recirculating the water over and over again. I am doing this to allow the pumps and the skimmer to start kicking in while waiting for the water inside Sump No.2 to be ready Do not judge the amount of bubbles yet as the pressure is not right and the absence of water feed will not give any actual indication
  19. Sad to announce... there will be a slight delay to the firing up of Hydor Performer 3000 As you can see from the pix below... it took me the entire afternoon to fill up 60 US Gallons using DI water... decided to take it slow and steady due to the fact that this 60 US Gallons is as much as 1/3 of my overall volume... any inconsistency in the water quality will threaten the balance of my system. Therefore I will run the salt mix for a day or two... make sure all parameters in sync with my main tank... and then connect both sumps slowly coz I am trying to avoid a temperature spike too
  20. YES!!! Hehe... I bought 2 Seems like the demand is very high as I've been searching for it for quite some time... the wait is finally over Still got a couple of pieces left... respectable size... less than 2 Red Notes http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...?pcatid=701&N=0
  21. Guess who's the culprit Free Snail anyone?
  22. Got something very sad to report... my F. Ric been munched off
  23. Actually it is more like outsump... a hybrid
  24. Yeah it kinda expected actually... mine died after 2 weeks
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